White (1979) stresses flexibility in the workplace when he offers the axiom "You will realize as much from your people as you allow them to produce" (p. 108).
2. Author is not named in introduction to quotation:
CATS, a troubleshooting program, was designed to "improve the repair record of GE hardware in railroad companies' repair shops" (Dietz, 1986, p.32 138).
3. Author has several works listed in the References. The works in the References are differentiated by their dates, so no special treatment is necessary; if an author has two works dated the same year, differentiate them in the text and in the References with a lower case letter after each date (1985a, 1985b).
Schendel (1985a) points out that "conventional EPS molding equipment must be modified in order to mold the polyethylene foam" (p.16).
4. Paraphrases are handled like quotations. Give the author's last name, the date, and the appropriate page numbers:
Swita's discussion (1985) of Techmate shows that it has superior physical properties and chemical composition (pp.16-19).
6. Block quotations employ one minor citation change. The period is placed before the page parentheses. Do not place quotation marks before and after a block quotation. Indent the left margin five spaces and double space. Do not indent the right margin.
According to Schendel and Swita (1986),
in the past, cushioning materials had to be fabricated to conform to the desired inserts in the package. The process was time-consuming and required expensive fabricator techniques. New cushioning materials, however, can be molded to the desired form, thus eliminating the need for fabrication. (6)
Reference List
The reference section (entitled "References") contains the complete bibliographic information for each source you use. The list is arranged alphabetically by the last name of the author or the first important word of the title.
Follow these guidelines:
• Present information for all entries in this order: