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Critical Digest: November 17, 2015

The critical digest, of the entire report for November 17, 2015 will be available soon, somewhere within 24 hrs. after publication of original report, hopefully we'll get some of it done by the Monday's midnight GMT.

The giant psychological warfare operation, where “ISIS terrorists” allegedly killed over a hundred people in Paris, on Friday the 13th, November, 2015, was just part of ongoing horse trading towards a world government.

Comment: Well, Benya keeps using this term "horse trading" lately, which implies some kind of a deal making. But what does it mean when he says: "towards a world government"? Does it mean that the "goal" IS this NWO thing, and it is not "trading" of any kind since the loosing party, or ZioNazi satanists, are not "surrendering" as he keeps saying again and again, but they are rather FORCING this "world government" on the world?

Which means they are NOT "loosing", but winning, and, furthermore, are having the world to "bend over" and accept this NWO thing "or else". And, if that is the case, then what kind of "surrender negotiations" he keeps talking about again and again if the loosing party is trying to IMPOSE its agenda on the winning party?

To understand this, let us look at some key events surrounding the events in Paris.

First of all, the fact that thousands of witnesses all carrying video phones were unable to record the events of that day alone proves it was just a massive propaganda event, NSA and other sources agree. In addition, all 8 security camera feeds to the areas where the supposed massacres took place had been shut off, implying high level cooperation from the French security police, CIA sources say.

Well, this is something new indeed. We have not seen a single mentioning of this anywhere so far. And, if that were the case, it seems, the whole world would be talking about it in all sorts of reports. Because it is not just some "indication", but a DIRECT EVIDENCE of a vast conspiracy between a number of countries including the French government and/or its agencies.

This would imply the biggest scandal we have seen in years. And it also means that they are liable to stand before the international tribunal for the charges of vast atrocity against the mankind, nothing less. Basically, that would prove that they are the criminals against the mankind. Or is there any other view on this?

Actually, we have received the following information:


Next, let us look at what has resulted from this event. France has implemented martial law and closed its borders. This is classic Gladio strategy whereby a manufactured terror incident is used to implement a military government.

Well, so what? Many people throughout the world already know their agenda, their methods and their goals. So, there is nothing new to it. Except it is not clear why France and not the USA for example.

Furthermore, the French have been pushing, through their proxy Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, to replace the US dollar with the IMF’s SDR. This is to be decided at a meeting on November 30th.

Well, but what is SDR but yet another scheme of leveraged derivative instruments, which means trading air for fake money, that are worthless as well. So, by replacing one worthless thing with something even more worthless, what do you achieve? What is SDR?

The SDR is an international reserve asset, created by the IMF in 1969 to supplement its member countries’ official reserves. Its value is based on a basket of four key international currencies, and SDRs can be exchanged for freely usable currencies. As of September 10, 2015, 204.1 billion SDRs were created and allocated to members (equivalent to about $280 billion).

Factsheet: Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)
(International Monetary Found)

Basically, the SDR are backed by "the full faith and credit of the member countries' governments". But what does the "the full faith and credit" of a bankrupt, such as the USA? Where is the guarantee of payment?

November 30th is also the day when 120 or so world leaders, including those of Russia, the US and China, are to gather in Paris to “discuss global warming.” As anybody who actually checks facts knows, “global warming” has nothing to do with scientific truth and everything to do with forming a world government. The idea is to finance this world government with a global “carbon tax.” The world itself is not warming and even if it was it would be due to solar cycles and not CO2.

Well, it is much more devious than that. Just the other day there was an article describing the draconian fines even on plain, ordinary people in addition to the "carbon tax". You can pretty much bet on some draconian regulations beginning to be announced throughout the world after that meeting.

However, the events in Paris and unreported but even more dramatic events in the Middle East are, nonetheless, part of some very serious infighting between various factions struggling to dominate the world government that is being negotiated.

How did Benya make such a conclusion as to "very serious infighting"? Based on what facts of what? Yes, there is ALWAYS infighting going on between various factions and power players. For example, the Rockefellers, who were created by Rothschilds as their agents in the USA, with time, started imagining that they could run their own agenda, which does not necessarily align with the Rothschilds' agenda.

