Slacken the lockring (A) and turn the adjuster (B) in or out as required Every 4000 miles 1.9
y---- Plastic bag sealed
/ around outer cable
| Cable suspended vertically
Clutch cable lower adjuster nuts (arrowed)
the cable where it passes through the bracket on the right-hand side of the engine (see illustration).To reduce freeplay, slacken the rear nut and tighten the front nut until the freeplay is as specified, then tighten the rear nut against the bracket. To increase freeplay, slacken the front nut and tighten the rear nut until the freeplay is as specified, then tighten the front nut against the bracket. Subsequent adjustments can now be made using the lever adjuster only.
Levers, stand pivots and cables- lubrication
Pivot points
1Since the controls, cables and various other components of a motorcycle are exposed to the elements, they should be lubricated periodically to ensure safe and trouble-free operation.
2 The clutch and brake levers, brake pedal, footrest, centre and sidestand pivots should be lubricated frequently. In order for the lubricant to be applied where it will do the most good, the component should be
A Lubricating a cable with a cable oiler
Clamp. Ensure the tool seals around the
Inner cable
disassembled and the recommended grease applied (see Specifications). However, if chain and cable lubricant is being used, it can be applied to the pivot joint gaps and will usually work its way into the areas where friction occurs. If motor oil or light grease is being used, apply it sparingly as it may attract dirt (which could cause the controls to bind or wear at an accelerated rate). Note:One of the best lubricants for the control lever pivots is a dry-film lubricant (available from many sources by different names).
3 To lubricate the cables, disconnect the relevant cable at its upper end, then lubricate the cable with a cable oiler clamp, or if one is not available, using the set-up shown (see illustrations).See Chapter 4 for the choke and throttle cable removal procedures, and Chapter 2 for the clutch cable.
4 The speedometer cable should be removed (see Chapter 9) and the inner cable withdrawn from the outer cable and lubricated with motor oil or cable lubricant. Do not lubricate the upper few inches of the cable as the lubricant may travel up into the instrument head.
Cable lubricated when oil drips from far end
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 741