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Is prince William the future "King of the world"?

So far, we know about prince William as probably the most realistic candidate. Interestingly enough, recently we have seen the article which states that both princes, William and Harry, are actually Jews, since their mother is a Jewess. That is quite an interesting and pretty revealing detail. Unfortunately, it will take some time to find that link, and we do not have much time to spend.

Prince William, showing the satanic "horned hand" sign the Mano Cornuto. This gesture is a satanic salute in recognition and loyalty among members of Satanism or other wicked groups.


Buckingham Palace official announcement of the Antichrist was made on May 31, 2004 with the help of the photograph (symbolizing the "Lamb of God"), holding a lamb with cloven hooves, the symbol of Baphomet).

Prince William, the Antichrist ... the future king of the "New World Order"

(which has a global concentration camp, hundreds of which, incidentally, have already been built across the United States and which are able to "recycle" the millions of victims.)

Another interesting detail is that in the palace of Elisabeth II, under the chair where coronation ceremonies are conducted, there is a sacred stone of Jacob. Now, according to the occult and Kabbalistic beliefs of these satanists, the one who has that stone in his possession will ultimately become the "kind of the world".

The throne of queen of Englend, from which all the coronations are conduced, with the stone of Jacob underneeth

stone of Jacob

And these are the things that are provable, including pictures with the "hidden messages" to the world.

And so, neither Richard Armitage, nor even "evil" Bushes are even in the picture, or in the "the scheme of things". BY FAR.

Then Benya goes:

As his criminal history makes clear, Armitage is a key hatchet-man in Asia for the Bush/Nazionist branch of the Khazarian mob.

Is there any evidence of it, and, even if he is in fact "a key hatchet-man" for Bushes, does it mean that he is more significant, in the scheme of things, than any other agent, even on the top level? And if that agent sits even below Bushes, who themselves are nothing more than agents, or "agentur", as they are known from Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion, then is he someone of a caliber even worth talking about?

Protocol 2.2: Puppet government - pawns in our game

Protocol 3 - Methods of Conquest

Protocol 3 - if journalists get the right to scribble any nonsense

The information below was provided to us by CIA colleagues of Armitage as well as by Japanese government sources, members of Japanese yakuza crime syndicates and others. Armitage was given a chance, by phone and e-mail, to rebut what is written below but he refused to answer, meaning that he is not denying what we are hearing about him.

Well, if THAT is in fact the case, and, assuming Benya did try to verify it, as much as possible, then, this implies that we are dealing with the facts, and not just some myths and theories, doesn't it? Simply because when the same information comes from the MULTIPLE sources, and not just a single one, then it makes it look like something trustworthy, doesn't it? So, let us see here.

Armitage is the senior person in the group that controls Japanese puppet prime minister Shinzo Abe. The hapless Abe is terrified of being killed and will only read from scripts he is given by Armitage and his acolytes. Armitage also controls the right to create and distribute Japanese yen. The so-called Abenomics, or money printing by the Bank of Japan, is just a cover for the continued looting of this country by Armitage and his fellow gangsters.

Capturing Armitage and forcing him to hand over the codes that allow for the creation and distribution of yen would cut off one of the Khazarian cabal’s Nazi faction’s most vital sources of funding.

Well, is it a joke of some kind? Does anyone, in his clear mind, think that the top level players would leave a "system vulnerability hole" this big, and, as a result, might loose the control over nothing less than Japan? Again, Armitage, or anyone else, is what might be classified as "our agentur", according to "The Protocols of the Learn Elders of Zion", an agent, and nothing more than that. If they were as stupid, as to leave the holes this big in their distributed network, they'd fall hundreds of years ago.

The White Dragon Society is offering a 10% reward, potentially worth billions of dollars, to any individual or group who manages to capture Armitage and force him to return to the Japanese people the money he and his fellow gangsters, like Michael Green, have stolen from them.

What is this? Whatever someone like Michael Green had stolen from Japan, or anywhere else, goes directly into the bottomless pockets of the top level players, such as Rothschilds, Baruchs and a handful of others, not even mentioning the Illuminati bloodlines. All these "agentur" merely get the agent's fees. But they do not have any of that robbed money, and could not possibly have. Else, they'd be dead a long, long ago, to dare to take ANY money, which "belongs" to the "ruling families".

Golden triangle heroin dealer Armitage first came into notoriety in the secret world when he sold out the government of South Vietnam to the communist North for money. Even Henry Kissinger was unaware this was the real reason why the South Vietnamese regime collapsed so suddenly. In other words, the biggest defeat in US military history was caused by a traitor within and not by military defeat.

The next big operation that Armitage was involved in was the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines. The US government was unable to afford to maintain its huge military bases in the Philippines so it decided to shut them down. Marcos, who was a firm US ally, wanted to keep the bases so, Armitage and crew arranged anti-Marcos demonstrations and advised Marcos to leave the Philippines and go to Hawaii. Marcos was poisoned in Hawaii. That is how the Bush/CIA faction treats close US allies.

