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Question tags ON FIRM


Verb in statement Verb in tag examples
be be This is yours, isn’t it?
have (possess) do You don’t have a watch, do you?
have got have You haven’t got a brother, have you?
have (auxiliary) have You haven’t seen Joe, have you?
do do You do aerobics, don’t you?
can can She can swim, can’t she?
could could We could do better, couldn’t we?
may might It may rain, mightn’t it?
will will You won’t tell him, will you?
would would He’d like that, wouldn’t he?
needn’t need We needn’t come, need we?
must must We mustn’t make a noise, must we?
have to do We have to work harder, don’t we?
need to ought to shouldn’t do oughtn’t should She needs to be there, doesn’t she? I ought to have done it, oughtn’t I? It shouldn’t cost that much, should it?
  Special cases  
  I’m on duty tomorrow, aren’t I? I’m not late, am I?
  Let’s surprise them, shall we?  
  Turn the sound down, will you?  
  There isn’t any danger, is there?  
Somebody/someone, anybody/anyone, nobody/no one, everybody/everyone, Everybody is sleeping, aren’t they?  
Nothing, something, everything, neither, no, none, no one, scarcely, barely(åäâà), hardly, hardly ever, seldom Nothing happened, did it?No salt is allowed,is it?Nothing was said,was it? Peter hardly ever goes to parties, does he?
Uses: To get agreement from the person we’re speaking to. You don’t come from Spain, do you? You come from Italy, don’t you?
  To ask politely You couldn’t give me a hand with this box, could you? You don’t know anything about computers, do you?
  To order people to do things politely (The tag is usually positive) Be careful, won’t you? Clear the table, will you?
  To make an informal offer Have a drink, won’t you?
  To make a polite suggestion Let’s go to the beach, shall we?


I. Fill in the spaces with the correct tag.


1 Your dad does the cooking, .............................................? Yours never does the housework, ....................................? 2 There’s not much we can do about it, ..............................? 3 It’s a beautiful day, ..........................................................? Yes, let’s go for a walk, ...................................................? 4 You’ve got a bicycle, .......................................................? Yes, you no longer have yours, ........................................?   5 You weren’t cheating in the test, .....................................? No, I’d never cheat, ..........................................................? 6 You don’t know his secret, ..............................................? 7 You could take up tennis, ................................................? 8 You’d rather carry on with volleyball, .............................? 9 She lost her temper, .........................................................? 10 Yes, but she shouldn’t have , ...........................................?    


1. doesn’t he…does he 2 is there 3 isn’t it…shall we 4 haven’t you…do you 5 were you…would I 6 do you 7 couldn’t you 8 wouldn’t you 9 didn’t she 10 should she



I. Question tags after negative statements

Add question tags to the following statements.
Bill doesn't know Ann. Bill doesn't know Ann, does he?
Ann hasn't got a phone. Ann hasn't got a phone, has she?

this/that (subject) becomes it in the tag. there remains unchanged:
That isn't Tom, is it? There won't be time, will there?

All the tags, except the tag for no. 30, should be spoken in the usual way with a statement intonation. But they could also be practised with a question intonation. The important word in the statement must then be stressed.


1 You aren't afraid of snakes. .................................................? 2 Ann isn't at home. ...............................................................? 3 You don't know French. .....................................................? 4 Tom didn't see her. .............................................................? 5 This isn't yours. ..................................................................? 6 Mary wasn't angry. .............................................................? 7 Bill hasn't had breakfast. .....................................................? 8 You won't tell anyone. ........................................................? 9 I didn't wake you up. ..........................................................? 10 Tom doesn't like oysters. ...................................................? 11 You don't want to sell the house. ......................................? 12 It doesn't hurt. ...................................................................? 13 People shouldn't drink and drive. .....................................? 14 You aren't going alone. .....................................................? 15 They couldn't pay the rent. ................................................? 16 You don't agree with Bill. .................................................? 17 There wasn't a lot to do. ....................................................? 18 I needn't say anything. ......................................................?   19 That wasn't Ann on the phone. .....................................................? 20 You didn't do it on purpose. .........................................................? 21 This won't take long. ....................................................................? 22 She doesn't believe you. ...............................................................? 23 It didn't matter very much. ...........................................................? 24 He shouldn't put so much salt in it. ..............................................? 25 Mary couldn't leave the children alone. .......................................? 26 You aren't doing anything tonight. ...............................................? 27 You wouldn't mind helping me with this. ....................................? 28 George hadn't been there before. ..................................................? 29 The children weren't surprised. ....................................................? 30 You wouldn't like another drink. .................................................? 31 Tom doesn't have to go to lectures. ..............................................? 32 Bill hasn't got a car. ......................................................................? 33 Bill couldn't have prevented it. .....................................................? 34 I needn't wait any longer. .............................................................? 35 There weren't any mosquitoes. ....................................................? 36 The fire wasn't started deliberately. .............................................?    


