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Comment: megalomania, narcissism and ego

Initially, we hesitated to comment on this report because some things are pretty complex and subtle and may even baffle some people as a result of their unfamiliarity with the issues involved. Secondly, it might look to some as too harsh of a treatment of Benya.

But, at the same time, NOT to comment on it would be even worse of an alternative because of some key issues that simply have to be addressed. So, if this comment helps some people to see some key issues that would be all we can even hope for. If not, well, like they say "at least we tried".

So, let us look at some key issues of profound significance.

Note: it would not hurt if Benya, or anyone for that matter, looked at the work of Osho, who had covered the issues we are going to discuss here in about 300 of his books. That will certainly help to understand some things here. He covers the issues to such an extent and with such detail, that we can not possibly even approach that level in this article.

Osho Books Collection

First of all, the claim of "we have save the world from destruction" is such a profound self-boasting arrogance that it borders on pure lunacy or "mental department level". Here's what Benya says:

"So far the WDS and its allies have stopped all Khazarian attempts at igniting World War 3, creating pandemics and causing widespread starvation. In other words, we have save the world from destruction".

First of all, to make such grand claims one must be simply a blind fool who is utterly unable to distinguish the reality and the scope of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence from utter degenerate idiocy.

Because even Jesus Christ was not able "to save the world", nor such great names as Buddha, Lao Tsu, Socrates and quite a few others. Simply because no one is capable of such a thing, simply because it can not be done. The world can not be "saved" until the very consciousness and awareness grow to the necessary level of maturity.

It has been said that all the previous attempts to "save the world" in other galactic systems have failed, simply because the Beings have not changed and ended up in the same pit they used to be before "saving", if not even bigger one. And that is precisely why this time around the events are allowed to run their natural course to the point of ultimate fruition. Yes, the time to draw "the bottom line" is upon us and external assistance is available and all the necessary processes have been activated indeed.

Because the whole experiment with the "negative approach to stimulate the Intelligence", as described, for example, by the members of the "group soul, or ruling family Lucifer" have failed, or, to say the least, have run its course to a logical conclusion, and humanity has come to the point of no return. Any further moves in this direction are bound to end up with utmost enslavement of mankind and annihilation of vast majority of it, which can not be allowed under ANY circumstances.

See: Window of Opportunity
(Revelations of the Insider - 3)

Secondly, it isn't even clear what does it mean "saving the world". What have these individuals done specifically in terms of "saving the world"? Are there any specific actions or events they have staged or activated that can be proven, or even shown to be those events that indeed "saved the world"?

In other words, how can any of these grand claims be verified by "mere mortals" and what is the very purpose behind making them? Is this some kind of a show in some theater of absurd? A performance act of some kind? Do we have to bow down to Benya as a result? Or to praise him like a lord of some kind?

This may be looked at from several different angles. In basic terms, the very idea of "saving the world" is essentially nothing more than insanity, a psychiatric syndrome or utter arrogance of a man that lost the perspective of what one is in relation to Intelligence and Life, as such, and in the most profound terms.

One needs to understand the mechanics of ego to even begin to comprehend what we are dealing with here. Without understanding the nature of ego and its vital necessity to amplify ones own significance it will be virtually impossible to even begin to comprehend the significance of the very notion of "saving the world".

So, we can look at it from the standpoint of psychiatry or degeneracy or from the spiritual angle.

The psychiatry and degeneracy go hand-in-hand and they, pretty much inevitably, lead to megalomania, which, in turn, is rooted in the most basic inferiority complex and denial of one's own validity, as inconceivable as it may sound. Basically, it is rooted in one's own inability to place oneself in the proper perspective in terms of the Infinite Intelligence, which is the very root and essence of it all and Life as such.

Interestingly enough, violence, destruction and warlike mentality are inherent in degeneracy and perversions of all kinds. This is a huge subject, so huge that is is virtually impossible to attempt to cover it not only in a single chapter, but even a book might not suffice to address all its aspects.

On a fundamental level, degeneracy and megalomania start with denial. Denial of one's own validity, as strange as it may sound. What it means is that it is never enough for the individual to merely accept things as they are and accept oneself as one is, and not "should" be. For a megalomaniac and degenerate nothing is ever "enough". He needs more and more and more. Except he does not even know more of WHAT?

And there comes the ancient mind programming. From the earliest childhood, the parents, teachers and "authorities" of all kinds constantly drill into the minds of children that they are not as "good" as they "ought" to be. Children, from the cradle, are constantly programmed with the idea that they are "imperfect", they need to constantly struggle to "improve" themselves. In religions it goes even further and sicker as people are constantly zombified with the ideas that they are born as "sinners", in fact, they are BORN "out of sin", and on and on and on.

