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Critical Digest: October 13, 2015

We'd like to warn our readers that these are the CRITICAL digests. You won't find any praises of "great Benya" and his tremendous insights and "prophecies" of all kinds with "mathematical certainties". You can read all that jazz by going directly to his site.

We are primarily interested in doing all we can to assist all those people that have not studied enough of this satanic NWO stuff and have not enough clarity and awareness of their own to distinguish the wishful thinking, at best, or outright lies and fabrications and even incitements to violence from That Which Is.

The "keyword" here is That Which Is.

We'll try to cover the most of his reports, but not necessarily every single thing in them. You can read the full reports on Thursdays after original publication and make your own mind on it.

And so it goes. Just hold on to your chairs and enjoy the ride... Just pretend this is just a show in some puppet theater.

The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer http://www.federalreserve.org

but is now http://www.federalreserve.gov/

Well, this is simply bizarre. In fact, the domain http://www.federalreserve.org did not belong to the FRS. "According to http://research.domaintools.com/research/whois-history/search/?q=federalreserve.gov the site Federalreserve.gov has records 12 years old".

federalreserve.org is a private registration through godaddy. It was originally registered on Jan 20, 1998. It never was associated with either the government or the bankers/federal reserve.

Domain ID: D776507-LROR
Creation Date: 1998-01-20T05:00:00Z
Updated Date: 2010-12-02T16:43:02Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2016-01-19T05:00:00Z
Sponsoring Registrar:GoDaddy.com, LLC (R91-LROR)
Registrant Name:Registration Private
Registrant Organization:Domains By Proxy, LLC
Registrant Street: DomainsByProxy.com
Registrant Street: 14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Registrant City:Scottsdale
Registrant State/Province:Arizona
Registrant Postal Code:85260
Registrant Country:US

So, if this is any kind of evidence of anything, it is evidence of Benya being a disinformation agent and fabricator of crap of all kinds, none of which even remotely resembles the reality.

The Chinese coordinated with this move by announcing their China International Payments System alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system meaning their take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States was proceeding as planned. The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time.

Well, this looks like a pipedream if not the outright fabrication and for quite a few reasons. Why would they even care to "take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States"? What does it buy them? Secondly, to create an alternative transfer system is not that difficult technically and even Visa or Mastercard could do it without a wink of an eye because the traffic is miniscule compared to what they can handle. But it is quite a task from other standpoints, such as acceptance, trust, exchange rates and the ability of exchange and all sorts of other aspects.

As to "The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time", it is like everything else in Benya's reports. It is either "mathematical certainty" or "implosions" of all kinds, or "bloody revolutions" are INEVITABLE and so on. He does not seem to realize or even care about the fact that the future can not be expressed as some "mathematical certainty" as there are alternatives to virtually any point of view. Very few people have been able to predict it, and even those who were in fact able to predict quite a few things would never use such bizarre terms as "mathematical certainty" or "inevitability". Those are terms usually used by megalomaniacs and degenerates of all kinds, obsessed with their own egos.

The rogue Netanyahu regime only added gasoline to the fire last week by faking a US air force air raid against Syrian government forces in Aleppo, according to other Pentagon sources. The Russians were not fooled by this maneuver and responded by sending missiles and fighter jets over Iranian airspace (with Iran’s permission of course) to attack multiple targets in the Middle East, killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops operating against international law in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon sources say. The real message of course is that the US military was ready to step aside and allow the Russians to clean up the mess in the Middle East.

Well, if Russia would actually do it, "killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops", then you would see it on every news channels and in every news article out there. The stink worldwide would be even worse than it is right now regarding the accusations of Russia being the "agressor" in Ukraine, "annexing the Crimea", which historically belongs to Russia as far back as hundreds of years ago, not even mentioning the vote of people of Crimea to be united with Russia again. This would be the best evidence that Russia is the REAL "aggressor", attacking the "worldwide coalition". For one thing, Putin would never do such a stupid thing regardless of anything. But here is the real "eye opener":

Russian and the Israel Air Forces will practice providing security in the skies over Syria

15:21, October 15, 2015

The armed forces of Russia and Israel began joint training to ensure security in the skies over Syria. This was stated by the representative of the Russian Defense Ministry Igor Konashenkov [Èãîðü Êîíàøåíêîâ], according to RIA Novosti [ÐÈÀ Íîâîñòè (major Russian news agency)].