Actually, this infighting is one of their major problems. Because it means there is no coherence even amongst their midst. By now, there are quite a few clans, "international organizations", clubs and so on. And they know really well that at the end there will be only one of them left, and that means some blood just have to be spilled amongst their midsts, just like with "spheres of influence" in the mafia.

There is also conflicting evidence about exactly who staged the events in Paris and other similar psy-ops that are appearing with increasing regularity.

What "evidence" does one need, since any party you look at is playing the same hand at the table? What does it matter to anyone whether it is Rothschilds or Baruchs or Rockefellers? As far as mankind is concerned, we are talking about the same gang of blood thirsty parasites, regadless of their creed or color, and NONE of them could be considered as some ultimate "power" or "authority". Simply because that place is where the Lucifer "ruling family of this planet" sits, not even mentioning the Orion Group and other "dark forces".

Let them eat each other, the sooner the better.

The Russians, still furious about the shooting down of their airplane on Halloween (October 31st), say it was the same people behind that as were behind the events in Paris. Russian President Vladimir Putting is saying he will “not deal with the dog that has bitten him, it is the owner of the dog who will be held responsible.”

According to the Russians the owner of this particular “dog,” is is the Vanguard Corporation and their subsidiary Raytheon. The owners of this corporate holding company are being systematically hunted down by the Russians.

Sez who? Based on what? - On some previous story by Benya about Vanguard as some global conglomerate of evil and, as Benya presented it the last time around, the most powerful crime syndicate, financing the omni-potent Bushes and their gang?

Have you seen any stories anywhere about the "omni-potent" Vanguard anywhere? So, what does it tell you?

As well as this, there is now a Chinese, Russian, Iranian and Pentagon operation underway in the Middle East that is destroying the power base of the Khazarian mafia and their Israeli slave regime. The massive defeats being faced by the Khazarians and their ISIS subsidiary in the Middle East are of historical significance.

Well, we hear this song from Benya in every single one of his reports, and for years on. But have anyone seen ANY evidence of it? How would it be possible for the Israel to attack Syrian airport as recently as late as November 11, 2015 if that were the case?

Israel has conducted an airstrike near Damascus airport
(Is Israel is under a full military blockade?)

We'll skip some Benya's talk about Syria and "cutting off all ... oil and drug income" of ZioNazi mafia. Yes, some of it is indeed going on, but with trustworthiness value of Benya, it remains to be seen what comes out of it and who has which agenda in it. The "game" is much more subtle than what Benya keeps painting it.

It remains to be seen if Putin himself is not "in bed with the devil" and is merely playing his role of the appearance of some "opposing force". Because that is EXACTLY how ZioNazi satanists stage the major world events historically. In fact, it is one of their most favorite tricks, to make an APPEARANCE of some "fight" where both sides are merely playing their role from the ZioNazi written script.

If there is a "wild-card" in the global game then about the best candidate for it would be precisely Putin and Russia, as the only remaining real power on the face of this planet to face the force of most profound evil, which these satanists were unable to completely take over, even though they did have plenty of "progress" in that direction, as 80% of the Russian so-called government is controlled by the "god chosen" people. Furthermore, some statements of the ZioNazi representatives on the highest level sing praises to Putin for his deeds on their behalf as something "unprecedented".

No Russian or Soviet head [of state] has ever done so much for the Jews as Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. In all respects - Unprecedented.

(Berel Lazare, chief Rabbi of Russia on 27 February, 2008 in his lecture before the Chabad society of Oxford, UK.)

In addition to that Israel is under economic siege. Israeli arms manufacturers have lost 50% of their sales since 2012 due to an arms embargo.

Israel also remains under a Chinese, Russian and Pentagon military blockade that will not be lifted until they withdraw from all illegally occupied territories. Even Israeli lobbying to keep the Golan Heights was rejected.

Well, what can we say but blah, blah, blah. Yes, this IS one of Benya's favorite songs to sing in nearly every single of his reports. But the things are much more subtle than his talk about "evil Israel".

For one thing, the Chabad's moshiach (false "messiah") Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, was vehemently opposed to the idea of a "Jewish state" in Israel, as nothing but disgrace. He never even visited Israel. Basically, his idea was that "the Jewish world empire" was to be created on the "ancestral lands of Khazaria", and that is southern Russia and northern Ukraine.

