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The numbers of the correct answers in Listening Comprehension/ Part 1/.

1 – C, 2 – D, 3 – A, 4 – C, 5 – B, 6 – B, 7 – C, 8 – C.

The numbers of the correct answers in Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension /Part 2/.

9 – C, 10 – C, 11 – C, 12 – D, 13 – C, 14 – B, 15 – B, 16 – B, 17 – B, 18 – D.

The numbers of the correct answers in Structure and Grammar /Part 3/.

19 – C, 20 – A, 21 – C, 22 – D, 23 – D, 24 – C, 25 – C, 26 – C,27 – B, 28 – C,

29 – D, 30 – A, 31 – C, 32 – A, 33 –B, 34 – D, 35 – C, 36 –B, 37 – A, 38 – C, 39 –A, 40 – is, 41 – has signed, are, 42 – to sell, 43 – will not be able, contact, 44 – be able, 45 – has been working, know, 46 – had agreed, would have given, 47 – were, would discuss, 48 – will have signed, 49 – more interesting, 50 – better.

The translation of the sentences from Russian into English /Part 4/.

1. He is interested in producing new models of equipment both in Russia and in England.

He does business with many Russian companies.

2. Now they are discussing the questions of payment and delivery of equipment to England.

3. They have already discussed the terms of the contract.

4. Mr Bell will meet them at the airport and will help them at the talks.

Composition “Job routine of a businessman” /Part 5/.



2.TEST ¹ 2


Section I. Listening Comprehension.



A) For each problem in Part 1 you will hear 5 short conversations between speakers. At the end of each conversation there’ll be a question about what was said. The question will be spoken just one time. After you hear a question about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question.

On your sheet of paper mark your answer. For example 1C or 2B.

TIME: 10 minutes


1. a) at the dentist

b) at the shop

c) at the Customs

d) at the Employment Agency


2. a) at the University

b) during winter semester

c) all the year round

d) only in summer


3. a) 5

b) 3

c) 1

d) 2


4. a) a holiday trip

b) a business trip

c) a tourist trip

d) a trip for a conference


5. a) a hospital

b) an employment agency

c) a cafe

d) a Laundromat


Questions NN 6 – 10 are based on the following text:

6. a) Politechnic University

b) Medical Institute

c) Aerospace academy

d) Agrarian University


7. a) 1992

b) 1993

c) 1994

d) 1991


8. a) a consulting firm

b) an employment agency

c) a big plan

d) a Research Institute


9. a) It was far enough from his house.

b) The salary was very low.

c) He didn’t like the job.

d) He had to work in shifts.


10. a) at the University

b) in a shop

c) at the employment agency

d) in a joint venture


Section II. Reading Comprehension.

In this section you will read several texts. Each text is followed by several questions about it. After each question there are four answers. You are to choose the best answer (A), (B), (C) or (D) to each question. Then mark the correct answer on your sheet.

TIME: 30 min. Questions 15

TEXT A. Questions NN 11 – 15 are based on the following text:

The first auction of land in more than 70 years took place in the city of Ramenskoye, Moscow region in 1992.

The event was attended by all local officials and some high ranking guests from Moscow.

The building where the auction was held was attacked by pickets who denounced the organizers for selling Russia out. There were not many buyers at the auction, but there were a lot of Russian and foreign journalists.

The buyers of land represented commercial structures, but they didn’t look like capitalist sharks. Their plans for the future were closely connected with the purchased plots of land. All of them had the opinion that the prices “were not murderous at all”.

The villagers were not going to be among losers. As much as eighty per cent of the returns from the auction in Ramenskoye went to the local budget. To get several million rubles for 0,15 hectares of land was quite a bargain. The chief result of the auction was that the neglected land found owners who know how to use money to improve it.

Ramenskoye authorities planned a new auction in some time.


11. Approximately how many years ago did the first auction of land take place in Moscow region?

a) 5

b) 6

c) 2

d) 10


12. Why was the auction building attacked by pickets?

a) They thought the organizers to sell the Russia out.

b) They greeted the first auction.

c) They demanded higher prices for land.

d) They greeted Russian and foreign journalists.


13. Who attended the auction?

a) only foreign and Russian journalists.

b) all local authorities, high rank guests, journalists and buyers.

c) only commercial structures representatives.

d) only local authorities.


