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The battle for the planet earth is entering a decisive phase this autumn

August 18, 2015

Author: Benjamin Fulford

Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Regular reporting will resume in September

Once again the autumn season is expected to bring turbulence and power struggles to a new intensity as the September 30th accounting deadline looms. The question for the cabal is what sort of horse trading, threats and compromises will be made by the cabal in order to kick the can down the road and keep their fraudulent power structure intact. The question for the rest of us is how can we finally put a permanent end to their nightmarish debt slavery regime.

In order to prepare for the autumn campaign it will be useful to review the battle so far in order to identify what needs to be done next.

The best place to start is to look back at the events of September 11th, 2001 and start there. What we saw there was a fascist coup d’etat against US democracy that was carried out by the same group that lost World War 2 and plotted revenge ever since that time.

Information from Western and Asian secret government sources have revealed that the families owning the Federal Reserve Board, in particular its New York Branch, were bankrupt. They owed gold to mostly Asian royal families and had been ordered to start returning in on September 12th, 2001. Instead they decided to declare war against the rest of the planet.

There was clearly a German and a Nazi aspect to the events of 911. The key people in charge at the time in the West were all Nazi affiliated including US President George Bush Jr., US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, Pope Benedict (Ratzinger) XVI, etc.

The 911 attack was followed immediately by the passage of the Patriot act, which is practically identical to the Nazi German constitution and therefore marked the beginning of the Nazi 4th Reich. Politicians, media figures and others who did not go along with the fascist take over were either killed or intimidated into silence.

Donald Rumsfeld said on September 10th, 2001 that 2.3 trillion of dollars of US Pentagon money had “vanished.” Whistleblowers like former top Nazi Michael Meiring (later Van de Meer) explained the money was used to set up a parallel military or American version of the German SS. This new army was either part of the Nazi created Department of Homeland Security or else disguised as private military contractors.

The massive secret and public US military build-up was followed by the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan on false pretenses. These invasions were part of a plan to overthrow at least 7 nations in the region in order to set up an empire controlled by the Khazarian Mafia.

At the same time as the military invasion of the Middle East was going on, Nazis working for the Bush regime began spreading genetically engineered bio-weapons. These included SARS (ethno-specific to Asians), Bird Flu, MERS and Ebola and were part of a plan to wipe out 90% of the world’s population in order to “save the environment.”

There were a lot of us who simply could not believe this was really happening to the West and it took a long time for many of us to wake up.

The opposition in the West originated with a faction in the ruling cabal that the environment could be saved without killing 90% of the world’s people. Their solution was a global environmental tax based on the scientific fraud of carbon based global warming. They lost the year 2000 election but kept pushing their agenda anyway. Some carbon trading markets were set up but they turned out to be nests for fraud and were shut down.

The real opposition to the Nazi coup d’etat in the US came not from the West but from the rest of the world, especially Asia.

This writer was inducted into the Red and Green, an ancient world-wide secret society in 2006. My advice was for them to immediately stop financing the US government until it stopped its wars of invasion and its theft of natural resources. The Asians agreed to do just that and the wholesale dumping of US Treasuries began shortly after that.

The Japanese leadership was eventually murdered and bullied into financing the US government but the Chinese were less easy to bully.

The result was the Western cabal switched tactics and started a major campaign to suck up to China. The Chinese were told they were going to rule the world. The Bush/Clinton Nazi mafia began selling all of the oil stolen from Iraq to China. The money was used to buy influence in the Chinese government.

George Bush Sr.’s brother Prescott Bush had a trading company in China that curried favor with the communist Chinese by selling them US military secrets. For example, according to officials at the US Defense Intelligence Agency it was the Bush mafia that provided the Chinese with the technology to allow their intercontinental ballistic missiles to accurately hit targets inside the United States. The presence of a drunk and stoned George Bush Jr. getting VIP treatment at the 2008 Beijing Olympics was visible proof of the Bush pull inside China.


The Khazarian cabal, and not just the Bush Nazi faction, poured investment into China as well. The result of all this was the spectacular rise of China from third world to super-power status in just a few short years.

The Chinese were also promised that everything would change in 2008. In fact, there was a lot of change. The Lehman shock was part of that because it cut off the ability of certain US factions to print dollars in order to buy stuff from the rest of the world. The result was a short/sharp drop in US imports.

The Federal Reserve Board and its United States of America Corporation subsidiary staved off bankruptcy that year by promising to put in communist Barack Obama as president. The result was continued financing for the US cabal government. As event proved Obama’s policies were practically identical to those of the Bush faction but the overall cabal managed to buy time.

Meanwhile Tony Blair and George Bush Jr. immediately went for private meeting with Pope Benedict (Maledict) XVI and converted to Catholicism. In other words, they went to the P2 don to ask for protection.

However, Western groups sick and tired of the Nazi antics began a counter-offensive. Pope Maledict was forced to resign, something that has not happened to a pope for 600 years. Furthermore, a European Monarchs from Holland, Spain and Belgium were also forced to abdicate their thrones.

The Catholic church began to reform itself, taking over management of the Vatican bank and firing thousands of pedophile priests. High powered pedophile networks in the UK were also systematically exposed and continue to be exposed.

Perhaps the biggest change of all though was the agreement of the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and Luxembourg to abandon the Federal Reserve Board faction in the US and agree to join China’s Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. This marked a fundamental split in the top ranks of the Western power cabal.

Clearly though, the war is not yet won and many battles remain to be fought. The biggest problem remains the United States which remains in the control of vicious Khazarian gangsters headed by the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller clans. To this day 8 out of 10 Americans is, and will remain for a lifetime, a debt slave controlled by this mafia regime.

The never ending election farce in the US is now completely controlled by big money with no regard to the interests of the average American. That is why known murderers like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush appear day after day in the controlled propaganda media as if they were popular choices of the people.

The US military and intelligence community remains the main hope for liberating the heart of world darkness that is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation and its slave populace. So far though, they have limited themselves to curtailing Israeli aggression in the Middle East and saber rattling against China.

They have not done anything about the greatest enemy they face and that is the Khazarian oligarchs who control US politics, finance and media. Rank and file military and agency people need to keep applying pressure on the joints chiefs of staff until they nationalize the Federal Reserve Board and take away the Khazarians’ source of power that is the debt note (so-called “US dollar”) money printing press.

Japan too, is a slave colony of the Khazarians run by a puppet government put in place through fraudulent elections. In Japan the Khazarian rulers are Richard Armitage, Michael Green and their bosses Benyamin Netanyahu and the Bush/Clinton clan. They will not be in charge much longer. However, the Japanese military/intelligence establishment wants to coordinate with their US counter-parts to ensure that Japan and the United States are both liberated simultaneously.

In military terms, we are dealing with only a few dozen highly placed individuals who can be easily subdued. Their mercenary body guards can be honestly convinced to stand down.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 718

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