He called it "Great Khazaria" or "Third Khazaria". Furthermore, he admitted on record that "Jews", at least "good ones", are in fact Khazars, and, therefore, the lands of ancient Khazaria are their "ancestral lands", which means destruction and dissection of Russia and Ukraine and conversion of these states into a number of smaller regional puppet states based on principles of what might be called a "national hatred", clearly and potentially pitting one of these puppet republics against its neighbors.

Here's some quotes for all those, who are really interested in studying the real issues, related to the ZioNazi satanists, the so-called NWO and the rest of it:

ZioNazi quote: Chabad

ZioNazi Quotes: NWO

ZioNazi Quotes Categorised

The story with Israel is quite a story. Because, on one hand, they were founded and financed by the Rothschild. For what? Well, it is not even clear they themselves know or understand the implications of illegally annexing the genuinely semitic lands of Arab people.

Secondly, they have created the genocide of Arab people in quite a literal sense of the world. Millions of people were either killed or displaced from their genuinely ancestral lands and these satanists have created so much misery and suffering of those people that it is hard to even begin to describe the scale of it.

Thirdly, because of their backers they were able to take over the government and all sorts of other things in the USA. That is why the USA sings the song the Israelis slip to them. As a result, the USA was disgraced, as it was forced to block every single UN resolution as to the evil, created by these satanists related to Israel and its non-ending aggression against the Arab people and their lands.

Fourthly, the Mossad top brass knew it years ago that the Israel will not survive and they knew that it has no more than 20 years left before it will collapse of will be destroyed. That was at least 10 years ago. It is clear to any half-decent researcher that Israel is the state of evil, created by the ZioNazi puppet masters.

Furthermore, creation of Israel goes against nothing less than Torah, where it was explicitly prohibited to create a "Jewish state" anywhere in the world by force, cunningness or via any other means. Because that would go against their MAIN "religious scripture" and against the word of their own prophets.

According to their own prophecies, the state of Israel may be created ONLY if ALL the conditions are fulfilled and they have suffered enough for their evil deeds in the ancient past. The main condition is coming of messiah. There are two other conditions, which we will omit here. And that is precisely why they constantly keep pronouncing a new "messiah". To date, they had nearly a dozen of them and they all turned out to be as fake as three dollar bill.

The last "messiah" was the 7th Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. But he opposed the state of Israel as something utterly fake. He knew that their "ancestral lands" are located not in Israel, but in ancient Khazaria. The thing is that the prophecies do not specify where that state will be created when their "messiah" comes. It could be anywhere in the world.

So, the whole story with Israel is quite a story in itself, and the very fact that Benya continuously keeps pointing at the direction of Israel simply indicates that he is a puppet, singing the song and reading the script, written by his puppet masters, or at the very least, he did not study the issues well enough to make the claims he makes all the time, or, and this can not be discarded, a mere disinformation agent.

Because, for one thing, he is not even mentioning the Illuminati, except of "Alexander Romanoff" and so called "gnostic Illuminati", which is obscene. Because it is NOT some Israel that is causing all sorts of problems. It is precisely the Illuminati above whom sits no one less than Lucifer himself, not counting the Orion Group and the "dark side". Those are totally lost in the oceans of negativity and even had guts to severe all the contacts of even the Lucifer "social memory complex" in order to help them to clarify some distortions.

As far as "gnostic Illuminati", it is nothing but absurd. Because ALL the Illuminati are "gnostic". Else, they could not exist, as their very foundation is based on all sorts of "religious", or, more precisely, occult beliefs and the roots of those is the Kabbalah, the most ancient teaching of the "god chosen" ones. If you remove the occult and Kabbalah from the ideology and a belief system of the Illuminati, they will simply go "poof", like a balloon, pinched with a small needle. Simple as that.

The "Illuminati" can not be non-gnostic, by the very definition, and the very term "illumination" directly implies the presence of what is know as gnosis. Even the satanists are "gnostic". So, how could there be the "gnostic" Illuminati? Have they all gone mad?

But no force or power, at least amongst the "mortals", stands above the Illuminati. Not even the "banking mafia". Those are nothing more than actors on the stage that are allowed to grab as much as they wish from this world, but under one condition that they will obediently follow the instructions by the Lucifer "ruling family". Simple as that.

Both the Pentagon and the Russians believe the Khazarian mob and their ISIS proxies staged the Paris attacks as revenge against these setbacks...