As a human Being grows, eventually it becomes totally programmed with these quite sick ideas of constant and eternal need for a struggle with "imperfections", "concurring" everything and eventually oneself. This warring and animosity mentality gets deeply rooted in ones mind. By the time one is 15 years old, one is already programmed with all sorts of violence and ideas of never ending struggle.

But one is never taught that he is "enough onto himself". He is as "good" as he can be, simply because of the fact that if he could be "better", wouldn't he?

Basically, every individual has its own interests, different from others and his degree of readiness to see things. If one is not READY to see certain things, he won't even look at them, even if you place them right under his nose. Because he is interested in other things, regardless of how "important" or significant they seem to others. And so, there is a certain focus, interest and appeal for certain things in each individual. Or, he might not have grown enough to be either interested or even able to see some things and aspects.

The existence is uniquely "tailored" to facilitate growth of every individual. Furthermore, there are some initial commitments each individual expressed some interest in investigating in a given life timespan. One can not possibly learn everything, even if one is a genius. No matter what, there will be some biases and abilities and talent to see some things while being utterly unable and not even interested to see all sorts of other things and aspects.

So, one inevitably becomes profoundly corrupted at the very core with totally artificial ideas of "imperfections", and one begins to struggle, and, eventually, this struggle is with oneself and so is the concurring. And not many people even ask a simple question: what for?

And all this violence is carefully wrapped into a wrapper of "improving" oneself and becoming "better" than one is.

And this is precisely how perversions start. Because it is never enough. It is insatiable desire for more and more and more. So, one gets sick in his very Soul.

So, the spiritual growth often starts when one notices that somehow, no matter what one does or "achieves" it never seems to be enough. Those individuals who have tried many different things in their lives, pretty much inevitably notice that with every new "project" or "goal" they set for themselves it initially brings some satisfaction, if one "achieves" something, and then inevitably brings a certain frustration and even a certain sense of futility. Before one started something, it looks like the most desirable thing in his entire life, but once its fruit has been "achieved", it does not seem to be as tasty and as significant as it looked initially.

But one rarely suspects that the very root of the "problem" lays in a simple fact that one is simply confused and operates within utterly artificial and even unnatural "system of values", that are mostly illusions of all kinds, the APPEARANCES of something. That is precisely why the very first sutra of Raja Yoga Patanjali states:

Identification with Prakriti creates misery.

Prakriti means nature, all tangible that surrounds you, the physical world of appearances.

So, once you are IDENTIFIED with it and take it as something ultimately "real", you are bound to suffer. It is pretty much inevitable. Simply because you take something "unreal", the world of APPEARANCES, for the "real".

One does not even realize that this seemingly tangible world of physical is nothing but illusion. Yes, it is as "real", as it might look. You can touch it and you can even break it or "concur" it. But, for some strange reason, "at the end", you pretty much inevitably get the frustration. No matter what you do and no matter what you "achieve", somehow, for some unknown reason, it eventually looses its initial luster and you are back at exactly the same point where you have started. Yes, indeed, you experience is enlarged and you are no longer the same "fool", as you used to be before you have started. Because you LEARN something from it.

If one is "lucky", one may get some hints from somewhere "out there", something that "knocked at ones door" and one begings to ask the "real" questions of a kind "but what is at the ROOT of all this", "what is the essence of those appearances and illusions of all kinds" that I seem to bump into again and again, but something does not quite "click"?

But what does it have to do with Benya, one might ask. Well, everything. Because what we see with Benya and all his most arrogant self-boasting and all his delusions of grandeur, such as "we have saved the world" are nothing more than the inevitable outcomes of the most profound "blindness" in terms of spiritual aspects.

With all his grand talks about "saving the world" he is merely looking for external validation of his own validity, as sorry, as it may sound. And that is precisely why one has this non-ending thirst to constantly magnify things and even ones own significance "in the scheme of things". But FOR WHAT?

Well, just "TO PROVE" something to the entire world, and, ultimately, to oneself, and amplify ones own significance. Because if one is satisfied with oneself and accepts oneself as something valid then one looses that need to "prove" something. First of all, even if you manage to "prove" it to others, what does it change as far as the "real" YOU is concerned? You are still the same man as you were. Whether others bow down to you, as though you were someone "great", does it make you any different than what you "really" are, in the depths of your Being?

Even if the entire world sings praises to you, do you somehow, magically, become more VALID? And even if the whole world condemns you, does it somehow diminishes the essence of who you are? Because deep inside you KNOW "who you really are" and what is your "problems" or "achievements" that "stick" and remain with you without changing. No one in the entire world knows you better than you know your own Self. You don't become "richer" spiritually, or more "smart" even if the whole world sings praises to you. And you don't become smaller or worse than you are, even if the whole world condemns you. It does not matter at all.

