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Comment: But who is going to do the arrests? - Pentagon?

Benya constantly keeps talking about some mythical arrests and goes as far as to ask the question "but how come they are not arrested?". But WHO is going to arrest the criminals of the highest level? Who has such an authority and on what basis these arrests are to be done?

This is one of the most significant things about many of Benya's reports. But the question arises: WHO is going to do those arrests and on what basis and under which authority? The regular police cop can not simply go and arrest someone, no matter what. First of all, he needs the ORDER from his superiors, and those superiors in all likelihood are masons or their corrupt puppets.

Anyone in a position of a major or even captain, not even talking about the top level of the police, is likely to be some sorts of a pervert and a member of some masonic lodge doing all sorts of voodoo "craft" to boost his pathetic ego. For example, in the UK, during the investigation of the masonic influence on the police system, a while back, revealed some simply staggering numbers of masons working in the police. The same thing with the police academies in the USA. The number and the information about all sorts of sexual and sadomasochistic orgies in those academies is something quite unbelievable.

And about the first and sticky indication of the presence of the evil cults are precisely the sexual perversions, just as shown in the work of Gregory Klimov, who has spent 50 years of his life studying precisely these subjects. Because degeneracy, the first stage of which is sexual perversions, is an inevitable and omni-present fact in all the manifestations of evil.

Three stages of degeneracy
Degenerates Rule The World!
(Interview with Gregory Klimov about "the power complex" and stages, symptoms and expressions of degeneracy)

Historically, precisely the police and military are infiltrated by all sorts of degenerates and all the top positions are taken out by those. Because the police and military are the main forces of massive control and application of brute force against the "herd". You can also observe it with the "royal families". One of the main things the heir of the "throne" is taught or trained in is precisely the military, just as we can see with prince Harry. Nearly every single one of them simply has to graduate from some military academy and have enough of real life experience in the military operations in the field. This is one of the most important things and aspects for the future "ruler". He has to have the first hand experience in dealing with destructive things. Simply because precisely in those situations what is at stake is nothing less then the crown and total control.

One other aspect of the arrests is that it can be done via limited number of means. It is either the court order, and for that you have to have at least some active investigation going on, and, therefore, the involvement of some judge, nearly all of which are the puppets of their masonic/Illuminati puppet masters. Even to conceive the situation that some judge will issue an order to arrest some highest order criminals borders on fiction.

Very rarely, the highest order criminals are ever arrested throughout the history. Yes, the ARE examples of it, but those are rather exceptions and not the rule. Because it is nearly impossible to find the non-corrupt judge who is not a puppet. You can enumerate the honest and courageous judges on your fingers pretty much. Because judge means mason and/or Illuminati with pretty high degree of certainty. Because the legal field is one of the most important fields for the forces of evil.

Alternatively, you can do the "arrests" by the military, just as Benya keeps insisting all the time. But it is not a simple matter. Basically, it means the military coup or revolution of some sort. Military does not do "arrests". It does destruction and mass murders. Secondly, on which basis the military may do arrests? Understood, in "national emergency" situations the military may kick in. But then you have to have a declaration of such an emergency, and only the authorized branches or government or the president may declare such an emergency. Else, we have a military coup in effect.

So, imagine for a moment that Obama declares the "national emergency", after which automatically kicks-in "The Project Endgame", among other things. What follows then? Can you even begin to comprehend? And WHO is Obama, but a puppet in the hands of that very ZioNazi banking mafia of satanists? How and by what means are you going to do the "arrests" Benya keeps talking about all the time?

He keeps talking about Pentagon as some kind of "good guys" and keeps claiming they are doing all these "good" things on behalf of mankind. But what is the Pentagon in its very essence? What is their "job" and what were they trained to do but to mass murder, destroy, devastate the infrastructure of the "enemy" and things of that nature?

These people were not educated to solve any kind of problems beyond purely military means. They are trained to KILL and destroy and that is their mentality. Even to imagine that Pentagon is playing the role of some "good guy" is quite a stretch of imagination. Interestingly enough, if Pentagon and all these warmongers were allowed to have their way during the Cuban crisis of the 60's, it is not clear we would be around. Thanks to Kennedy and Kruschev that we did not have a nuclear world war at that time. Because virtually all the Pentagon's "talking heads" kept insisting on the nuclear attack on Cuba. If that would happen, the nuclear response of Russia would be simply inevitable.

And with Benya, we have the Pentagon in the clothes of some St. Peter or some other follower of Jesus Christ.

If we pay attention on how many times Benya "flashed" the Pentagon and his "sources" there, it is pretty amazing to see that any of those "dissidents" in Pentagon are still alive. Because once the head of the state knows that there is some brewing and opposition going on in the Pentagon, they would be identified and dismissed a long, long time ago, if not called "the enemies of democratic values" or even "the enemies of the state" or some other nonsense of that kind.

Another thing to mention is that in order for any dissent to exist in the Pentagon or any other organization for that matter, you need a MASSIVE support and coordination. Because revolutions do not happen just because of few "revolutionaries". They happen only after massive infrastructure is built and made operational and all sorts of massive campaigns of disinformation had been conducted for years on. You need constant and non-stop disinformation in the media in order to form the public opinion.

You need to organize and conduct all sorts of meetings at the factories and all sorts of other places. You need tons of booklets, brochures and all sorts of other disinformation propaganda. Simply because you need to get the support of the "herd". Without the "herd" no revolution or a major change is possible and will "stick". Even if you manage to topple the government, if you do not have a wide support of the "crowd", your days are numbered.

In other words, you need an extensive NETWORK and, probably most importantly, "the Plan", and in order for the plan to exist, you need some "leader", some top level "talking head" zombifying them all with all sorts of ideas, "goals" and so on.

What are your "goals"? Who will support you? What are you trying to achieve, as far as the "bright future of mankind" is concerned. Did you even explain to the "mere mortals" what constitutes that "bright future" and why do you peddle it as something as bright as you present it?

But, most of all, you need the organization and coordination committee of some sort. And you need to conduct regular secret meetings to coordinate all sorts of activities. And you need to be aware of the fact that your "opposition" movement will be inevitably infiltrated with the traitors and agents of the same evil you are trying to fight, and they will eventually work their way up in your organization to the 2nd position, just behind the head of the organization. And they will be the ones that will whisper all sorts of advices to the head of your organization and will propose all sorts of things and "solutions" on the secret "board" meetings.

In other words, this is a massive operation that takes YEARS to build your network, your trusted members and so on and so forth. You don't create the revolutions or coups within days or weeks. It is simply impossible. And you will also need financing of all sorts of things.

Basically, this particular report, full of all sorts of wild ideas, is a typical report of Benya, "full of fury and signifying nothing", at least not that much.

Yes, indeed, pushing the fake money, such as dollars, off the scale of world trade and economy will certainly produce more results than nearly anything else in this report. Once you push the dollar off the scale, the entire financial stream of fake "money", fabricated out of thin air, collapses. But it takes time. The dollar "rules" this planet since the WWII and it is everywhere, in oil and energy, gold and other metals and so on and so forth. Sure, if it only rules the derivative markets and all sorts of fake money schemes, that is not such a big deal, for as long as you don't tie the REAL things and values to this fake scheme of imaginary value.

Yes, the days of the ZioNazi satanists and "the dark side" are numbered, but PRIMARILY because of the information explosion and not because of some "quick fixes". Because once the information flow gains a certain level of strength and authenticity it becomes impossible to control "the herd", simply because they are beginning to see "the real picture", and once that happens, they will no longer buy all these lies we see all over the screen.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 908

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