II. Question tags after affirmative statements

Add question tags to the following statements:
Tom goes to Bath quite often, doesn't he? He told you about his last trip, didn't he?
It was very cold last night, wasn't it?

Be careful of the contractions 's and'd:
He's ready, isn't he? He's finished, hasn't he? He'd seen it, hadn't he? He'd like it, wouldn't he?

These should be practised mainly with a statement intonation, but they could also be said with a question intonation. See notes to previous exercise.


1 The children can read French. .............................................? 2 He's ten years old. ...............................................................? 3 Bill came on a bicycle. .......................................................? 4 The Smiths have got two cars. . .........................................? 5 Your grandfather was a millionaire. . .................................? 6 Tom should try again. ........................................................?. 7 It could be done. . ..............................................................? 8 Your brother's here. . .........................................................? 9 That's him over there. . .......................................................? 10 George can leave his case here. . .....................................? 11 This will fit in your pocket. . ...........................................? 12 His wife has headaches quite often. . ...............................? 13 She's got lovely blue. eyes................................................? 14 The twins arrived last night. . ...........................................? 15 Mary paints portraits. . .....................................................? 16 Bill puts the money in the bank. . .....................................? 17 Bill put the money in the bank. . .....................................? 18 Prices keep going up. . ....................................................?   19 I've seen you before. . .......................................................? 20 Bill's written a novel. . ......................................................? 21 His mother's very proud of him. . .....................................? 22 The twins used to play rugby. . ........................................? 23 Tom might be at home now. . ..........................................? 24 We must hurry. . ..............................................................? 25 You'd been there before. . .................................................? 26 You'd like a drink. . ...........................................................? 27 The boys prefer a cooked breakfast. . ................................? 28 Mary ought to cook . it for them.........................................? 29 That was Ann on the phone. . ............................................? 30 The Smiths need two cars. . ..............................................? 31 You'll help me. . ................................................................? 32 He used to eat raw fish. . ...................................................? 33 There'11 be plenty for everyone. . .....................................? 34 You'd better wait for Bill. . ................................................? 35 You'd come if I needed help. . ..........................................? 36 You could come at short notice. . .....................................?  


III. Question tags: mixed

See notes to Exercises 1, 2.

Note that a statement containing words such asnone, nobody, hardly/hardly any etc. is treated as a negative statement:
He hardly ever makes a mistake, does he?

When the subject is nobody/anybody/everybody etc., the pronoun they is used in the tag:
Nobody liked the play, did they?

Add question tags to the following statements.