Armitage was also a key player behind the failed attempt to overthrow the communist Chinese government known as the Tienanmen Square incident. Regardless of the rights and wrongs of what happened at Tienanmen Square, later Armitage and Bush began to provide the Communist Chinese government army with US military secrets in exchange for money.

For example, according to US military intelligence, they provided China with guidance systems for their wildly inaccurate nuclear missiles. This shows the utter and total lack of principles behind the Bush mafia and their operators like Armitage.

Armitage and crew were able to seize control of Japan’s finances through the murder of Japanese Prime Ministers. The two murdered Prime Ministers where the evidence trail is clearest are Ryutaro Hashimoto and Noboru Takeshita. These murders were part of a campaign run by Armitage to seize control of the Bank of Japan and thus of the right to issue Japanese yen, according to multiple sources including former close associates of Takeshita.

Hashimoto was killed with a poison inserted in his rectum during a hospital stay, Japanese right wing sources say. Takeshita was tortured to death in Alaska, according to multiple sources including members of the Japanese royal family.

Takeshita was hung upside-down from a helicopter, then he was stripped naked and chased through the snow by helicopters. Finally his testicles were smashed and he was killed. We have mentioned before that both Takamasa Kawase from Japanese Military Intelligence and a member of the Japanese royal family claim to have been shown a video of the murder of Takeshita. What we are claiming now is that Richard Armitage and his boss George Bush Sr. were in charge of this operation.

Well, lots of words indeed. But how and what does it change, as far as the problems and issues we all face today? By the way, how can it all be verified?

A person who worked as Takeshita’s “money man,” claimed he was threatened with “death by stroke” unless he handed over an attache case carrying the codes needed for issuing Japanese yen.

Well, but the codes are just that - the codes, and they can be changed in a wink of an eye. After all, they are not something of the level of "the ark of the covenant", or are they? If anyone "in his clear mind" thinks that the satanists would make such a blunder as to leave such a great vulnerability in the system, that may eventually lead to loss of control of the money printing process in such a world economic power, as Japan, then he may need to think again. It seems that there is probably more chance "for the hell to get frozen", than for these vicious ZioNazi satanists to make such a oversight.

Armitage is but one of the key operators in the Nazionist Bush mafia. Benyamin Netanyahu is another and there are now signs he is being taken down by genuine Jews who have finally figured out Netanyahu actually works for their Nazi tormentors. Recent bizarre comments made by Netanyahu about Hitler show that somebody is forcing him to commit political hara kiri.


Yes, the "operators" is quite conceivable. But who CONTROLS those "operators"? - THAT is the issue we have. Because the "operators" do not design any plans on such a grand scale, as world takeover. At best, they follow the instructions and execute some specific and limited tasks, just as ordered by their puppet masters. But, by themselves, they are nothing more than disposable condoms, to be thrown into the garbage bin once their usefulness expires.

We'll skip some mythical talk about the Canada and its past elections as something that does not change much. Because Canada is nothing more than yet another puppet state and a testing ground for the NWO and the experiment in absolute, all pervasive surveillance and absolute control of the "herd". Nothing more, but a lab. Its "weight" and impact on the global events and issues is nothing more than of yet one more mouth to say "yes".

We can only hope that under Trudeau the Canadian military and intelligence apparatus will now help their like-minded colleagues in the US finally purge the military industrial complex of genocidal mass murderers. If Trudeau really wants to make a splash, he should march the Canadian army into New York and Washington DC and remove all the gangsters like Armitage who still rule there.

Yes, hope, all you can, and all you want. As to "he should march the Canadian army into New York and Washington", can you even begin to comprehend anything like this? In reality, Canada and the USA are probably the closest allies compared to any other state in the world. Probably even closer than the UK.

Interestingly enough, Canada is currently a "field test ground" for what we might call the global surveillance state. The amount of spying and surveillance in Canada is probably orders of magnitude more than anywhere else in the world. So, if there is a testing ground for the final version of the NWO, in terms of surveillance and the "herd" control aspects, Canada is probably the best example of it in the entire world. And you can find this information without much effort.

CANADA - A SECRET TESTING GROUND of coming "new world order"

Hitler was most fond of this term - "New World Order." The ultimate goal of his was the division of the world into race of masters and a race of slaves. The organizers of the coming "new world order" have the same goal, but they walk with a different walk. They do not hurry, verify each step, use the new socio-psychological, financial, technology and ultra-modern technical advances.

And here in Canada (the country where you can remain the least "visible") members of this "elite club of the world", decided to build a prototype of the coming "New World Order." A building of "Brookstreet-hotel" in Ottawa, where the meeting of the B-club [Bilderberg Club] took place, reminds me the shape of "the Jerusalem Temple," about the rebuilding of which world Jewry is dreaming of for two thousand years.

Ts.u. received, pro-Israel puppet regime of Harper embarked on plans of priests-satanists in Tel Aviv, the Rothschilds and the B-club. In full accordance with these plans, in all major Canadian cities an incredible number of cameras for tracking people was installed. They eliminated all the secluded places inaccessible to the eye and "non-transparent fences" and the shadow areas.

