You can specify files on the command line if you wish. If there is more than one argument to sed that does not start with an option, it must be a filename. This next example will count the number of lines in three files that don't begin with a "#:"
sed 's/^#.*//' f1 f2 f3 | grep -v '^$' | wc -l
Let's break this down into pieces. The sed substitute command changes every line that starts with a "#" into a blank line. Grep was used to filter out (delete) empty lines. Wc counts the number of lines left. Sed has more commands that make grep unnecessary. And grep -c can replace wc -l. I'll discuss how you can duplicate some of grep's functionality later.
Of course you could write the last example using the "-e" option:
sed -e 's/^#.*//' f1 f2 f3 | grep -v '^$' | wc -l
There are two other options to sed.
sed -n: no printing
The "-n" option will not print anything unless an explicit request to print is found. I mentioned the "/p" flag to the substitute command as one way to turn printing back on. Let me clarify this. The command
sed 's/PATTERN/&/p' file
acts like the cat program if PATTERN is not in the file: e.g. nothing is changed. If PATTERN is in the file, then each line that has this is printed twice. Add the "-n" option and the example acts like grep:
sed -n 's/PATTERN/&/p' file
Nothing is printed, except those lines with PATTERN included.
The long argument of the -n command is either
sed --quiet 's/PATTERN/&/p' file
sed --silent 's/PATTERN/&/p' file
Using 'sed /pattern/'
Sed has the ability to specify which lines are to be examined and/or modified, by specifying addresses before the command. I will just describe the simplest version for now - the /PATTERN/ address. When used, only lines that match the pattern are given the command after the address. Briefly, when used with the /p flag, matching lines are printed twice:
sed '/PATTERN/p' file
And of course PATTERN is any regular expression.
Using 'sed -n /pattern/p' to duplicate the function of grep
If you want to duplicate the functionality of grep, combine the -n (noprint) option with the /p print flag:
sed -n '/PATTERN/p' file
Sed -f scriptname
If you have a large number of sed commands, you can put them into a file and use
sed -f sedscript <old >new
where sedscript could look like this:
# sed comment - This script changes lower case vowels to upper case
When there are several commands in one file, each command must be on a separate line.
The long argument version is
sed --file=sedscript <old >new
Also see here
Sed in shell scripts
If you have many commands and they won't fit neatly on one line, you can break up the line using a backslash:
sed -e 's/a/A/g' \
-e 's/e/E/g' \
-e 's/i/I/g' \
-e 's/o/O/g' \
-e 's/u/U/g' <old >new
Quoting multiple sed lines in the C shell
You can have a large, multi-line sed script in the C shell, but you must tell the C shell that the quote is continued across several lines. This is done by placing a backslash at the end of each line: