1. Taxes are not expected to increase. 2. The average increase in earnings last year was 6%. 3. Have you got a permitfor that gun? 4. I cannot permit such behaviour. 5. The President had an armed escort. 6. The receptionist will escortthe visitors to the meeting room. 7. His business interests conflictwith his public duty. 8. The border dispute may lead to armed conflict between the two countries. 9. There has been a decreasein the birth rate. 10. The number of the members is expected to decrease. 11. There will be a storm of protest. 12. I'm going to protest. 13. Every child rebelsagainst authority at some age. 14. The rebels in the hills will never surrender. 15. ContrastTom with his sister. 16. The rebelsin the hill will never surrender. 17. Contrastmakes it look better.
The nouns defined below are all related to phrasal verbs. When you say the nouns, make sure the first syllable is stressed.
1. an armed bank raid ..a hold-up...
2. a burglary ..............
3. an appearance by a star who had retired..............
4. a sudden strike..............
5. a cinematic device where the film switches to an earlier period..............
6. a sudden period of heavy rain ..............
7. a mechanical failure ..............
8. a ten second period immediately before the departure of a rocket..............
9. the moment of departure of a rocket..............
10. (initial) expenditure on a particular project..............