Since I plan to speak directly to humans my research will have to be approved by the Nazarbayev University Institutional Research Ethics Committee. I will work on receiving this approval by contacting the committee person responsible for screening the research administered by students. I will discuss and ask for consultation what is needed to receive the approval. In case of protocol necessity I will prepare the protocol of my research and submit it to the committee.
Concerning the anonymity and informed consent I will acknowledge the participants with the general purpose of the research. I will also inform them that the data I receive from them will only be used in my current research and will not be published anywhere. I will tell the participants that no one beside me and the course professor will have access to the research materials. Another important point is that I will perceive full anonymity and confidentiality of the participants’ identities which I will also tell the participants.
IV. Data analysis
Since most of my research will focus on observation I will keep field notes of what I will observe in Facebook. Most probably I will record digitally the patterns and behavioral traits that I will see on my mobile phone or computer. I will copy the interviews from Facebook messages additionally to the field notes.
The data then will be coded; hence, I will develop general codes and search for them through collected data. The data and codes will then contribute to the findings and conclusion that will be derived and included.
I cannot discuss the data analysis in more details because it depends on how the research will flow and develop during the process itself. Ethnography is characterized by the research process dependency; most of the research aspects will evolve during the research.
V. Conclusion
In this paper I presented my research plan for the ethnographic research in social networks particularly Facebook. It is not exactly clear and certain because many aspects and methods will be identified while conducting the research. Direction of my research will be on the language, communication, and behavior of Facebook users. Also how people change their language culture in Facebook. I presented literature review which included library books and articles from electronic resources. The research methods contented of observation of Facebook communication and conducting interviews. The ethical aspects were discussed as well, one of which is approval of the research by Nazarbayev University Institutional Research Ethics Committee. Moreover, the issue of anonymity was covered since participants will be informed about the purpose of research. Collected data will be coded and analyzed to reveal the concluding results.
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