"Today we will have the second phase of training with Israeli counterparts," - he said.

According to Konashenkov, during the first phase we organized mutual information exchange between the control center of the Russian military aircraft based in the Hmeymim and the headquarters of the Israeli Air Force.

The representative of the Ministry of Defense also added that the talks between Russia and the United States on Wednesday brought together their positions on the key provisions of the future document, governing the issues of assuring safety for Russian aircraft during their flights over Syria and the aircraft of the coalition.

Earlier, on October 9, the Israeli press have reported, the high-level Russian military delegation visited Tel Aviv headed by the first deputy chief of the General Staff Colonel-General Nikolai Bogdanov [Íèêîëàåì Áîãäàíîâñêèì]. The Israeli side was represented by Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Major-General Yair Golan.

In September, it was reported, that the chiefs of of both general staffs Valery Gerasimov [Âàëåðèé Ãåðàñèìîâ] and Gadi Eizenkot [Ãàäè Àéçåíêîò] reached an agreement on the establishment of a bilateral military commission, which is mandated to coordinate military actions of Russia and Israel in the air, at sea and in the field "of various technical measures." It was also reported, that the main headquarters of the Israeli Air Force created a coordinating center for assuring the interaction with the Russian air force, located in Syria.

Russian and the Israel Air Forces will practice providing security in the skies over Syria (in Russian)

Moreover, in the context of the Russian ban on USAF rising into the air during operation of the Russian aviation, it looks like "oi, vei." That's quite an achievement! Even the USA could not achieve such a "breakthrough", or could it?

Then Benya goes on to fabricate the "the Saudi prince bent over and offered Russia control of the oil market".

Defense Minister and Crown Prince Salman flew to Russia where, according to Pentagon and Russian sources he offered the surrender of his regime. ...In effect, the Saudi prince bent over and offered Russia control of the oil market in exchange for his regime’s survival. To sweeten the pot, Salman offered to pay for the two French made Mistral helicopter carriers that Egypt is buying after France was forced to cancel the sale to Russia.

Well, in that case how come Saudis have recently purchased tons of all sorts of arms including the advanced missile defense installations from Russia? Just to "bend over"? And why would Russia sell it to them?

...with the Chinese, Russians and Iranians supporting Yemeni forces seizing key Saudi oil fields it looks increasingly likely the “political settlement” will be the abdication of that odious Satan worshipping pseudo-Muslim family and their ceding of control of the Muslim holy lands in exchange for their lives.

Have you heard of "Yemeni forces seizing key Saudi oil fields" anywhere in the news? And if you compare the military power of Saudis with their most advanced weaponry they've been buying in the USA to the "Yemeni forces", if there are any of comparable might, then this looks just like some "channeling" session from the planet Mars.

Then Benya goes into Turkey, Erdogan and the Middle East.

The Pentagon is withdrawing all its forces and anti-missile defenses from Turkey as part of its general disengagement from the region.

Seems strange. Because the Middle East is getting hotter and hotter every day. What is the benefit for the Pentagon to begin "general disengagement" in such a hot spot? What would that achieve for them especially in the light that they, according to Benya, are aligning themselves with Russia and Iran against the ZioNazi satanists and constant, unending Isreeli agressions and massacres?

Erdogan has been caught bombing Kurds in his own country, stealing industrial infrastructure from Syria, working with Israel and generally being an anti-social trouble maker. As payback, the Rothschild pipelines carrying Syrian and Iraqi stolen oil through Turkey are being cut off by the Russians and Kurds.

Have you heard anywhere in the news that the oil pipelines are being "cut off by the Russians and Kurds"? Would not you see it reported all over the world as "yet another Russian aggression, proving that Russia is a terrorist state threatening the stability and 'democratic values' worldwide"?

