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Paper on future work on flexibilities in the IP system Evaluation reports on six completed projects

Project proposal from Egypt on enhancing cooperation on IP and development among developing countries and LDCs (to be revised and further discussed)


Project DA_02_01

Recommendation:2 Objective:The aims to:

(i) convene a conference aimed at providing additional extra-budgetary resources to WIPO for its work to help developing countries benefit from the IP system

(ii) Seek to establish Trust-Funds or other voluntary funds specifically for LDCs

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_05_01

Recommendation:5 Objective:

Design and development of a consolidated database, with supporting software, for all technical assistance activities of WIPO and its regular update.

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_08_01

Recommendation: 8 Objective:

(i) Provision of access to technological knowledge, in the form of specialized patent databases and technical journals, for users in developing countries and LDCs in particular patent offices, to carry out more effective patent searches.

(ii) Assisting countries in establishing Technology and Innovation Support Centers(TISC) together with a corresponding network.

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_09_01

Recommendation: 9 Objective:

Development of a database and software to establish an effective process for match-making between the IP-related development needs of countries and donors.

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_10_01

Recommendation: 10 Objective:

Pilot project to set up “Start-Up” National IP Academiesin developing countries and LDCs. These are IP training institutions to meet their increasing demand for IP specialists, professionals, government officials and other stakeholders

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_10_02

Recommendation: 10 Objective:

Establishment of customized automation solutions for IP offices. Four components address:

(1) ICT infrastructure and customized e-communication systems for OAPI; (2) ICT infrastructure and customized e-communication systems for ARIPO; (3) customized automation solutions in three LDC IP institutions; (4) regional workshops on automation

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_10_03

Recommendation: 10 Objective:

Preparation/updating of a series of modules and materials on managing IP rights by academic and research institutions. Includes the setting up and running of technology transfer offices at public research organizations, exploring technology transfer mechanisms (in particular, licensing agreements) and enhancing the capacity to draft patents.

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_10_04

Recommendation:10 Objective:

(i) Establishment of regional or sub-regional networks for the collective management of copyrightand neighboring rights

(ii) Assistance to national institutions and stakeholder organizations dealing with creative industriesin enhancing their understanding of the role of IP for the effective management and development of creative industries

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_10_05

Recommendation: 10 Objective:

(i) Establishment of a standard, methodological and integrated approach to IP policy, strategyand institutional reform and modernization

(ii) Enhance the capacities of IP and SME support institutionsin addressing the needs and challenges of SMEs in effectively utilizing the IP system

Status:under implementation since early 2009

Project DA_16_20_01

Recommendations:16 and 20 Objective:

Series of surveys and studies that will analyze good practices and the currently available tools for identifying content that is in the public domain and to preserve such content from individual appropriation. The surveys and studies should facilitate the planning of the subsequent steps of possible preparation of guidelines and/or development of tools to facilitate the identification of and access to public domain subject matter. The project is divided into four components that will address the issue from the perspective of copyright, trademarks, patents and traditional knowledge/ traditional cultural expressions

Status:implementation began in January 2010

Project DA_07_23_32_01

Recommendations:7, 23 and 20 Objective:

Promote a better understanding of the interface between intellectual property and competition policy, particularly in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Activities include:

(i) A series of studies that would analyze recent practices, legal developments, jurisprudence and legal remedies available in selected countries and regions.

(ii) Sub-regional seminars and Geneva-based symposia as fora for exchange of experiences in this field.

(iii) Inclusion of component on the pro-competitive aspects of licensing and anti-competitive licensing practices in licensing training programs

(iv) Survey on use of compulsory licensing to address anti-competitive practices

(v) Global Meeting on Emerging Copyright Licensing Modalities Status:implementation began in January 2010

Project DA_19_24_27_01

Recommendations:19, 24 and 27 Objective:

(i) The first component of the project regarding copyright aims at providing Member States a source of relevant and balanced information on the opportunities provided by new models of distributing information and creative content, focusing on the areas of education and research, software development and e-information services (e.g., e-journals and public-sector information).

(ii) The second component of the project of industrial property data digitization aims to assist Member States in digitizing paper-based documents of IPRs as a first step to improve the digital divide and to gain skills for creating a national IP database which would provide users with easy access to intellectual property information.

Status:implementation began in January 2010

Project DA_19_30_31_01

Recommendations:19, 30 an 31 Objective:

Project aims to provide developing countries, including LDCs, with services which will facilitate the use of patent information on specific technology for facilitating their indigenous innovation and R&D in cooperation with other intergovernmental organizations. Patent Landscaping Reportswill be drafted which exploit the vast resources of patent information to provide an analysis of specific technologies and related existing IP rights for selected areas of technology; an e-tutorialavailable on DVD or on the internet will provide training on using and exploiting patent information; and conferences, including workshops and training courses, will be organized for users, in particular for staff of Technology and Innovation Support Centers.

Status:implementation began in January 2010

Project DA_33_38_41_01

Recommendations:33, 38 an 41


(i) Design, develop and establish a sustainable and coherent results based monitoring and evaluation framework focused on WIPO’s development related activities, as well as the Development Agenda (DA) Recommendations.

(ii) Seek to strengthen the capacity for objective development impact assessments of the Organization’s activities.

(iii) Conduct a review of WIPO’s existing technical assistance activities in the area of cooperation for development to help establish some baselines for further work.

Status:implementation began in January 2010

Current Status of Implementation

19 recommendationsunder implementation since November 2007

23 projectsat different stages of implementation

IP and the Public Domain (Recs. 16 and 20)

IP and Competition Policy (Recs. 7, 23 and 32)

IP, ICTs, the Digital Divide and Access to Knowledge (Recs. 19, 24 and 27)

Developing Tools for Access to Patent Information (Recs. 19, 30 and 31)

Enhancement of WIPO’s RBM Framework (Recs. 33, 38 and 41)

Some important considerations for implementation

It is a collective effort(Secretariat + Member States + other stakeholders) Must reflect the ground realityand respond to the real needs and

interests of Member States Should address the concerns behind the recommendationsEnsure mainstreaming of the DA principlesinto all of WIPO’s work Should be member-drivenand inclusive Equitable geographical distributionof projects

Projects should be sustainable. Important that local partners are fully committed to the projects.

“The Development Agenda [DA] decisively rejects th[e] IP-centric view. It posits that strong intellectual property protection does not consistently promote creative activity, facilitate technology transfer, or accelerate development. The DA accordingly places the benefits of a rich and accessible public domain, national flexibilities in implementing IP treaty norms, access to knowledge, UN development goals, curbing of IP-related anti- competitive practices, and the need to balance the costs and benefits of intellectual property protection firmly within WIPO’s central mission. .. [F]or the first time in WIPO’s history it places the need for balance, flexibility, and a robust public domain on par with promoting IP protection in all WIPO matters affecting developing countries.”

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 789

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Director General’s Report on the Implementation of the Development Agenda | Putting it together
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