We'll skip the rest of Benya's talk about Russia and "noble" Pentagon as utter and complete crap. How could someone of Benya's caliber even begin to comprehend what Russians "believe"? Even Russians themselves do not necessarily know that to "believe" or not. Very few of them, even on the topmost level, quite believe their own eyes, seeing all these satanic games around their own land, Russia in the global theater of absurd and evil most profound.

The refugee crisis is also seen by the Russians as punishment against the Europeans...

We'll skip the rest of Benya's myths as to Russians or "Europeans". How could someone of Benya's caliber even BEGIN to comprehend what do Russians "see"? This is not only bizarre, but an absurd. He "has no clue" as to Russian Soul, nor to the Russian Heart. He is nothing but a puppet, chasing the money "god", just like any "westerner" does, programmed with the program of the "omni-potent" materialism, corrupt in its very soul and nature.

There may be a deeper agenda at work though. For one thing the refugee crisis has forced most countries in the EU to re-impose border controls....

Yes, you BET there is, and not the kind of "agenda" the people of Benya's caliber are likely to tell you about, even if they knew it. And we'll skip the rest of his blah, blah, blah, which you can read in any news report.

We'll also skip one of the favorite Benya's subjects of some "deep mystical meaning" of various things. Simply because it looks like an exercise in mental masturbation, or, simply put, blowing the condom to the size of a jumbo jet. Nothing more.

So, if we are to speculate further, the attacks in Paris were a long planned revenge against the bloodline French establishment by anti-bloodline Illuminati.

Yes, blah, blah, blah. Which "anti-bloodline Illuminati"? Does Benya mean the impersonators of "Alexander Romanoff" kind, who, on one hand declare that they are descendants of the bloodline of the Russian Tsars, and on the other hand state that they are AGAINST "the rule of the bloodlines"? These fools contradict even the same things they themselves said in the previous sentence.

We'll skip Benya's myths as to who will "benefit" the most from the collapse of Euro. Like they say in China: "WHO CARES"? Are these the kind of problems the mankind is dealing with or are concerned with right now?

We'll also skip Benya's crap about the "global warming” and his fabrication of the applicability of the martial law to their forthcoming meeting in France.

There is clearly a consensus among current world leaders that some sort of new rules for running the planet, essentially some sort of world government, is needed.

Yes, more blah, blah, blah. Because the "current world leaders" are not the REAL leaders. They are nothing but a herd of obedient puppets in the hands of "the dark side", playing behind the curtains in the theater of absurd, parasitism and destruction. About the only place they can "lead" the humanity towards is the straight road to what is known as hell. Nothing more. Simply because they have sold their own Souls for money or other material "benefits", such as "power" and all sorts of other delusions of theirs.

Strangely enough, if one looks at the very concept of a "world leader" then, just as recent opinion polls indicate, about the ONLY real "leader" we have on the face of this planet at this junction is that very Putin everyone keeps talking about everywhere. All others simply look like a bunch of mad puppets, who do not even realize the extent, significance and the consequences of what they keep saying to the people of the world.

Furthermore, just as plenty of recent events and opinions of the "leaders" indicate, most of it looks so mad that they often contradict even themselves, and at times even within a single sentence. Yesterday they give a speech about some mythical "cooperation with Russia" and today they are saying that Russia represents the real "danger" to the world piss (yes, this is not a typo) and "global security", or, more precisely, suck-urity.

About all one has to do is to recall their various statements within a few days and that would be enough to call "the people in white robes" to deliver them to some mental institution. Basically, it seems that about the best strategy right now is to totally stop functioning of the so-called "governments" and freeze everything right where it is right now before these lunatics will manage to create something so destructive that it might become nearly impossible "to put it all back" where it was before.

We do not really have functioning governments on the face of this planet at this junction. About ALL we have is APPEARANSES of something. But WHO decides what these so-called "leaders" say and why is not that hard to comprehend. So, "in reality" we might be seeing some battles between various fractions and/or gangs that have their own, private interests and the agendas.

But this is not necessary even the opinions or views of those mythical "leaders" that exist only on paper or a screen of a zombie box called TV. If anything, we are seeing these "leaders" being led by their noses towards various agendas of the REAL "power players".

