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Legal and safety checks

Lighting and signalling:

• Take a minute to check that the headlight, tail light, brake light, instrument lights and turn signals all work correctly.

• Check that the hom sounds when the switch is operated.

• A working speedometer graduated in mph is a statutory requirement in the UK.


• Check that the throttle grip rotates smoothly and snaps shut when released, in all steering positions. Also check for the correct amount of freeplay (see Chapter 1).

• Check that the engine shuts off when the kill switch is operated.


• Check that sidestand return spring holds the stand securely up when it is retracted.

• Check that the clutch lever operates smoothly and with the correct amount of freeplay (see Chapter 1).

• On R and T models, check the operation of the rear brake drum. If brake stopping power is poor or the brake does not free-off when the pedal is released, investigate the problem immediately.


• This may seem obvious, but check that you have enough fuel to complete your journey. If you notice signs of fuel leakage - rectify the cause immediately.

• Ensure you use the correct grade unleaded fuel - see Chapter 4 Specifications.


Chapter 1

Routine maintenance and servicing


Air filter and sub-air cleaner - renewal ...................................... 25

Battery - charging ...................................................... see Chapter 9

Battery - check ............................................................................. 12

Battery - removal, installation and inspection.......... see Chapter 9

Brake caliper and master cylinder seals - renewal .................. 29

Brake fluid - change .................................................................... 24

Brake hoses - renewal................................................................... 30

Brake pads and shoe linings - wear check................................ 3

Rear brake pedal position and freeplay (R and T models) -

check and adjustment................................................................ 4

Brake system - check.................................................................... 9

Carburettors - synchronisation.................................................... 15

Centre and sidestand - check...................................................... 17

Clutch - check and adjustment.................................................... 5

Cooling system - check................................................................ 10

Cooling system - draining, flushing and refilling...................... 28

Crankcase breather - clean.......................................................... 7

Cylinder compression - check ................................................. 32

Drive chain and sprockets - check, adjustment and

lubrication ................................................................................ 1

Drive chain slider - wear check................................................... 22

Engine oil pressure - check........................................................... 33

Engine/transmission oil and filter change ................................. 8

Exhaust system- check.................................................................. 37

Front forks - oil change................................................................. 38

Fuel hoses - renewal...................................................................... 31

Fuel system - check ...................................................................... 11

Headlight aim - check and adjustment......................................... 16

Idle speed - check and adjustment............................................... 2

Levers, stand pivots and cables - lubrication.............................. 6

Nuts and bolts - tightness check ................................................ 23

Rear brake cam (R and T models) - lubrication........................... 36

Spark plugs - check and adjustment .......................................... 13

Spark plugs - renewal..................................................................... 27

Steering head bearings - check and adjustment ...................... 19

Steering head bearings - lubrication............................................. 34

Suspension - check........................................................................ 18

Swingarm bearings - lubrication.................................................... 35

Throttle and choke cables - check and adjustment ................... 14

Valve clearances - check and adjustment ................................. 26

Wheels and tyres - general check................................................ 21

Wheel bearings - check................................................................. 20

Degrees of difficulty

Easy,suitable for novice with little experience


Fairly easy,suitable for beginner with some experience


Fairly difficult,

suitable for competent <a^
DIY mechanic !JS

Difficult,suitable for ^ experienced DIY 3^



Very difficult,

suitable for expert DIY ^
or professional «^

1.2 Specifications

Note: Where applicable, models are identified by their production code letter - refer to 'Identification numbers' at the front of this
manual for details.


Cylinder numbering (from left-hand to right-hand side of the

motorcycle).............................................................................................. 1-2

Spark plugs


Standard........................................................................................ NGK CR8EH-9 or Nippondenso U24FER-9

For extended high speed riding .............................................. NGK CR9EH-9 or Nippondenso U27FER-9

Electrode gap................................................................................... 0.8 to 0.9 mm

Engine idle speed............................................................................... 1300 rpm (± 100 rpm)

Carburettor synchronisation - max difference between carburettors .. 40 mmHg
Valve clearances (COLD engine)

Inlet valves ...................................................................................... 0.16 to 0.18 mm

Exhaust valves ............................................................................... 0.25 to 0.27 mm

Cylinder compression........................................................................ 199 psi (14.0 bar)

Oil pressure (with engine warm)........................................................ 34 psi (2.4 bar) @ 2000 rpm, oil temp 80°C


Drive chain slack..................................................................................... 30 to 40 mm

Clutch cable freeplay .............................................................................. 10 to 20 mm

Throttle cable freeplay ............................................................................ 4.5 to 6.5 mm

Rear brake pedal freeplay....................................................................... 20 to 30 mm

Tyre pressures and tyre tread depth .................................................. see Daily (pre-ride) checks

Recommended lubricants and fluids

Engine and transmission oil type ......................................................... API grade SE, SF or SG motor oil

Engine and transmission oil viscosity.................................................. SAE 10W30

Engine and transmission oil capacity

Oil change............................................................................................ 2.9 litres

Oil and filter change ....................................................................... 3.1 litres

Following engine overhaul - dry engine, new filter......................... 3.5 litres

Coolant type............................................................................................. 50% distilled water, 50% corrosion inhibited ethylene glycol

anti-freeze Coolant capacity

Radiator and engine............................................................................ 2.0 litres

