Millions people live, from childhood to death, convinced that they are Capricorns, Sagittarius, Aries, Virgos, Cancers, Libras, etc.
Most agree with the proposed features, many doubt, the skeptics do not believe. The half-truth in astrology now so intertwined with the truth that it may be easier or to completely accept or to completely tear away these ideas.
But in this way we will not solve the problems of this area of knowledge. We need patience and courage to carefully analyze all and separate the wheat from the chaff. Then it’s ceased to consider astrology as pseudoscience and it will bring humanity a lot of valuable information.
As has already been mentioned several times in this book, astrology has arisen not today. It exists more than one thousand years. And all this time it did not stand still, and was developing and improving. And the astrological characteristics of human psycho-types arose not from scratch. Detailed observations and deep, meditative analysis preceded to their identification and description.
It should be recognized that even though the fact that modern western astrology school did not make adjustments related with the displacement of the constellations, their descriptions of horoscopes, for those who born in certain numbers, or in those of other months are reasonably accurate. Astrologers continue to work and to watch. They fix reality, though not always.
Therefore people studying astrology do not need to radically break all received ideas about the signs. Essentially, they have remained almost unchanged. Just the names have changed.
Study, analyze, correlate.
Definitely it can be argued that the former Signs of Fire – are the current constellations of Water. I.e. on the place in the calendar, where once Fire was, now there is Water. The Solar Water Sign - is when the sun is projected onto the constellation of Water, and our planet at this time passes through the constellation of Earth element. Please note this corresponds to reality very much. The element Earth always points to one of three giant celestial bodies influencing us. At this time, we reach the greatest number of particles emitted by the given Nucleus - as of the upper Plans and of the lower. And the total number of particles is maximal here. I.e. and the upper chakras receive the greatest development and the lower, and besides stronger than at the other elements.
This indicates a tendency to most harmonious development of the body. No skew or the side of the Spirit, nor the Matter. The powerful body, feelings, mind and soul.
We are accustomed to name by Fire those who actually born under the Solar Signs of Water (do not forget about the turning of constellations).
Former Aries - are actually Pisces (mid-March - mid-April). The planet at this time is in Virgo. It’s the closest to the Central Body.
They are the strongest, the most rebellious, the most anger, the most energetic. The soul of this human is invincible and the body too.
Former Sagittarius – is present Scorpion (mid November – mid-December). The planet is projected on Taurus. It indicates on the Nucleus of Supergalaxy.
They are more balanced and calmer compared with Aries-Pisces. But only in comparison with them. They have very powerful and strong body.
Lions - are Cancers. The planet is projected onto Capricorn, "empty" sign, experiencing only an additional influence from the Nucleus of the Galaxy known as mentioned, by most materialistic character of its radiation. Perhaps that's why the Lions-Cancers (mid July - mid August) – are the people with the greatest bias towards the development of lower centers above the higher. The body for them - it's the most important thing. They are the biggest lovers of sensual pleasures. At the same time their body is able to withstand very high loads without too much damage to humans.
Fire is the next in the sequence of the zodiac elements - after Earth. The Solar Sign of Fire, due to turning, it’s Air. The Sun is projected on the constellation of Fire, the planet - on Air. In each group this element indicates compared to Earth a more distant location relative to the corresponding Nucleus.
The total number of particles is less. The ratio of particles of higher and lower Plans is shifted towards the latter. The upper chakras receive more development than the lower, compared to the previous element of Earth. And general stimulation of all centers is weaker.
Everyone thinks that Water signs are such mystical, mysterious, all-round developed and vigorous. But, in fact, it is an Air Sign. And their characteristics can be easily explained by their location in the row of elements, by the quality and quantity of the resulting radiation affecting on the ratio of chakras development.
Undoubtedly the current Solar Air Signs (before they were Water) – are second on temperament (vigor) of all, after Water (considered as Fire in western astrology).
The former Pisces (mid February - mid-March) are the current Aquarians. The planet is projected onto Leo, the Sun is in Aquarius. It’s an influence of the Central Body.
Those who were believed as Scorpions (mid-October - mid-November), now are Libra. The planet is in the constellation Aries, and the Sun is in Libra. This group belongs to the Nucleus of Supergalaxy.
And yesterday's Cancers (mid June - mid July) now are Gemini. Our Earth is projected onto Sagittarius and the Sun - onto Gemini. They have simultaneous influence from the Central Body and the Galactic Nucleus.
We hope it’s not too difficult for you to keep track of all these twists combinations of projections of the planet and our star?
All the time remember that here we are discussing at the same time as constellations and the Solar Signs. And they are always directly opposite each other.
The third element in each group of the zodiacal constellations is Water. If you are talking about the Solar Sign, this is Earth. The planet is projected on the constellation of Water, and the sun - on the element of Earth. In the current classical western astrology the element of these Solar Signs is called Air. They include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Jyotish, Indian astrology, argues that it is now Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
In each of three groups of constellations this element indicates the more distant position relative to the corresponding Nucleus.
The ratio of radiations from the Solar Signs of the element Earth is significantly shifted to higher plans. Upper chakras are more developed, but in general in a lesser extent than at Signs of the preceding elements. Body needs are easily met, because they are small, or pacified. All efforts are directed at improving the mind and soul.
Astrologers (and anyone familiar with astrology and such people are now the majority) well know that sociable intellectuals are dominated among the "Air Signs" (now they are signs of Earth). Their body and senses are light, agile and obedient. They are slender, beautiful, nice people.
Air is the fourth element in each group. If we are talking about the Solar Sign, this is Fire. The planet is projected on the constellation Air and the sun on the element Fire. In the current classical western astrology the element of these Solar Signs is called Earth. They include Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Jyotish tells us that now they are Aries, Leos and Sagittarians.
This is very peculiar element of the zodiac signs. They are pronounced intellectuals, that is, "to the bone". But in contrast to the previous group, Water-Earth Elements (formerly Air), who are sociable, these people are intellectuals are closed. They do not like crowds, avoid contact with large groups of people. They are single-persons, loving reading, thin informal conversations, appreciating of art and peace. Most often they are punctual organizers, analysts are behind the scenes.
In each of these three groups of constellations this element indicates the most distant position relative to the corresponding Nucleus.
If we compare with the rest elements in the zodiac sequence, Air is located in a kind of "energy pit". What does this mean? And the fact that the total number of particles received from its own Nucleus is already small, due to the distance. And the number coming from the neighboring giant body is so small that you can’t take it into account. Of course, we are not talking about the peculiar group of constellations receiving the full radiation from two Nuclei simultaneously.
The ratio of radiations at the Solar Signs of the element Air in the greatest extent is shifted to the higher plans. This means that mainly the upper chakras are developed, but in general, even less than at signs of all other elements.
This shift to the chakras of upper level leads to a curious situation. It is these energy centers receive the greatest impulse to the development, since they are opened most of all and felt by human in the greatest extent. And he (she) inevitably becomes an intellectual, so the remaining undeveloped chakras did not distract from the mental activity.
These signs in some way are pariahs among the zodiac signs. Excessive pedantry, dry and melancholy emanate from their astrological characteristics. Nobody wants to be such.
Astrologers are right largely. Air signs (in western astrology this is Earth) really have to exert more effort than the signs of other elements to fully perceive the world around them. Ability to express their thoughts and feelings, to be spontaneous and active, is weakened at them. They have to make an effort to interact with the environment in the greatest extent.