14. What was the prices for 0,15 hectares of land?

a) less than one million rubles.

b) less than one hundred thousand rubles.

c) some million rubles.

d) some thousand rubles.


15. What were the plans of Ramenskoye authorities for the future after the auction?

a) to stop selling Russia out.

b) to organize a new auction.

c) to invite foreign farmers.

d) to sell plots of land to local farmers only.


TEXT B. Questions NN 16 – 20 are based on the following text:

India is an agrarian – industrial country with a capitalist economy. About 20 per cent of the national income is produced in industry, more than 40 percent in agriculture. As to an absolute industrial production India ranks tenth in the world. The state sector of the country accounts for about one third of industrial production. In takes key position in such branches of industry as coal and oil-mining and processing, power generation, metallurgy, etc.

The big Indian monopolies play an important role. The ten biggest monopolies control more than fifty per cent of all the capital in the private sector of industry. Despite the growth of heavy industry, the textile, especially the cotton and jute industry is still the main branch. It is followed by the food, drink and tobacco industries.

India is the biggest cotton producer in the world. But India agriculture has so far some problems. The agricultural reform has been inconsistent. About one quarter of the agriculture is still based on semi-feudal conditions. There is a lot of local hand-weaving in the more than 570.000 villages in the country.


16. What type of economy is typical for India?

a) agrarian

b) industrial

c) semi-feudal

d) agrarian-industrial


17. What place in the world is occupied by India in absolute industrial production?

a) 9

b) 10

c) 8

d) 11


18. What part of industrial production does the state sector account for?

a) 1/4

b) 1/3

c) 1/5

d) ½


19. What is the main branch of industry in India?

a) food

b) drinks

c) cotton

d) tobacco


20. How does the agrarian reform go in India?

a) very quickly

b) by fits and starts

c) consistently

d) without problems


TEXT C. Questions NN 21-25 are based on the following text.

The food we eat has a deep effect on our health. Although science has made some steps in making food more fit to eat, it has made many foods unfit to eat. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty per cent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty per cent of cancer is related to diet as well.

That food is related to illness is not a new discovery. In 1945 scientists discovered that nitrates and nitrites, commonly used to preserve color in meats and other food additives, caused cancer. The additives we eat are not all so direct. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows. Sometimes similar drugs are given to animals not for medical purposes, but for financial reasons. The farmers are trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the marker. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tied to control these procedures, the practices continue.


21. What are nitrates used for?

a) They preserve flavor in packaged foods.

b) They preserve the color of meats.

c) They are the object of research.

d) They cause the animals to become fatter.


22. What does FDA mean?

a) Food Direct Additives

b) Final Difficult Analysis

c) Food and Drug administration

d) Federal Dairy Additives


23. Approximately how many years ago did the scientists discover that nitrates cause cancer?

a) 20

b) 30

c) 40

d) 60


24. How many per cent of all human illnesses are related to diet?

a) about 20

b) about 40

c) about 70

d) about 80


25. Why are the farmers trying to fatten animals?

a) for getting a higher price on the market

b) for the consumers only

c) for making research

d) for medical purposes


Section III. Structure and written expressions.


Questions 26-40 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentences you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Put down your answer in such a way: 1A, or 2B.

TIME: 25 minutes. 25 Questions.


26. I am thinking of my own business.

a) start

b) starting

c) starts

d) startings


27. I would like to decide on in my business.

a) hire and fire

b) to hire and to fire

c) hiring and firing

d) to hiring and firing


28. He has declared personal bankruptcy, ?

a) haven’t he?

b) haven’t we?

c) hasn’t he?

d) has not he?