Reservoir.............................................................................................. 0.7 litre

Front fork oil............................................................................................ see Chapter 6

Brake fluid................................................................................................. DOT 4

Drive chain ............................................................................................. SAE 80 or 90 gear oil or aerosol chain lubricant for O-ring chains


Steering head bearings........................................................................... Lithium-based multi-purpose grease

Wheel bearings (unsealed)................................................................ Lithium-based multi-purpose grease

Swingarm pivot bearings .................................................................. Molybdenum disulphide grease

Bearing seals ..................................................................................... Lithium-based multi-purpose grease

Clutch lever and rear brake pedal pivots ......................................... Molybdenum disulphide grease or dry film lubricant

Front brake lever pivot and piston tip............................................... Molybdenum disulphide grease or dry film lubricant

Cables .............................................................................................. Cable lubricant or 10W40 motor oil

Centre and sidestand pivots.............................................................. Molybdenum disulphide grease

Throttle twistgrip.................................................................................. Multi-purpose grease or dry film lubricant

Torque settings

Rear axle nut........................................................................................ 90 Nm

Steering head bearing adjuster nut ................................................. 25 Nm

Steering stem nut................................................................................. 105 Nm

Top yoke fork clamp bolts ................................................................ 23 Nm

Bottom yoke fork clamp bolts ........................................................... 40 Nm

Front brake master cylinder clamp bolts ......................................... 12 Nm

Spark plugs.......................................................................................... 12 Nm

Oil drain plug .................................................................................... 35 Nm

Oil filter ............................................................................................. 10 Nm

Water pump drain plug....................................................................... 12 Nm

Maintenance schedule 1.3

Note: The daily (pre-ride) checks outlined in the owner's manual covers those items which should be inspected on a daily basis. Always perform the pre-ride inspection at every maintenance interval (in addition to the procedures listed). The intervals listed below are the intervals recommended by the manufacturer for each particular operation during the model years covered in this manual. Your owner's manual may have different intervals for your model.

Daily (pre-ride)

I See 'Daily (pre-ride) checks' at the beginning of this manual.

After the initial 600 miles (1000 km)

Note: This check is usually performed by a dealer after the first 600 miles (1000 km) from new. Thereafter, maintenance is carried out according to the following intervals of the schedule.

Every 600 miles (1000 km)

Check, adjust and lubricate the drive chain (Section 1)

Every 4000 miles (6000 km) or

6 months (whichever comes sooner)

Carry out all the items under 'Daily (pre-ride) checks' and the 600 mile (1000 km) check, plus the following D Check and adjust the idle speed (Section 2) j Check the brake pads and shoe linings (Section 3) I Check the rear brake pedal position and freeplay -

R and T models (Section 4) I Check and adjust the clutch (Section 5) [ ] Lubricate the clutch lever, brake lever, brake pedal, centre and sidestand pivots and the throttle, choke and clutch cables (Section 6) i Clean the crankcase breather (Section 7)

Every 8000 miles (12,000 km) or

12 months (whichever comes sooner)

Carry out all the items under the 4000 mile (6000 km) check, plus the following

Change the engine oil and filter (Section 8)

Check the brake system and brake light switch

operation (Section 9)

Check the cooling system (Section 10) ] Check the fuel system and hoses (Section 11)

Check the battery terminals (Section 12) D Check the spark plug gaps (Section 13) I Check and adjust the throttle and choke cables

(Section 14) C Check/adjust the carburettor synchronisation

(Section 15)

Check and adjust the headlight aim (Section 16) I Check the centre and sidestand (Section 17) Z Check the suspension (Section 18) . Check and adjust the steering head bearings

(Section 19)

Every 8000 miles (12,000 km) or 12 months (whichever comes sooner) (continued)

□ Check the wheel bearings (Section 20)

Check the condition of the wheels and tyres

(Section 21)

Check the drive chain slider (Section 22) D Check the tightness of all nuts, bolts and fasteners

(Section 23)

Every 12,000 miles (18,000 km) or 18 months (whichever comes sooner)

Carry out all the items under the 4000 mile (6000 km) checks, plus the following

Change the brake fluid (Section 24)

Renew the air filter element and clean the sub-air eaner (Section 25)

Every 16,000 miles (24,000 km) or two years (whichever comes sooner)

Carry out all the items under the 4000 mile (6000 km) and 8000 (12,000 km) checks, plus the following

Q Check and adjust the valve clearances (Section 26) I Renew the spark pluqs (Section 27)

Every 24,000 miles (36,000 km) or three years (whichever comes sooner)

Carry out all the items under the 4000 mile (6000 km), 8000 mile (12,000 km) and 12,000 mile (18,000 km) checks, plus the following [ Change the coolant (Section 28)

Renew the brake master cylinder and caliper seals

(Section 29)

Every four years

Renew the brake hoses (Section 30) □ Renew the fuel hoses (Section 31)

on-scheduled maintenance

_ Check the cylinder compression (Section 32)

Check the engine oil pressure (Section 33) ~_ Re-grease the steering head bearings (Section 3* j Re-grease the swingarm bearings (Section 35)

Re-grease the rear brake cam - R and T models

(Section 36)

Check the exhaust system (Section 37) i Change the front fork oil (Section 38)

1.4 Component locations

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The colour code label is stuck to the rear mudguard | Component locations on left-hand side - all models
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