| Having reached the end of my poor sinner’s life…
| TO SIN an action that is against religious rules and is considered to be an offence against God: She needed toconfess hersins and ask for forgiveness. He knew that he hadcommitted a terriblesin.
| I prepared to leave on this parchment my testimony…
| 1.a material used in the past for writing on, made from the skin of a sheep or a goat
2.a document written on parchment
| An abbey whose name seems… pious and prudent.
| PIOUS having strong religious beliefs, and showing this in the way you behave: He was a quiet, pious man. PRUDENTsensible and careful, especially by trying to avoid unnecessary risks: It might be prudent to get a virus detector for the network.
| …as we entered the battlement.
| a low wall around the top of a castle, that has spaces to shoot guns or arrows through
| What if he should learn it of his own accord?
| without being asked or forced to do something:
He decided to go of his own accord.
The door seemed to move of its own accord.
| venerable Jorgen
| formal a venerable person or thing is respected because of their great age, experience etc - often used humorously:
venerable financial institutions
the venerable guitarist Pat Martino
| In order to command nature one must first learn to obey.
| to do what someone in authority tells you to do, or what a law or rule says you must do [≠ disobey]:
The little boy made no effort to obey.
Soldiers are expected to obey orders without questioning them.
| I saw a brother making for the spot in some haste.
| to go in the direction of a particular place [= head for]:
I think it's time we made for home.
| His humour and comic images were almost ΄infamous.
| well known for being bad or evil:
an infamous killer
This area is infamous for drugs and prostitution.
| May I speak with you ΄candidly? – You seem most anxious to do so.
| CANDID telling the truth, even when the truth may be unpleasant or embarrassing [= frank]: She was quite candid about the difficulties the government is having.
| wiles of the evil
| clever talk or tricks used to persuade someone to do what you want:
It was impossible to resist her feminine wiles.
| This is my ΄novice.
| someone who has recently joined a religious group to become a monk or nun
| That’s why I need a council of an acute man.
| quick to notice and understand things [= sharp]:
Simon's vague manner concealed an acute mind.
| I am indeed reluctant to burden you with my dilemma.
| slow and unwilling:
She gave a reluctant smile.
Maddox was reluctant to talk about it. Reluctantly, he agreed.
| Devil is roaming this abbey.
| to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpose or direction [↪ wander]: Chickens and geese roam freelyin the back yard.
You shouldn't let your children roam the streets.
| Let us try to solve this puzzle.
| to find the correct answer to a problem or the explanation for something that is difficult to understand [↪ solution]:
More than 70% of murder cases were solved last year.
attempts to solvea mathematical equation
| My master trusted the Greek philosophers and the faculties of his own remarkable logical intelligence.
| a natural ability, such as the ability to see, hear, or think clearly:
the patient's mental faculties
the faculty of sight
| Why else would someone go up there in the middle of a hail storm?
| frozen rain drops which fall as hard balls of ice:
heavy showers of rain and hail
| Do you think this is a place abandoned by God?
| to go away from a place, vehicle etc permanently, especially because the situation makes it impossible for you to stay [= leave]:
Fearing further attacks, most of the population had abandoned the city.
| May serenity reign once more in our hearts.
| very calm or peaceful:
The child's face was serene and beautiful.
a serene mountain lake
| Woe is us! Father, he is in the barn!
| used to say that you are extremely unhappy or in a difficult situation
| I am to blame. Had I not believed your convenient explanation, the second tragedy might not have happened. (Gr)
| to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad:
Don't blame me - it's not my fault.
I blame his mother. She does everything for him.
| With the second trumpet the sea became blood.
| a musical instrument that you blow into, which consists of a curved metal tube that is wide at the end, and three buttons you press to change the notes
| Those who have not taken our vows, naturally.
| = Those who have not taken the monk vows. the promises you make when you become a Catholic priest or nun
| Do you find many circumstances in which you apply arsenic, brother Severin?
| a very poisonous chemical substance that is sometimes used to kill rats, insects, and weeds. It is a chemical element: symbol As
| Flesh can be tempted, according to nature or against nature. They were not of the latter disposition.
| TEMPT to make someone want to have or do something, even though they know they really should not:
If you leave valuables in your car it will tempt thieves.