The cut off of Middle Eastern oil money is going to be the last nail in the coffin for many of the criminal mega-banks that have survived thanks to petrodollars. That is one of the main reasons why the IMF, the UN, the BIS, Citibank, the Bank of England and others have been warning of an impending financial crisis. The financial head of the Nazionist octopus is being cut off and soon the various arms will stop their doomed struggles.

Well, but what does it mean "the cut off of Middle Eastern oil money"? Does not it mean the collapse of world economy? Does not it mean that it order to cut off the oil money, you'd have to stop supplying the oil to the world, nothing less, which is simply equivalent to global suicide, at least in economic terms?

With the imminent removal from power of its European and American sponsors the fate of the Nazionist Netanyahu regime in Israel has also now been pretty much sealed. Netanyahu was forced to cancel his planned visit to Germany because German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German regime told him he was not going to get any more German submarines.

Says who? And how long that "imminent" this and that is going to remain in the state of "imminent"? Will something actually happen within foreseable future before "the crap actually hits the fan"? Well, about the only "imminent" thing you can see in Benya's reports is his imminent obsessions and delusions of grandior, mixed with all sorts of "prophecies" that for some strange reason do not seem to materialize, regardless of how "imminent" Benya paints them.

Can you remember at least one "imminent" thing reported by Benya that actually materialized, even "after all these years"? Would you kindly send it to us with the exact quote so we could look at it to see what it actually means? Would be appreciated indeed. Who knows, may be we are missing something here in all his great "prophecies"...

Then Benya goes into piles of bluff about "fake 'emissions scandal'". We'll skip that one.

The French have also thrown in the towel and are no longer working for the Khazarian mob, according to British MI5 intelligence. The French have told the British they will be integrating the EU with Russia and that if the British were against that, they should leave the EU project, the sources said.

Well, but what does it mean "French"? Does Benya mean that they are not but the French Rothschild puppet government, just like German puppet government is? Who OWNS the French and German governments but their puppeteers Rothschilds? How is it conceivable that either French or German or even British would do anything against the ZioNazi satanists and their puppet masters Rothschilds?

Just watch carefully what is going on around the ZioNazi overthrow of the legitimate government in Ukraine and the resulting First Economic World War against Russia. Don't you see how these "governments" and "officials" sing the same song and repeating the same lies of the most blatant kind presenting every single thing in just the opposite way than it is in reality?

Have you heard even a WORD of truth in all their unending lies? Now, think for a moment what would it take to make them all sing the same song, morning to night, every day of the week and for years on? How come do we see such an unprecedented unity of opinion among the "world leaders" and highest level "officials" throughout the world? WHO is pulling their strings and writes the same scripts they sing every time you see their faces on the screen?

The thing is that neither France, nor Germany nor UK are sovereign states ruled by the real governments. Their governments belong to their puppet masters and so is their treasuries and central banks, and anyone who had studied these issues for at least few days knows it in no uncertain terms.

That is one of the major problems in the world right now: There are no sovereign states left on the face of this planet, and all the states that attempted to become really sovereign and bypass the ZioNazi banking system were destroyed via all sorts of "colored revolutions", which is a known fact to any half-decent researcher. This applies to Iraq, Lybia, Syria and plenty of other countries. Interestingly enough, in all those states the income of plain ordinary people were not that far from the "civilized western world".

Then Benya goes into Far East bluff tirade.

In the Far East, meanwhile, some big changes are also starting to be seen. The Chinese communists and the North Korean regime have patched over their differences.

Sez who? Where? Would not this be covered in the media worldwide? The problem in Far East is that it consists of totally incompatible regimes, the fake communism and fake capitalism. These systems are totally incompatible. In order to "resolve the differences", one of them has to effectively die. Simple as that. They keep quarreling, and for years on, and for the most insignificant things imaginable, that change virtually nothing, just to keep the animosity and tensions going in order for the politicians to show their faces on the idiot boxes, called TV, "proving" they are needed and they actually DO something for the good of their people.

Ask yourself a simple question: why is that we see all these bizarre and utterly unnecessary conflicts and unending violence throughout the world, seemingly coming out of the blue? Well, one of the reasons you see it is to keep you BUSY with "problems" your so-called politicians are constantly bragging about, pretending they are there to solve those problems they themselves have created to keep you all deluded.

