Scupper talks If someone is accusedof torpedoing or scupperingFounder When discussions end because of disagreement, talks breakdown, founder orbreak down collapse.
Collapse When negotiators behave in away that may cause talks to collapse, but hopebrinkmanship to gain advantage if they continue, they may be accusedof brinkmanship.
Scupper talks If someone is accusedof torpedoing or scuppering
Torpedo talkstalks, they are accused of intentionally causing them to collapse.
· The Jakarta talks, faltering from the outset would in all likelihood have collapsed had it not been for Washington's announcement on 5 September.
· The talks foundered because most ministers were unable to accept a package of compensatory measures for farmers likely to be hit by proposed cuts.
· A great number of speakers at the meeting made it clear that it was pointless to go on with this sort of farce. In spite of what appeared to be total breakdown, talks will continue later today.
· The American delegation are speaking of imminent collapse; there is a very real danger of the talks breaking down with serious consequences/or the world economy.
· The Malaysian Minister of International Trade Rafeta Aziz criticized Europe for toying dangerously with the world economy. I’m not sure whether some people are playing the brinkmanship game so that they will try to create some crisis situation, and that makes people get stirred up!
· That move has led left-wing legislators to say Shamir does not intend to negotiate but rather torpedo the talks. It has also caused his foreign minister to withdraw from the delegation.
· Jacques Delors was last night accused of sabotaging thousands of British jobs for the sake of personal ambition. He was accused of scuppering crucial trade talks to avert a world trade war by EC negotiator Ray MacSharry.
5 Key to destruction. The same key word from this section is missing from all these extracts. Which is it?
battle. The paper says that a game of political up to twelve times this limit. In a show of a German negotiator. Behind the emotion is And there is, it seems to me, a cynical game of the realisation that the time for manoeuvre and it can play one of Yugoslavia's oldest games -next year, would like to end the farcical
has begun at Westminster with the political
, the government says that Mr Collor will veto any
. By asking for a lot, Mr Kohl and Mr Delors hope
being played here, possibly by both sides
is now running out. Moreover, in his ruthless
and bluff- as well as any of the country's
of the budget-setting process in the state
Breakthroughs, deals, accords and agreements
Breakthrough Sudden progress in talks is abreakthrough.
Outcome Breakthroughs are often described as major, important, significant or dramatic agreement may lead to a successfuloutcome of the talks.
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 899