I'm tempted to buy that dress.
LATTER formal being the second of two people or things, or the last in a list just mentioned [≠ former]:
In the latter case, buyers pay a 15% commission.
| I said repentance. I am a monk.
| when you are sorry for something you have done
| The hunchback was once, undoubtedly, a heretic.
| not polite MIan offensive word for someone who has a large raised part on their back because their spine curves in an unusual way
| “Penitenziadjite” was the rallying cry of the Dolcinites.
| a word or phrase used to unite people in support of an idea:
'Land and Liberty' was the rallying cry of revolutionary Mexico.
| They slaughtered the rich.
| to kill a lot of people in a cruel or violent way [= butcher]:
Hundreds of innocent civilians had been slaughtered by government troops.
| The step between an ecstatic vision and sinful frenzy is old and brief.
| a state of great anxiety or excitement, in which you cannot control your behaviour
The women were screaming and in a frenzy to get home.
| Snow is often the parchment on which the criminal unwillingly writes his autograph.
| (See above)
| Let us commit the autograph of this sole to our memory.
| flat bottom part of a shoe, not including the heel:
the soles ofher shoes
| He has rimmed glasses.
| literary to be around the edge of something:
His eyes were rimmed with fatigue.
| …the pagans plunged Saint Moors into the burning water..
| pagan religious beliefs and customs do not belong to any of the main religions of the world, and may come from a time before these religions:
ancient pagan temples
| Providence doesn’t want futile things glorified.
| actions that are futile are useless because they have no chance of being successful [= pointless]
It was futile to continue the negotiations.
This sums up Owen's thoughts on the futility of war.
| You would intrude on our sorrow with idle banter.
| INTRUDE to come into a place or situation, and have an unwanted effect:
It is to be hoped that TV cameras never intrude on this peaceful place.
BANTER friendly conversation in which people make a lot of jokes with and amusing remarks about each other:
easy banter between her cousins I watched the guys as they bantered with the waitresses.
| I wager my faith that the tower contains something other than air. (Gr.)
| used to say that you are confident that something is true
| It must be bolted from the inside. How do we get in?
| BOLT a metal bar that you slide across a door or window to fasten it
| Sagittarius (Zodiac sign)
| |
| My magnifying glasses!
| a round piece of glass with a handle, used to make objects or print look bigger
| Where are your wits, boy?
| your ability to think quickly and make the right decisions:
Alone and penniless, I was forced to live onmywits.
| a rib cage
| Guess!
| The girl I saw scuttling out of here.
| to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are afraid and do not want to be noticed:
A little lizard scuttled across the path.
| If he’d been young and beautiful, she would have blessed him with carnal favours for nothing.
| formal relating to sex or someone's body:
carnal desires
| Will you hear my confession?
| when you tell a priest or God about the bad things that you have done:
You must go to confession.
a priest who hears confession
| (Gr.) I would rather you told me first as a friend.
| Discuss.
| Are you not confusing love with lust?
| very strong sexual desire, especially when it does not include love:
My feelings for Lauren were pure lust.
| I want only her own good. I want her to be happy.
| Discuss.
| Do you think this is chicken? It looks more like a sparrow.
| a small brown bird, very common in many parts of the world
| Lime leaves in the bath are always used to alleviate pain.
| make something less painful or difficult to deal with:
a new medicine to alleviate the symptoms of flu
measures to alleviate poverty
| smudge of blue paint
| a dirty mark [= smear]
a smudge of lipstick on the cup
| I detect nothing in your obscure dissertation that sheds any light on the mystery.
| to make something easier to understand, by providing new or better information:
Recent research has shed light on the causes of the disease. Investigators hope to shed light on what started the fire.
| Wrecked by remorse, he wOndered weeping and desperate in the graveyard.
| strong feeling of being sorry that you have done something very bad [↪ regret]:
Throughout the trial, he had shownno remorse.