There hasn't been a few days period of abscence of some violence and wars in centuries. WHY? Is humanity so insane that it can not live without wars and violence even for few days? WHO is doing and orchestrating it all and for what?

The announcement by the North Koreans that they had nuclear inter-continental ballistic missiles capable of hitting the United States and Europe was a sign that Japan and the Korean peninsula were no longer open to nuclear blackmail by the Khazarians and their dwindling collection of slave regimes, North Korean and Chinese sources said.

Well, a couple of those quite primitive ballistic missiles of North Korea represent no danger of any kind. Sure, if we are talking about the advanced Russian multi-head ballistic missiles which makes them nearly impossible to shut down, that is another matter. But to shut down the Korean missles is not much more difficult then to shut the jumbo jet liner. They simply do not have and can not have the advanced capabilities required to survive. Secondly, it will take generations before North Korea will be able to manufacture enough of them to represent any kind of really threatening power. Simple as that.

Another thing to notice here is this: what do the Korean missles have to do with Japan? Are they friends nowadays? Have you heard of anything even remotely resembling the friendship between these states? Does it mean North Korea will use a couple of their funky missles to protect Japan? Why would they do that, especially in light of all the tensions between them going on for years?

And, surely enough, Benya simply HAS to amplify the significance and relevance of the so-called WDS, elevating them to the level of some kind of world power.

The CIA sent a warning to the White Dragon Society that the Khazarians were going to try to force a German style emissions scandal and other scandals on Japanese corporations like Mitsubishi, Honda, Toyota, Mazda etc. in order to try to force Japanese industrialists to continue their submission. Any such attempt will fail because the Abe slave regime is losing its support after forcing the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on its people and industry.

What does WDS have to do with emissions scandals and Japanese corporate world? Is it their mission - to protect the Japanese corporate world from evil ZioNazi satanists? As to prophecy of "any such attempt will fail", the Abe regime has been "losing its support" for years now, at least according to the same Benya. And what is the result? - So far - so good? Still there? Even "after all these years"?

Why does Benya need to even mention this crap as something of significance but to magnify the "power" and significance of the so-called WDS and, by implication, Benya himself as their "official" mouthpiece?

Although the TPP is mostly the result of complex technocratic horse trading and will have only minimal effect on the real economy, the fact that it was negotiated in secret and gives secretly selected corporate courts power over the Japanese government has angered nationalists here.

What? TPP will have only MINIMAL effect "on the real economy"? According to what logic? We claim that the reality is just the other way around: it will have VAST and multilayer effects and not only on economy, but on nearly every single aspect of world relations and total control of the world, bypassing the sovereignty of the states. We claim that this TPP scheme is one of the most significant developments as of this junction. No wonder just the other day there was a demonstration of 100 thousand people in Germany precisely against the TPP scam.

In any case, even as the Abe slave regime clings to power, an offensive against their remaining masters in the US is well under way. Even as this issue went to press, Abe’s masters have contacted the WDS to negotiate a peace deal.

What? What "offensive against their remaining masters in the US is well under way"? Sez who? WHERE?

What? "Abe’s masters have contacted the WDS to negotiate a peace deal"? So, it turns out that WDS is running the world nowadays? Or have they become a sovereign power or a sovereign state? How and by what means are they going to "enforce" anything, even if there is any kind of "deal" has been reached? Do they have some kind of military power to stand against the states, such as Russia, China, NATO or even the UN "peace keeping" force?

Meanwhile, Pope Francis is expected to show up in Mexico where he is considering announcing a holy war against the Khazarian mob still clinging to power in the United States and some Latin American countries, according to P2 freemason sources.

Pope Francis is a criminal and a satanist, just like any other Pope in last several centuries. He had participated in all sorts of satanic occult rituals of most outrageous child abuse and murder, he is a perpetrator in satanic child sacrifice rites and you name it. Any Pope is a humble servant of Lucifer. Simple as that.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 747

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The Khazarian mob is on the run as US military takes over Federal Reserve Board | Cabal resorting to extreme threats as their power structure crumbles
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