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Critical Digest: November 2, 2015

The critical digest, of the entire report for November 2, 2015 will be available soon, somewhere within 24 hrs. after publication of original report, hopefully we'll get some of it done by the Monday's midnight GMT.

The rogue state of Israel has been put under an “electromagnetic cordon sanitaire,” meaning that its military airplanes are grounded and its warships are unable to leave their ports, according to Pentagon officials. The blockade has now been intensified because US military and Russian government sources agree an Israeli F16 jet fighter flying out of Ramon Airforce base shot down a Russian airliner in the Sinai desert on Halloween, killing 224 people.

“Israel is now stuck in its sandbox and can only bomb Gaza or shoot down airliners,” a Pentagon official added. The downing of the airliner has also now opened the way legally for Russian attacks on Israel proper, the officials said.

Comment: Well, that would be great indeed. Unfortunately, this scenario does not quite align with verifiable information, such as:

Putin authorized the immediate implementation of the MoD’s feared “Defend Israel” war plan

Russian and the Israel Air Forces will practice providing security in the skies over Syria

And other reports along those lines, reported by the major media. It is quite inconceivable that anyone, and especially the USA and Russia would bully Israel in such a blatant ways, and for a number of reasons, we will mention later in this digest.

This escalation of events prompted the Rothschild family, the Chinese communist party, the gnostic illuminati, the Pentagon and others to send representatives to negotiate with the White Dragon Society, WDS sources say.

This looks quite strange. Again and again, Benya magnifies the significance of mythical WDS to the level of some absolute and indisputable "world superpower" and a central coordinating force. Just like with Benya himself, the most powerful players, for some strange reason, contact the WDS, like some omnipotent arbiter of world affairs.

The representative of the Rothschild family last went to negotiate with the WDS immediately after the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. He expressed surprise the attack had failed, as intended, to force the evacuation of 40 million people from greater Tokyo.

Strange. Why would they do that, and why would they disclose to WDS that it was planned terror attack? Secondly, it implies that these alleged "negotiations" have been going on for over 3 years. But where is the results of it, beyond intensification of bloodletting, destruction and chaos throughout the world? What kind of things they were "negotiating", for what purpose and what is WDS "in the scheme of things" and in the context of the "ruling family of this planet", or "the social memory complex" Lucifer?

He also said that, despite the speculation generated by the arrows with the numbers 11.3 and 11.5 on the cover of the January issue of the Rothschild controlled Economist Magazine, that the Rothschilds were not planning any incidents on either November 3rd or 5th. The WDS said that regardless, the Rothschilds would have to pay compensation for their role in the 311 attacks or else face “serious consequences.”

Well, we would like to ask this question again:

What REAL power does WDS have to enforce anything, from the standpoint of real military might and power? Would be interesting to know what kind of “serious consequences”, no one less than Rothschilds, who sit directly below the "Lucifer ruling family", with their immense might and power, not the least of which is simply unimaginable wealth, accumulated throughout millenniums, just as described by the Hidden_Hand?

What proof do you have that "ruling elite families" exist?
(Window of Opportunity - Hidden Hand)

The gnostic illuminati representative going by the name of “Alexander Romanov” also contacted the WDS. He said the illuminati were hearing a “major terror attack” was planned for November 4th. Romanov was forcibly placed in a mental hospital after warning in advance of 311 that Japan was about to be hit with nuclear terror. The most likely location for the new attack, he said, was Texas.

Well, from where could they possibly "hear" such things? That would imply that there is a leak down the chain of the "Lucifer ruling family", which is simply beyond imagination. Those who leaked, unless it was done on purpose, as disinformation or as a part of their "plan", would be identified very quickly and they would be dealt with in the ways anyone hardly would dare to even know about it.

A good guess would be an attack on the Bush/Nazi nuclear reprocessing plant at Amarillo, Texas, according to British MI6 intelligence sources.

Well, but what would that achieve? Again and again, in nearly every report of Benya we see the same obsession with all sorts of attacks, preferably nuclear, revolutions, massive blood shed and destruction of all kinds, which simply indicates the degenerate tendencies. Secondly, attacking the nuclear reprocessing plant might have some quite far reaching environmental consequences, not even speaking about massive loss of Life. And for what? What does it change as far as major players go? What does it affect?

He may also have been referring to a move to once and for all decapitate the Bush/Nazionist mafia.

How could you possibly "decapitate" the massive, all pervasive global network? How could you "decapitate" the Internet? Even if half of it is out, you won't even notice anything in most cases. Secondly, just as said in the Protocols of the Learned Elder of Zion, they have MILLIONS of "agenturs" alone, not even mentioning that they have several top level factions. What does it tell you? Well, it tells us that even if you manage to "take out" the entire faction, there are still numerous others, who will only appreciate it all, simply because "at the end" there will remain only one of them left, at least according to various "plans" of theirs.

