Last week multiple high level sources all confirmed an intensifying battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of humanity. In the public sphere this is appearing in the form of riots in Turkey, blockades of the European Central Bank and massive global protests against Monsanto among other things. Under the surface there has been a rash of intrigues, arrests, threats and counter-threats. New alliances have also been reached between previously opposing forces, according to multiple high level sources.
In Asia, China, South Korea, Japan and the United States have all agreed on forcing regime change in North Korea, according to a senior Chinese government agent. This was confirmed by a gnostic Illuminati grandmaster and Russian FSB agent who said that Kim Jong-un would have to be removed. The North Koreans, now run by an elderly general, want peace.
In the Middle East, meanwhile, apart from the riots in Turkey and Russian troops in Syria, there were separate assassination attempts in Iran against President Mahmoud Ahmajidenad and his ally Saeed Jalili, according to the Mossad linked site Debka.
There are also 11 members of the One People’s Public Trust, the people behind the so-called galactics pushing for their version of a new financial system on the run from both hitmen and law enforcement agents in Ethiopia, according to a CIA source. A senior Italian P2 Lodge member says the people in Ethiopia are there in an effort to find the “original Ark of the Covenant.” At least both sides agree that there is some form of high level intrigue going on in Ethiopia of all places. We will try to find out more next week.
Meanwhile, a member of the Dragon family came forth this week to provide some background. The man who goes by the name Count Albert but insists he is not the fraudulent “Count Albert Zvonko Berdik” sent by the Federal Reserve Board to Hong Kong a while ago. According to him, the Dragon family goes back 3400 years and is headed by a single individual going by the code name M1. He says the Dragon family has now formed an alliance with the Five Star Trust run by the non-Bush part of the CIA.
He also says that China has already started to use new energy technology to turn the desert regions of China green.
In any case, what Count Albert says fits in with claims by Chinese, Russian and British Agents about high level anti-cabal moves around the world.
In the Anglo Saxon world, for example, there is a push to remove politicians believed to be Sabbatean agents. In particular Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard is under criminal investigation,