ALL that "remains" at the end is you and your degree and ability to SEE, and your joy and desire to BE and to continue your experiment with Life Force and that Infinite Intelligence, ALL-permeating and ALL-inclusive. And you ARE a part of that Intelligence, even though it might look so minuscule, so small, that one is simply humbled to even begin to compare the scale.

Basically, the spiritual growth comes to its fruition when you ACCEPT and RECOGNIZE yourself as something ultimately valid and even "grand". Because the very Life is Grand. No matter how many of "imperfections" are there, you still get from Life precisely that, which stimulates your growth and comprehension of a grander scale of who do you think you are and what is Life is "all about".

And then comes the REAL Joy, the real appreciation, the real peace and silence in your forever busy mind, calculating everything every moment of your Life. And it comes in form of acceptance of yourself and Life as such, and appreciation of all the experiences and experiments available to you, given as a birth right.

Once you recognize that Life is Grand and it is an eternal Joy of discovery, then arises the desire TO BE in order to continue your experiments.

And only then you can recognize the real beauty, the real Intelligence, all-permeating and forever expanding.

And then there is no need to magnify your grandness, forever begging for external approval of who you really are, regardless of how sincere and honest it is. Because you KNOW "who you really are", even if you can not quite express it to others.

The thing is: You ARE!!! This is undeniable fact, beyond any argumentation.

And, even merely logically, it follows that there simply MUST be some purpose for you to be, unless you are totally lost in the purely materialistic delusion of comparing the tangible things that are not even comparable, at least once you recognize the multidimensionality of Life itself.

You ARE!!! "Wake up", and recognize that every single cell in your body, and every single thought in your mind PRECISELY and eternally corresponds to your needs, understanding and your ability to SEE, to see in order to progress further, in order to continue your way, to enlarge the scope of what you THINK you are.

And then the very idea of "saving the world" becomes simply laughable. Because it is really ridiculous and bizarre to the point of insanity.

Secondly, there are forces working quietly, behind the scenes, on precisely this issue, and those forces are such that it is doubtful that this great Benya can even begin to comprehend the magnitude and scale of it, at least in the light of his grand claims, most of which is arrogant, self-boasting bluff, "a tale, told by the idiot, full of fury, signifying nothing". Simple as that.

Who are you, but a little speck, "in the scheme of things", to even begin to comprehend what is the World, where is it heading and what awaits it in some "future".

Just appreciate all grandness of the Infinite Intelligence, the undeniable part of which YOU are.

Yes, do ALL you can to "improve things". But the most important and even critical part of that "improvement" is precisely YOU and your ABILITY TO SEE. As once you see, you come to a certain point of relaxation within yourself, a certain degree of appreciation and wonder and delight.

Yes, battle all you want with all the "evils" you see around or within. Yes, "improve" everything you see to be "imperfect", or, more precisely, a DISTORTION.

Because that is precisely how the Infinite Intelligence has a chance to grow, to enlarge its scope, to forever seek new ways and paths. Else it would all come to a complete halt, which is simply impossible and utterly inconceivable.

So, the question arises, as far as Benya goes, what does it matter if all those "great families" contacted him? What kind of significance does it have for all others? What does it really change or even tell them as to what is REALLY happening with them and their own Lives?

You can say: look I am "great", in fact "the greatest thing that ever was or is". But what does it change for all those who you are trying to address? What changed in THEIR life if you are "great" or the greatest conman there ever was, beyond their realization that they were such profound fools to even think that Benya is not just the same fool they themselves are, only of a different shape or color, with his own twists and turns, that, nevertheless, are not that different than their own?

And, most importantly, where are the very roots in this never-ending desire to pump your chest and blow up your cheeks like a balloon?

Do you, by ANY humble chance, become MORE "valid" than what you KNOW yourself to be?

Oh, look everyone, here is the picture of me with no one less than one of the biggest servants of evil, David Rockefeller! Am I not "great"? Just look at me and my plastic smile of a fool in a presence of the "wizard of Ozz", David Rockefeller himself!!!

Naturally, the question arises: is it a madhouse of some kind? Are we seeing but some puppet, most obediently licking the rear end of some "authority" of world caliber?

In one sentence we are seeing that Rockefellers are some of the most vicious servants of evil, and in the next sentence we see a picture of Beyna licking his rear end.

And that is how it looks like to us. A mental department level and self-boasting arrogance and narcissism and of the worst kind one can even hope to find. And for what? What is the "end goal" here? - "To save the world"? From WHAT and WHOM and HOW, if you are confused in the most profound ways as to what is what and who is who and, probably most importantly, WHY?

How can self-boasting and utterly blind fools possibly even comprehend what does it mean "to save the world" when with every single post of theirs and in nearly every single sentence they say, we can see this delusion of grandness and constant pumping of horrors of all kinds, sucked out of ones own finger in most cases?

Is that how you "fight the evils" of this world?

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 759

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