Well, sorry, but we do not see any useful or trustworthy information in this. Just about all we are seeing is the pathological attraction of the writer to all sorts of "all-out" or nuclear attacks, and "shedding blood", which is said to be the "food" for "the dark side".

In the meantime, pressure will keep being ratcheted up on Khazarian mafia operations around the world until their final surrender and the freedom of humanity is assured.

WHO says so? WHERE? Was Benya "informed" about this by his alleged "sources" or is he in the prophecy mode? With all these proclamations, it looks like one simply does not place himself in the proper perspective "in the scheme of things", which is simply yet another example of elevation of self-significance.

The Russians have now been given permission by the Egyptian government to use bases in Egypt to attack Israeli proxy forces in the Sinai desert and in Libya, they said. There’s also a real possibility nuclear weapons would be used against Israel and their ISIS proxy army in retaliation for Israeli and Saudi use of nuclear weapons in Japan, Yemen and the Ukraine, they said.

Well, have you seen any articles about such a "permission" anywhere on the net? And again, and again and again, we are seeing this obsession with "nuclear weapons would be used against Israel". But, in that case, what would happen to any state in the world if they decided to ATTACK Israel directly, not even mentioning the nuclear attack? Just look at this one, for example:

No one in the last three decades has achieved any political power without Jewish approval

What does it tell you? Secondly, why would every single US president wow to protect Israel regardless of anything? Even John Kennedy, who gave quite a speech about this evil "shadow power" or "hidden hand", still wowed to protect Israel, in just the same way as if the USA itself was attacked? Why would the USA veto every single resolution in the UN Security Council that addressed and condemned the relentless barbarism of Israel against the Palestine and its people?

We'll skip the "capture in Lebanon of a Saudi Prince transporting 2 tons of amphetamines and cocaine" talk, as something of not much consequences, even if it is all true.

The Saudis have hired Columbian, French and other mercenaries to do their fighting for them but these forces will not be able to stop Russia, the Pentagon and their allies for forces this rogue state into defeat and surrender. Turkish President Recep Erdogan needs to understand this if he wishes to stay.

Well, who knows? But, for some strange reason, there are all sorts of negotiations between Russians and Saudi regarding the advanced arms sales and other negotiations regarding the energy business and so on. If you look around, it should not be that difficult to dig up plenty of information on this.

The Pentagon and Russian forces blockading Israel are insisting that rogue nation must give up all territory it seized illegally and pay massive compensation for the crimes it has committed.

Well, bullying the Israel in such a direct and so pervasive way simply does not look like it is something in the Putin's style. He is not that dumb. Actually, he is known to have meetings with Berl Lazar of "Chabad mafia" twice a month. Now, for the head of state, as big and as powerful as Russia, what could be possibly the reason for such regular face-to-face meetings with some "religious" figure?

Why would the head of state even consult such a figure, if not to get the direct and precise INSTRUCTIONS on how to destroy and take over Russia in most effective manner, just as instructed by their false messiah, Menachem Mendel Schneerson?

Interestingly enough, these instructions eventually and inevitably become the law, just as we have seen with this "extremism", "tolerance" and huge fines for "religious intolerance" "laws", passed during the last couple of years, even though the very reason for these "laws" has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with this abracadabra called "tolerance", not even talking about the "religious intolerance", which is a myth, simply because their "god" is money and they worship gold as something "ultimate", just as described in the Protocols. Just look at his views:

"The difference between a Jewish and a non-Jewish person..."

We'll skip some of Benya's regular talk and prophecies about the Far East affairs he keeps repeating non-stop, as something of the "blah, blah, blah" level and Benay's imagination running wild.

The Chinese, for their part, sent a representative to discuss these issues with the White Dragon Society. The Chinese were told to stop being manipulated by the Khazarians into fighting Asian neighbours over historical differences. The Chinese also reassured the WDS they had no ambitions to take over from the US as the only world super-power. Instead they, reasonably, said that since Chinese represent 20% of the world’s population they should have 20% control over international institutions and power.

Well, so it turns out that the WDS is "running the world" nowadays, isn't it? But what about Lucifer and his "ruling family" of this planet?

This meeting was followed by a South Korea, Chinese and Japanese summit meeting in South Korea last week where Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe appeared to be a born again pacifist. It now looks like years of manufactured incidents and provocations over such issues as “comfort women,” tiny disputed islands and other such things are going to be finally papered over.