For the sake of convenience of the police and "security cameras" in Montreal, they cut down the trees in squares, parks, gardens and alleys of old trees, such as along the Lachine Canal. I remembered, Michael, as in Israel they have cut down unique ancient forests to prevent "Arab terrorists" from "hiding in them". The government of Canada repeat the tricks of "Israeli woodcutters". There isn't even a secluded place for a the dog to urinate - everything is visible.

They have installed thousands of additional lights everywhere. The signs attached to the posts alert that round shaped cameras (like the countless Christmas balls) hung on them are the property of the police.

On the walls and ceilings of subway stations tens of thousands of passengers spying devices: optical cameras of a monstrous resolution, infrared, ultrasound and magnetic resonance "eyes" are installed. They are placed in a checkerboard pattern in the arrogantly close vicinity of people passing by: nearly one every inch. Their number, variety and properties allow you to see every passenger without clothes, to create a three-dimensional computer image of a victim (a cybernetic clone - a sort of virtual-metaphysical Eidolon).

CANADA - A SECRET TESTING GROUND of coming "new world order"

Then Benya goes into the issues of Barack Obama "behaving himself" as a result of the "orders" from the Pentagon, and he uses it as some kind of "evidence" of some "changes". Well, how much are you going to bet on it?

General Joseph Dunford, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon, also flew to Iraq last week in an unsuccessful attempt, (including the use of US special forces to free Iraqis from ISIS), to convince the Iraqis the US military was now against ISIS. Nonetheless, the US military will not intervene against any future Russian bombing inside Iraq if it comes at the request of the Iraqi government, the sources say.

Well, to conceive that the "the US military was now against ISIS" is something on the level of fantastic. Because they were the ones who created it in order to take over Syria for several reasons, not the last of which is the Israel's "interests", who keep sharpening their knife against Syria for years now.

The rest of Benya's talk we'll take as something mythical, just to create more hope in the minds of the "sheeple".

In another blow the Nazionists, Jordan has now agreed to help Russia in its campaign against ISIS, the pentagon sources say. This means Israel, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are now the only countries in the Middle East still working with the Bush Nazi faction.

Well, except there is plenty of information about Jordan being one of the quite important behind the scenes players on the side of the "bad guys", and the king of Jordan behaves like a pure grade satanist, who even dares to openly show the "horned hand" sign, known as Mano Cornuto, even during his meeting with Putin.

Jordanian King Abdullah shows the satanic horned hand sign Mano Cornuto during the face-to-face meeting with Putin.

It is nearly inconceivable that the Jordan fox will go against the ZioNazis, as they know too well what would they gain and what would they loose if they EVER decide to do so.

Meanwhile China has issued, in London, its first government bonds outside of Asia.


This means China is learning to treat the financial gangsters in Washington and New York as the pariahs they are.

Well, does not it mean that Rothschilds, who own the UK, in quite a literal sense, are shifting their accent and priorities to China, precisely according to the Illuminati NWO scheme, just as outlined by the former Illuminati, Svali? According to her, in their "plan", to be completed by 2020 approx., China is to become the state #1 in the world, outside of the royal bloodlines of the "Old Europe", or "The black nobility", as they are called, for example, by the former Mi-6 agent, John Coleman in his book The Committee of 300.

NWO - The Committee of 300 - Rulers of This World

We'll skip the rest of Benya's talk about China "aligning" with the Pentagon as just that. They are forever "aligning" and the re-aligning, ad nausea, in their hope creating procedure for the "sheep", whose minds are forever manipulated in the yoyo fashion, so there would never be a state of clarity in their minds, and their heads would forever spin, which is one of their major tricks of creating the global confusion.

The Vatican has also joined the British and the Pentagon in strengthening its ties with China. A Vatican delegation has just returned from China where it was agreed that from now on China and the Vatican would jointly select Catholic Bishops. This means the Vatican, China, the Pentagon, the British, Iran and now Canada are joining the growing alliance against the Khazarian mafia. If we can get Armitage and his cronies out of the way, Japan will join too.

It is noteworthy to see how Benya keeps elevating the utterly satanic Vatican, as some "good guys" in the fight against the ZioNazi satanists. As to what it "means", we can only say: well, it probably does mean something, as far as Benya's mind goes, except it is not quite clear what it is exactly.

As to "Armitage and his cronies", again, Armitage is not a PLAYER in the "game". Nor is some deranged satatists Bushes. All of them are nothing more than the "agentur" of the Rothschilds, Baruchs and a couple of others. At best, they could be classified as "top level operatives" of the same Rothschilds. But "any way you cut it", they are nothing more than a bunch of the obedient puppets, executing the instructions, in utter humbleness and servitude.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 948

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Arresting Richard Armitage and forcing him to talk may be final straw to break back of Khazarian gangster rule | World government is inevitable but it must never be fascist
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