1 You take sugar in tea. . .....................................? 2 But you don't take it in coffee. . .....................................? 3 The lift isn't working today. . .....................................? 4 It never works very well. . .....................................? 5 The area was evacuated at once. . .....................................? 6 There was no panic. . .....................................? 7 Though everybody realized the danger. . ............................? 8 There was a lot of noise. .....................................?. 9 But nobody complained. . .....................................? 10 Mary hardly ever cooks.. .....................................? 11 She buys convenience foods. . .....................................? 12 She'd save money if she bought fresh food. .........................................? 13 Mr Smith usually remembered his wife's birthdays. .....................................? 14 But he didn't remember this one. . .....................................? 15 And his wife was very disappointed. . ...............................? 16 He ought to have made a note of it. . ................................? 17 Neither of them offered to help you. . ................................?   18 They don't allow pet dogs in this shop. . ............................? 19 But guide dogs can come in. . ...........................................? 20 He hardly ever leaves the house. . .....................................? 21 That isn't Bill driving. . .....................................? 22 Nothing went wrong. . .....................................? 23 Lions are loose in this reserve. . .....................................? 24 So we'd better get back in the car. . ...................................? 25 It'd be unpleasant to be attacked by a lion. . .....................? 26 And it wouldn't be any use running away……………..…? 27 It is a pity Ann didn't come with us. . ...............................? 28 She'd have enjoyed it. . .....................................? 29 They should have planned the expedition more carefully. . .....................................? 30 Lives were lost unnecessarily. . .....................................? 31 She warned him not to ride the stallion. . ..........................? 32 But he never takes advice. . .....................................? 33 There used to be trees here. . .....................................? 34 There isn't any point in waiting. . .....................................? 35 He'll hardly come now. . .....................................? 36 Your central heating doesn't work very well. .....................................?


Exercise I1 are you 2 is she 3 do you 4 did he 5 is it 6 was she 7 has he 8 will you 9 did 1 10 does he II do you 12 does it 13 should they 14 are you 15 could they 16 do you 17 was there 18 need 1 19 was it 20 did you 21 will it 22 does she 23 did it 24 should he 25 could she 26 are you 27 would you 28 had he 29 were they 30 would you 31 does he 32 has he 33 could he 34 need 1 35 were there 36 was it

Exercise II1can't they 2 isn't he 3 didn't he 4 haven't they 5 wasn't he 6 shouldn't he 7 couldn't it 8 isn't he 9 isn't it 10 can't he 11 won't it 12 doesn't she 13 hasn't she 14 didn't they 15 doesn't she 16 doesn't he 17 didn't he 18 don't they 19 haven't 1 20 hasn't he 21 isn't she 22 didn't they 23 mightn't he 24 mustn't we 25 hadn't you 26 wouldn't you 27 don't they 28 oughtn't she 29 wasn't it 30 don't they 31 won't you 32 didn't he 33 won't there 34 hadn't you 35 wouldn't you 36 couldn't you

Exercise III 1 don't you 2 do you 3 is it 4 does it 5 wasn't it 6 was there 7 didn't they 8 wasn't there 9 did they 10 does she 11 doesn't she 12 wouldn't she 13 didn't he 14 did he 15 wasn't she 16 oughtn't he 17 did they 18 do they 19 can't they 20 does he 21 is it 22 did it 23 aren't they 24 hadn't we 25 wouldn't it 26 would it 27 isn't it 28 wouldn't she 29 shouldn't they 30 weren't they 31 didn't she 32 does he '33 didn't there 34 is there 35 will he 36 does it

It is / there is

Insertit is/there is in the spaces. In some sentences, contracted plural, negative and interrogative forms, or the past or future tense are required.


1 What's the time?- ... ……….... 3.30. ~ And what's the date? ~ . . . …………. . . the 24th.

2 How far... ………....to York? ~. . ……….. . . . 50 miles.

3 ... …………... very stormy last night. ~Yes, ... ……………….... storms all over the country.

4 ... ………........... freezing very hard. ... …………….. ...ice on the lake tomorrow.

5 As... …………….... sunny she decided to take the children to the sea.

6 Why don't you go for a walk? . . . ………….. . . a pity to stay in when . ………….. . . . . so nice outside.

7 ... ............................ not any shadows because ... …………….... not any sun.

8 ... …………….. going to be a bus strike tomorrow. ~….... ........ ...all right if ……………... ... a fine day; but if …………... .. wet... …….. ….... long queues on the Underground.

9 ... ……………... not any glass in the windows; that is why . . ……………….. . . . so cold in the room.

10 ... ……………….. very wet yesterday; ... ……………..... impossible to go out.

11 ……………….. ...a lot of rain last week. ... ……………... floods everywhere.

12 ... ………….....a thick fog last night. ... …………….... several accidents on the motorway.