29. Limited partnerships are a common form of ownership in real estate, oil prospecting and accounting .

a) aren’t they

b) aren’t it

c) aren’t them

d) isn’t it


30. When hiring an employee, the employer considers two sets of qualifications,

a) isn’t he

b) aren’t he

c) consider he

d) doesn’t he


31. My friend graduated from Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, ?

a) doesn’t he

b) didn’t he

c) did not he

d) does not he


32. Next year I start my own business and get tax benefits.

a) shall be able to

b) shall be able

c) shall able to

d) shall can


33. He did not declare personal bankruptcy. He to pay all his liabilities.

a) must find money

b) must have found money

c) will have money

d) must had found money


34. If there is a personnel office in your company, you them to help you find a qualified applicant.

a) can to ask

b) could to ask

c) can ask

d) will can


35. The first set of ratios is considered with the overall financial structure of the company.

a) to deal with

b) deal with

c) dealing with

d) dealt with


36. I would like to evaluate Return on Investment Ratio.

a) of him

b) to him

c) him

d) he


37. I saw her in one of the commercial banks of our city.

a) to exchange currency

b) exchange currency

c) for exchanging currency

d) to exchanging currency


38. An importer buys merchandise from another country the currency of that country.

a) to use

b) used

c) using

d) to have used


39. While a long-term loan, you should find a bank giving so-called prime-rate.

a) to take

b) used

c) taken

d) taking


40. The letter of credit by the National Bank gave him an opportunity to get money in Poland for establishing joint venture.

a) issuing

b) issued

c) issue

d) to issue



Questions 41 – 50 are incomplete sentences. You are to open brackets and put down your own correct variant.


41. We (to study) equity funding for 2 months so far.

42. By the end of the year they (to advertise) their new product in all the newspapers of our city.

43. We (to attract) already financial resources and now we (to issue) new stock.

44. Next week they (to distribute) profits and losses and (to evaluate) firm’s financial condition.

45. Last year they (to make) a right choice and now they (get along) well.

46. If we (to combine) resources, we (get) profit very quickly and (to expand).

47. If you (to study) his sets of qualifications last month, you (to understand) that he (to be, not) suitable for the position.

48. Each share (to represent) by a stock certificate which is negotiable.

49. He declared personal bankruptcy. He (must, lose) his personal assets.

50. This corporation needed financing badly.

It (should, use) the debt funding for it’s further development but it didn’t do it.



Section V. Write a composition: “I am starting my own business”.

TIME: 30 minutes.

Number of words: approximately 200.


Keys. TEST ¹2.


Section 1. Listening comprehension.

Part A.

1. – Miss, have you got anything to declare?

– Oh. I’ve got a bottle of whiskey and a box of chocolates. Are they liable to duty?

– No, thank you, Miss.

The question: Where does the conversation take place?

2. – John. I’ve heard you have a new hobby. What’s your hobby?

– Oh. I’m in the computers. I work with my computer all my spare time – in winter, autumn, spring or summer.

– Even in summer?

– Yes, really.

The question: When does John work with the computer?

3. – Miss, what flights to London have you got?

– There are flights on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.

One flight a day.

– Thank you for your information.

The question: How many flights do they have a week?

4. – Jane, it’s a long time since I saw you last. Where have you been all this time?

– I’ve just returned from America. My friend – an agronomist from California invited me to spend holidays there.

– Lucky you.

The question: What kind of trip was it?

5. – John, they say you have started your own business.

– Yes. I’ve been always good at cooking and I’ve got a cafe with my name on it where I make decisions and where I control the profit.

The question: What kind of business has John started?

Questions NN 6 – 10 are based on the following text.

I’d like to tell you a few words about my friend. His name is Peter Larson. He graduated from Siberian Aerospace Academy in 1994. He is an engineer, but now it’s a problem for an engineer to find a good place to work. So, looking for a job first of all he went to the employment agency where he was offered a job at a big plant. But this place was too far from his house and because of traffic problems he refused it. But then he saw the last page of “Moscow News” with “Job market” columns. Many people advertised in this newspaper looking for a job. Peter used the chance and in a month one of the employers asked him to send two sets of qualifications. Peter sent his resume where he gave information about his education, experience and skills. Soon he was invited to one of the joint ventures in the city. His personal characteristics were evaluated through the interview and he got a good job with high salary not far from his house.



The questions:

1. What institute did Peter graduate from?

2. When did he graduate?

3. What was the first place he went to find a job?

4. Why did he refuse the job at a big plant?

5. Where is he working now?

Numbers of correct answers.

1c 11d 21b 31b

2c 12a 22c 32a

3b 13b 23d 33b

4a 14c 24d 34c

5c 15b 25a 35a

6c 16d 26b 36c

7c 17b 27c 37b

8b 18b 28c 38c

9a 19c 29a 39d

10d 20b 30d 40b

41. have been studying

42. will have advertised

43. have attracted,

are issuing

44. will distribute

will evaluate

45. made

are getting along

46. combine

shall get

shall expand

47. had studied

would have understood

would not have been

48. is represented

49. must have lost

50.should have used






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