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Comment: About meritocracy

First of all, let us make it real clear that the idea of meritocracy is not Benya's or "Alexander Romanoff's" idea, as these people present it.

The idea of meritocracy was proposed by Osho back in 1985. He talked about it in 17 of his lectures. Basically, the idea of meritocracy does make a lot of sense compared to democracy, which, essentially, is election of anyone, who can promise more things, lies and manipulates better than others and has enough financial support for his campaign. And it does not have anything to do with his abilities to solve some problems, his competence and his intelligence, and, most of all, the level of his awareness.

Basically, "the representative democracy" is election of the incompetent people by the incompetent people. Because "the crowd" or "the herd" is largely incompetent, at least as to the issues of governance and all sorts of problems arising in any society that need the intelligent and "sane" people to find the best solutions.

Here's what Osho, known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh at that time, said in one of them:


A: Then do away with democracy if you cannot do without political parties.

My own idea is far superior than democracy. Democracy may look good in comparison with dictatorship.

But I have the idea of meritocracy - which is higher than democracy, because democracy is bound to be on the same level as the mass. It is a mobocracy.

Calling it "democracy" is not right. And the mobs' standard of thinking is not much higher. The politician has to follow] the mob. On the surface it looks that the leader is ahead and the masses are following him. Actuality is the leader is behind, he is always looking where the masses are going and he jumps ahead to keep himself ahead - to show to the masses that, "I am your leader."

I believe in meritocracy. Then there is no need for a party.

For example, if there is an election you choose directly the health minister. Let all the physicians of the land contest, let the best physician be chosen and let each individual choose. There is no question of any politics.

You need an education minister. Let all the vice-chancellors contest, and have the best education minister in the world.

Why bother about all this nonsense?

There is no need for provincial governments. There is no need for all these parliaments and all these assemblies. Choose the best people, and you can transform the country very quickly.

Osho - The Last Testament, Vol 4, Chapter 14

Here's one more:


A: ONE thing is absolutely certain: The days of the politicians are over.

They have done too well their job of being destructive, violent.

They have come to a point where humanity has to decide either to die remaining with the politicians, to commit a global suicide, or to throw out the politicians and save humanity, civilization, culture, life.

Nothing is favorable to the politician; and as each day passes his death comes closer. He himself is responsible. He improved the weapons which can bring death to the whole world to such a point that there is no way of going back. Either there will be an ultimate war - which means death to all and everything - or a total change in the whole structure of human society. I am calling that change, meritocracy.

One thing - we have to drop the idea that every man, just because he is twenty-one, is capable of choosing who is the right person to decide the fate of nations. Age cannot be the decisive factor.

We have to change the decisive factor; that is changing the very foundation.

My suggestion is that only a person who is at least a matriculate should be able to vote. His age does not matter. And as I explain to you the whole thing, it will become easier. For the local 125 government, matriculation will be the qualification for the voters. And graduation from a university, at least a bachelor's degree, should be a necessary qualification for anybody running for election, for the candidates. A master's degree should be a minimum qualification for the one who is running for mayor.

For the state elections, graduation with a bachelor's degree should be the minimum qualification for the voters. A master's degree in science, the arts, commerce, should be the necessary degree for the candidates. For the ministers an M.A. first class should be the minimum necessary qualification; more will be, of course, more appreciated. And anybody trying to become a minister will have to know something about the subject. His qualification should correspond to the subject matter that he is going to deal with in his ministership.

From Misery to Enlightenment - From idiotocracy to meritocracy

You can do a search of nearly 300 of Osho's books on the oshosearch.net/ site and see all the instances where he talked about meritocracy.

Search Oshosearch.net site for meritocracy

Did you notice that when Osho talks about election of the education minister he says that the candidate has to be selected among precisely the members of education field, and not merely arbitrary "merits" anyone might have?

But there is something to be aware of as far as meritocracy goes. Basically, it means nothing more than merit. And what is "merit"? - Well, it could be ANY kind of "achievement". If you can eat more burgers than others in the shortest time or you can spit the furthest or you have 2 meters long nails, than certainly you do have some "merit".

Because "merit" does not imply competence, intelligence, awareness or some other skill necessary to govern or solve some specific problem of society.

As a result, you might have some 3rd rate movie actors or some bullies that can drag a huge 20 ton truck by pulling it with his teeth classified as someone who has some "merit".

And that is precisely why in monarchies the offspring is educated and taught all sorts of subjects, including diplomacy, logic, principles of governing, military skills, engineering and management of social infrastructures and so on. So, by the time a youngster grows up, he is well prepared in all the necessary skills to govern, solve problems and negotiate instead of bullying each other.

Furthermore, it is highly desirable for a potential candidate to learn probably the most important "skill" of all - AWARENESS. Because doing things unconsciously or based on some prior knowledge or even some "bad memories" from the past experiences, and all sorts of stale PATTERNS one was trained to recognize does not mean that you are doing it consciously and with awareness. Because all these old patterns, even if they are appropriate as such, are from the past. They are frozen in time in a certain sense. But the society forever encounters NEW situations. So, the pattern handling needs to be adjusted to account for new conditions and not merely duplicated "as is". And that is how Creativity kicks in.