13 ...................... ... foolish to drive fast when ... ………………..... foggy.

14 ... …………... difficult to find your way round this town. . ………………. . . . . so many streets all looking exactly alike.

15 Come on, children! ... …………... time to get up! ... ………………... nearly breakfast time.

16 . .. . …….. ... lunch time when we get to York, so let's have lunch there.~

No, ………………….. ... not be time for lunch because our train to Edinburgh leaves York at 13.15.

17 ... ……………..a funny smell here. .......................... ... turpentine?

18 ... ……………..all sorts of stories about Robin Hood, but ... ……….... not known exactly who he was or what he did.

19 ... …………….... said that if you break a mirror you'll be unlucky for seven years.

20 As he had very bad sight ... ……………….... difficult for him to recognize people.

21 'Can I have a Telegraph, please?' said the customer. I'm afraid ... …………………... not any left,' said the newsagent. 'But . …………. . . . a Guardian on the rack beside you. Why not take that? ... ……………….... just as good.'

22 ... ……. not necessary to carry your passport everywhere with you but ... ….. advisable to carry some document of identity.

23 ... …………....a guard outside the door and ... ………….... bars on the windows…………….... ... impossible to escape.

24 ... ………...a garage behind the hotel? ~Yes, but …………. ... rather full. I don't think ................. ... room for your car.

25 One night . . …….. . . . a heavy fall of snow which blocked all the roads. Luckily ... ……..... plenty of food in the house.

26 ... ………...a hotel in the village, so we decided to stay there……... . . . . . a charming village and I was very happy there, but my children were bored because ... ………………... nothing to do in the evenings.

27 ... …………….. five flats in the building—one on each floor. Mine's on the top floor. . . . …….. . . no lift but ... …………. supposed to be good for the figure to run up and down stairs, . . . ………………… . .?

28 ... ……………...a pity you haven't another bedroom. ~Yes, but ... ... quite a big loft, which I am thinking of turning into a bedroom. . . . . . . …….. a skylight so ... …………….….... not . …………………. . a ventilation problem.

29 ... ………………....all sorts of legends about these caves. ……………….. ... said that smugglers hid their goods here and that . . . . ………….. . an underground passage leading to the village inn.

30 Tell me something about King Lear. ~……………. .. . .. the story of a king who divided his kingdom between his daughters. ... ………………... foolish to give away your property like that. . . . ……….. . . . never certain that your family will behave generously to you in return.

31 Has Tom any more children? ~ Yes. ………………. . . . , . a daughter, Ann. ~ Oh yes, .................. ... Ann who opened the door to us yesterday, . . . ………………. . .?

32 He thought that ... ……………….. better to say nothing about his change of plan.

33 . .. ……………..a long time before I got an answer. Then one day a letter arrived—well, .............. ... not really a letter, for ... ……………... only one sentence on the paper.

34 ... ……….....a pond beside your house?— Yes, . . ……….. . . . ~ How deep . . ……………… . . .?

35 We've done all we can. ……………….. ... nothing to do now but wait.

36 Just cross out that word and go on.... …………….... not necessary to begin again. (or…………... ...no need to begin again.)

Exercise 21 (Affirmatives are not given in their contracted form but would normally be contracted in speech.)

1 It is, It is 2 is it, It is 3 It was, there were 4 It is, There will be 5 it was 6 It is, it is 7 There are, there is 8 There is; It will be, it is, it is, there will be 9 There is, it is 10 It was, it was 11 There was; There were 12 There was; There were 13 It is, it is 14 It is; There are 15 It is; It is 16 It will be; there will 17 There is; Is it 18 There are, it is 19 It is 20 it was 21 there are: there is; It is 22 It is, it is 23 There is, there are; It is or There was, there were; It was 24 Is there; it is; there is/there will be 25 there was; there was 26 There was; It was, there was 27 There are; There is, it is, isn't it 28 It is; there is; There is, there is/will be 29 There are: It is, there is 30 It is; It is; It is 31 there is; it was, wasn't it 32 it was/would be 33 It was; it was, there was 34 Is there; there is; is it 35 There is 36 It is; There is

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