She felt a pang of remorse for what she had done.
| He dragged the body down to the pig’s pen to avert suspicion falling on him.
| to prevent something unpleasant from happening:
The tragedy could have been averted if the crew had followed safety procedures.
| I shall now ask you to refrain from further investigation.
| formal to not do something that you want to do [↪ abstain]:
Please refrain from smoking in this area.
| Is this not your vanity, your stubborn intellectual pride that brought you into this conflict?
| much pride in yourself, so that you are always thinking about yourself and your appearance:
Sabrina had none of the vanity so often associated with beautiful women.
| Do not tempt your fate twice.
| (See above)
| You are mad and arrogant, but I love you.
| behaving in an unpleasant or rude way because you think you are more important than other people:
He was unbearably arrogant.
| He thinks too much, relying always on the deductions of his head.
| to trust or depend on someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do [↪ reliable, reliance]:
I knew I could rely on David.
Many working women rely on relatives to help take care of their children.
| Look more closely.
| looking at, thinking about, or watching something very carefully [↪ closely]:
She lifted up Jenny's silver medallion to take a closer look.
Don't worry, I'll keep a close eye on the kids.
You could have improved your answers by closer attentionto detail.
| Perhaps they are thought to be too precious, too fragile?
| easily broken or damaged [= delicate; ≠ strong]:
fragile bones
Be careful with that vase - it's very fragile.
| …to doubt infallibility of the word of God…
| INFALLIBLE always right and never making mistakes [≠ fallible]: No expert is infallible. an infallible memory He had an infallible cure for a hangover.
| The trap door, the mirror.
| a piece of equipment for catching animals:
The only way to catch mice is to seta trap.
He stepped into a bear trap covered in snow.
| I must confess, it deludes me.
| to make someone believe something that is not true [= deceive]:
It is easy to delude yourself into believing you're in love.
Don't be deluded into thinking your house is burglarproof.
| Spit it!
| to force a small amount of saliva (=the liquid in your mouth) out of your mouth:
A group of fans spat on the players as they left the field.
| In the early days, when the inquisition strove to guide, not to punish.
| formal to make a great effort to achieve something:
I was still striving to be successful.
| I acquitted the man.
| to give a decision in a court of law that someone is not guilty of a crime:
The judge directed the jury to acquit Phillips of the murder.
| I was put in prison, tortured and I renounced my decision.
| if you renounce an official position, title, right etc, you publicly say that you will not keep it any more [= give up]:
Edward renounced his claim to the French throne.
She renounced her citizenship.
| The debate has greatly impaired unity of our Holy Mother Church.
| to damage something or make it not as good as it should be:
The illness had impaired his ability to think and concentrate.
| The book is in dispensary.
| a place where medicines are prepared and given out, especially in a hospital
| I was in the granary, taking the ΄inventory.
| a place where grain, especially wheat, is stored
| Do you deny the confession of your accomplice?
| a person who helps someone such as a criminal to do something wrong
| I squeezed the hungry peasants with tithes.
| a tax paid to the church in the past
| You looted the property of the church.
| to steal things, especially from shops or homes that have been damaged in a war or riot: Shops were looted and burned.
| This entire mystery hinges on the theft and possession of a book written in Greek.
| if a result hinges on something, it depends on it completely:
His political future hinges on the outcome of this election.
The case against him hinged on Lewis' evidence.
| We are indignant at brother William’s behaviour.
| angry and surprised because you feel insulted or unfairly treated
Liz was indignant at the way her child had been treated.
an indignant reply
| the sole surviving copy
| = only (FML)
| He embraced me fondly, like a father. And sent me on my way.
| to put your arms around someone and hold them in a friendly or loving way [= hug]:
Jack warmly embraced his son.
Maggie and Laura embraced.