Tappet shims are measured with a micrometerMON (Motor Octane Number)A measure of a
fuel's resistance to knock.
Monograde oilAn oil with a single viscosity, eg
Monoshock A single suspension unit linking the
swingarm or suspension linkage to the frame.
mphAbbreviation for miles per hour.
Multigrade oilHaving a wide viscosity range (eg
10W40). The W stands for Winter, thus the
viscosity ranges from SAE10 when cold to
SAE40 when hot.
Multimeter An electrical test instrument with the
capability to measure voltage, current and
resistance. Some meters also incorporate a
continuity tester and buzzer.
Needle roller bearingInner race of caged
needle rollers and hardened outer race,
Examples of uncaged needle rollers can be found
on some engines. Commonly used in rear
suspension applications and in two-stroke
NmNewton metres.
NOxOxides of Nitrogen. A common toxic
pollutant emitted by petrol engines at higher
OctaneThe measure of a fuel's resistance to
OE (Original Equipment)Relates to
components fitted to a motorcycle as standard
or replacement parts supplied by the motorcycle
OhmThe unit of electrical resistance. Ohms =
Volts + Current.
OhmmeterAn instrument for measuring
electrical resistance.
Oil coolerSystem for diverting engine oil
outside of the engine to a radiator for cooling
Oil injectionA system of two-stroke engine
lubrication where oil is pump-fed to the engine in
accordance with throttle position.
Open-circuitAn electrical condition where there
is a break in the flow of electricity - no continuity
(high resistance).
O-ringA type of sealing ring made of a special
rubber-like material; in use, the O-ring is
compressed into a groove to provide the sealing
Oversize (OS) Term used for piston and ring
size options fitted to a rebored cylinder.
Overhead cam (sohc) engineAn engine with
single camshaft located on top of the cylinder
Overhead valve (ohv) engine An engine with the
valves located in the cylinder head, but with the
camshaft located in the engine block or crankcase.
Oxygen sensor A device installed in the exhaust
system which senses the oxygen content in the
exhaust and converts this information into an
electric current. Also called a Lambda sensor.
PlastigaugeA thin strip of plastic thread,
available in different sizes, used for measuring
clearances. For example, a strip of Plastigauge is
laid across a bearing journal. The parts are
assembled and dismantled; the width of the
crushed strip indicates the clearance between
journal and bearing.
PolarityEither negative or positive earth
(ground), determined by which battery lead is
connected to the frame (earth return). Modern
motorcycles are usually negative earth.
Pre-ignitionA situation where the fuel/air
mixture ignites before the spark plug fires. Often
due to a hot spot in the combustion chamber
caused by carbon build-up. Engine has a
tendency to 'run-on'.
Pre-load (suspension) The amount a spring is
compressed when in the unloaded state. Preload
can be applied by gas, spacer or mechanical
PremixThe method of engine lubrication on
older two-stroke engines. Engine oil is mixed
with the petrol in the fuel tank in a specific ratio.
The fuel/oil mix is sometimes referred to as
Primary driveDescription of the drive from the
crankshaft to the clutch. Usually by gear or chain.
PSPfedestarke - a German interpretation of
PSIPounds-force per square inch. Imperial
measurement of tyre pressure and cylinder
pressure measurement.
PTFEPolytetrafluroethylene. A low friction
Pulse secondary air injection systemA
process of promoting the burning of excess fuel present in the exhaust gases by routing fresh air into the exhaust ports.
Quartz halogen bulbTungsten filament surrounded by a halogen gas. Typically used for the headlight (see illustration).
Dip shield Quartz envelope_______
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Date: 2016-01-14; view: 871