Ways and techniques to convey the meaning of a word DIRECT
| v dictionaries
v synonyms
v antonyms
v morphological analysis (word building)
v context
v definitions
v examples
v interpretation
v matching (synonyms, opposites)
v familiar or famous (international) words
| v demonstration of school paraphernalia (realia)
v illustration material
v models
v demonstration of movements, mime, body language
v pictograms, pictures, schemes
| v translation by means of giving an equivalent
v translation-interpretation
v comparing a foreign word with that of the mother tongue
The choice of a way of conveying the meaning of a word depends on the following factors: 1) whether the word belongs to the active or passive minimum Voc.;
2) on the stage of learning: at the junior level – visual techniques, speech-patterns, translation; at the intermediate level – synonyms, antonyms, word-building analysis; at the senior level - context, definitions;
3) on the level of the language preparation of the class;
4) on the qualitative characteristics of a word.
How to work at a new word?
There are two ways: at an isolated word
In a context
How to work at an isolated word:
Ø when you deal with proper names, geographical names;
Ø sometimes you can give some words to develop the language guessing abilities (the first word is given in a context, the rest – in isolation: a runner – in a context; a jumper – will be easily guessed);
Ø when teaching the pupils to work with a dictionary.
Work at a new word in a context is more widely used: in a phrase, in a situation, in a story, in question-answer form, in a talk, in a story with elements of a talk. It leads to better assimilation of new words.
Stage II – drilling. Aim: to create/form the stereotypes of usage of a new word.
Stage III – situational (communicative practice). Aim – improvement of the vocabulary habits and developing of the pupils’ skills of using the vocabulary independently.
Lecture 9
Teaching Listening Comprehension
Characteristics of LC as a means and as an aim of teaching.
Psychological mechanisms of perception of speech by the ear. Difficulties of perception of the living speech in a foreign language.
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1899