South Korean President Park Gyeun Hye also seemed to have dropped Khazarian inspired baiting of Japan over such issues. The three nations have now agreed to look forward and not backwards in their relations.

The sudden change in Abe’s and Park’s tune may be connected to the visit to South Korea by new Pentagon chief Joseph Dunford who made it clear that petty squabbles provoked by outsiders had to end.

Well, the issues of useless squabbles between the North and South Korea and China about the most insignificant things do need to get resolved, as that creates the instability in that region, significant enough to affect the world affairs.

Abe’s new tone may also be connected to the fact that Dunford is about to visit Japan where he will be taking a close look at exactly what Richard Armitage, Dick Cheney and others have been doing here. Pentagon sources promise Armitage will be “dealt with.” Part of this has already begun as Armitage’s heroin business in Afghanistan continues to be dismantled.

Well, certainly, we keep hearing how significant is this puppet of the real players, Richard Armitage, and others of his grade. Why place so much significance on them? Is it to divert the attention of the "mere mortals" from the REAL players and problems, by ANY humble chance?

We repeat again and again: these are "nobodies", "nothing" even worth mentioning, and they are NOT the REAL players, by far. Whether they even exist or not makes no difference and no impact on the REAL issues the world is facing today. The world is full of these kinds of puppets in nearly every single "government" as the events and massive disinformation campaigns around Ukraine and Russia indicate in no uncertain terms.

We'll skip some things about Doctors Without Borders hospital bombing and their alleged drug operations out of it.

In any case, there is a coordinated campaign going on to cut off the heroin, cocaine and amphetamine money financing the Bush Nazionist faction of the Khazarian mob. The arrest of the Saudi prince with 2 tons of amphetamines was a clear example of this. No wonder the Jeb Bush presidential campaign is running out of money.

Yes, drugs trade represents one of the major sources of income, and, secondly, as a part of the "plan" for global depopulation. Afghanistan alone today supplies 90% of all the heroin to the world. No arguments there.

But to "take them out" is to destroy the massive global distributed network, where one of the major players is the CIA, providing the protection and transportation of massive shipments of drugs throughout the world, which is again - easier said than done.

We keep hearing about the interceptions of massive amounts of drugs nearly non-stop. But what is the end result? The volumes of drug trade only increase, and in the multiples? Why is that? - Well, because it is nearly impossible to destroy the distributed networks, just like the mafia or the Internet. Yes, you can make some movies about very "successful" operations, but that is about all you can do, and they remain as powerful as ever. There is just too much money in it and there are too many people and fractions of all kinds that feed on it. You'll be chasing them till your nose goes blue.

There is still a lot of work to be done but anybody who follows the news around the world cannot deny now that the Nazionists are losing power. To use the metaphor of World War 2, the situation now is a lot like 1944 where the Nazi defeat was inevitable but a lot of fighting still remained to be done. If we all push hard, we can finish these Nazionist criminals off permanently by 2016.

Well, yes, it is pretty much undeniable that the "old system" is on its final leg. Today, it is pretty obvious, even to a child, that such a monstrous system simply does not "serve" the interests of the mankind. About the only "purpose" for its continuation is the alleged Luciferian "negative approach to stimulate the growth of intelligence", and, according to Hidden_Hand, at least, its purpose is to help the mankind to see that this is not who they are.

Thus, as he insists, the mankind should appreciate their efforts of presenting "the catalyst" to growth of Intelligence in the form of utmost, and even barbaric negativity, to make it easier for the mankind to realize who they indeed are - an inseparable part of the Infinite Creator.

We are not advocating the "ruling family" agenda here, but it might help the readers to SEE some things about "the scheme" with more clarity, just by studying "yet another version" of it. We just suggest, as Hidden_Hand does, not to take it blindly, on faith. But rather look at it, "suckle on it" and sense how it FEELS on the level of the feelings right smack in the middle of your chest, and sense if it "rings the bell" somewhere.

It might also help one to place these puppets of Armitage's or Bush's kind in the proper perspective, in order to avoid being deluded by their seeming significance.

Here's the link again, in case you have not seen it yet. If you pay attention, you may notice how friendly, seemingly sincere and non-aggressive is his presentation in the contrast with what you see in Benya's reports, full of ultimatums, proclamations and prophecies of all kinds.

Interestingly enough, they even consider Rothschilds as something not that significant in the structure of "the ruling family" and would not even mention the puppets of Bush's and Armitage's level, as those are nothing more than puppets.

What proof do you have that "ruling elite families" exist?
(Window of Opportunity - Hidden Hand)

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 676

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High level secret negotiations continue as rogue state Israel’s military put under air and sea blockade | And Benya keeps singing about cooperation or even a "coalition" of the Pentagon with Russia?
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