Basically, probably the most important "discipline" to study is "spirituality", meaning that FIRST OF ALL, you learn the very ROOTS of Existence and Life and Intelligence. Unless you recognize and SEE those roots, all your Life will be mostly unconscious commotion with all sorts of strain, struggles and so on, purely out of "blindness".

That is the KEY, and the MAIN key to nothing less than Life affirming principles. Else, and pretty much inevitably, you will end up in the same hole the mankind is in right now. We repeat again and again:

Blind leading the blind will INEVITABLY end up in a ditch.

Yes, inevitably. Because the MAIN key is missing, and that is Life and its founding principles vs. the illusion of death and destructions we see all over this planet right now. Just ask yourself a simple question: But WHAT is "ruling" this planet as we see it? - Well, it is "power", violence, "concurring" something by brute force and eventually death, fear, greed and guilt.

And it is pretty much inevitable precisely because of "blindness" or absence of the ability to SEE at least the main principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, known as "The One", "The Creator", "The Father", God and so on.

As once you SEE that Life does "make sense" and you recognize the relationships even between seemingly unrelated things and events, you begin to SEE the very principles of Life, Intelligence and Creativity.

Furthermore, you begin to sense that the events in your own Life are not accidental, by ANY means, and they are not "random" or some "objective" external circumstances, forced upon you to do things you otherwise would not chose to do or follow.

Very few people realize that what appears in their Lives is PRECISELY that which they NEED, and they need it precisely in order to stimulate their GROWTH and awareness of the "larger picture", instead of getting lost in some forest and not seeing it for the trees. Even those at times unpleasant experiences that you might encounter again and again in your life is not some "bad karma" in form of some "punishment" for "bad deeds" in the past.

No, they are replayed for you in order to LEARN something that you have not learned so far, and they appear again and again precisely because you are READY to handle them and "grew up" sufficiently to meet them. Otherwise, just as said in the New Testament:

"How can you punich the blind for not being able to see?"

That is why your "pain" and "misery" appears again and again. Simply because you have some distorted picture that needs to be corrected and SEEN for what it is eventually, and when that happens, all of a sudden, you find yourself in the situations that no longer have those painful or miserable components. That is how GROWTH happens.

So, the idea with meritocracy is heading in the "right" direction. Except the very concept of mere "merit" is not enough and does not guarantee that you will do things out of SEEING, and not merely as a result of some mental processes, or even worse, some "bad" or painful memories or experiences of the past.

And that is why there exists a hereditary "rule" or governing by the bloodlines, which neither "gnostic Illuminati" "Alexander Romanoff" nor Benya Fulford seem to even pay attention to.

You do not simply start fighting with the principles of "the ruling families". First you need to UNDERSTAND, and, most importantly, SEE those principles and realize that some of them do make quites some sense, while others virtually guarantee the sickening and eventual degeneracy among the "ruling bloodlines", just as it is historically known in the European "ruling bloodlines", that intermixed so badly that you could hardly find a single king who was not an inborn degenerate on a biologic level.

That is why in Chirstianity, for example, it is strictly forbidden to intermarry with your blood relatives, down to 6th generation. Else, producing a degenerate offspring is nearly certain. That is why during the last generation or so you see the princes marry some movie actresses from Hollywood or some "models" and so on. Because those are so far removed from the "ruling family" bloodlines that it is virtually guaranteed that they are not genetic degenerates. So, they hope to dilute their genetically sick bloodline with some "fresh blood".

That is why you see Diana and others "off the wall", as far as "ruling families" go. Their only and exclusive "purpose" is to produce the offspring. Once it is done, they are no longer needed and may be disposed of, just like some used condom, which is what we have seen with Diana.

Furthermore, they may become the "big mouths", thinking they know some "secrets", and some of them, like Diana, for example, even begin to act, and in ways that are utterly unacceptable to the "ruling bloodlines". And that is precisely why they are disposed of.

Initially, they are bribed with money, as much, as they can swallow, and that is the "message" to them as to the extent of their activity and function. And, if they decide to go beyond that and take some active role in social issues, impacting the societies, as such, that is where they are stopped.

Because, first of all, their level of competence is merely laughable. They were not educated as to the principles of governing and all sorts of "secret doctrines" and, probably most importantly, they have no clue of who is "ruling this planet" in reality, and that is Lucifer and "the Orion group".

Because "the ruling bloodlines" consider themselves to be some kind of "elite", "above all mortals" and, therefore, can not even afford to mix the blood with "the rest of us" in order not to "spoil" their "royal bloodline" with some "filthy animals" as they consider the mankind at large. One needs to study the subject of the "ruling families" much better than what we see with Benya, "Alexander Romanoff" and the rest of them, pretty much.

All this means that the concept of "meritocracy" as such, without further refinement, is not quite sufficient or valid idea that is likely to produce any genuine progress.

So, the question arises: How do you assure that you place someone in governing or public service position who has the RIGHT and APPROPRIATE merits or "achievements", and not just ANY arbitrary set of "merits"? One of the ways was proposed by Osho: when you select someone for education position then you chose among those, who have merits in precisely the education, and so with any other field or position.

And this is easier said then done, especially in the light of the very core of it - SEEING and awareness.

That is why there is a contradiction between the very idea of an elective process and acquisition of necessary SKILLS to perform a particular job. Because to acquire skills takes time. So, either you select among those who already have the appropriate set of skills, or you have to educate the potential candidates before you place them in governing position.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 859

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