Do you recall a single "sane" thing that really makes some sense said by any of these "leaders" lately? Or does it all look more like all sorts of slogans and template phrases of "peace", "security", "global prosperity" and so on? What do these "leaders" really propose of any significance beyond their attempts to "unite" the world against Russia, as some "central force of evil on this planet"?

If they could make a "boogie man" out of Russia and blame nearly all of the world "problems" on them, at the same time when Russia, at least so far, behaves like about the only "sane" state in the whole world, then what does it tell you?

What "leaders" are we talking about, my dear friends? Are we in a zombie stupor, listening to some "religious" rap about things that do not exist in reality as something verifiable?

Yes, agreed, the world really needs to have at least one REAL leader right now, and the sooner, the better, before "it is too late". Otherwise, about all we see in the world is a stalled engine, about to explode, as one part works against the other and not with it, so it all runs smooth and hums like a bird.

And that leader needs to be the one who has the abilities to SEE and has some VISION for the world as something beyond mere exploitation, parasitism, violence, lies and deceit, the byproducts of the "old" corrupt system based in the materialistic delusions of all kinds.

YES! It is about time for us all to see such a leader. His time had come, finally.

And one can sense, or "smell it in the air", that we will certainly see one in not too distant of a future. Except at the moment the picture is way too foggy and things are not settled down to the point where ones mind becomes clear and ones eyes open enough to finally exclaim: Oh, my god, I DO see it now!

Else, we have no future. The would is in the state of about "to blow off the lid" for years on by now, if not generations.

And it seems like the sooner "we, the people" begin to really SEE and understand the underlying "mechanics" of it all and begin to open our own eyes, the better. Because it looks like that vision needs to get mature enough precisely among the people of the world for the things to finally start moving in the direction of REAL Good and care for one another and appreciation of Life as such, instead of unending adoration and obsession with death and destruction we see right now nearly everywhere we look.

Finally, here is quite an insightful quote by the Illuminati Albert Pike, about the highest masonic authority in the USA besides Manly Hall.

Albert Pike writes a letter to Guiseppe Mazzini

On August 15th of this year (1871), Albert Pike writes a letter (now catalogued in the British Museum) to Guiseppe Mazzini in which he states the following.

"We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

Pike, who had been elected as Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry's Southern Jurisdiction in 1859, was the most powerful Freemason in America. He would retain that post for thirty-two years until his death in 1891.

(The Synagogue of Satan. By Andrew Carrington Hitchcock)

Well, what can we say about it but to propose to look at it with full awareness, if at all possible. Because what he had said nearly 150 years ago is EXACTLY what is happening on this planet right now.

Yes, when we talk about some mythical "leaders", then we'd better pay attention to the fact that the REAL "leaders" right now, who lead humanity by their nose, are the Illuminati, just as William Van Duyn stated in his introductory speech at the Bilderbergers' meeting in 2014.

"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes".

"No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize..."

OK, lets get back to "reality" and Benya's rap.

So what are the identifiable factions in the negotiations towards a world government?

The French, Germans and their European allies are pushing to make the IMF the most powerful instrument of their New World Order by inviting the Chinese to join them at the SDR table and thus replace the US dollar with something they control.

Yes, more blah, blah, blah. Because none of what Benya mentions above are the REAL "identifiable factions". One needs to ask WHICH French or Germans are we talking about? The thing is that both, French and Germans, are literally "owned" by Rothschilds and their "interests". So, when we are talking about "French" or "Germans" are we talking about the corresponding branches of Rothschilds? Just observe what their topmost representatives in "government" say on the world scene, which looks just like the same kind of madness Obama keeps proclaiming about nearly every time he opens his mouth.

Secondly, the whole idea of the NWO simply erases the very notion of a "government", beyond the most rudimentary level of following the orders from the "king of the world", or the "world ruler". It is an absolute totalitarian monarchy at that point. And France and Germany or any other existing state simply become the "local governments", at best, just to let them have their own little puppet theaters to play with in order to feel more "significant" than a "piss against the wind".

Thirdly, is there such a coherence among various nations, as to have some common belief? If you observe all sorts of polls do you ever see some kind of total unity among the opinions of various groups of people?

The only problem with this is that the IMF has a horrific track record....

Well, any "idiot" knows it by now. The IMF is just a scheme, just like the BIS, "World Bank" and you name it. Those are nothing more than the equivalent of some "local offices" in the grand scheme of things, and they are nothing more than the "houses of playing cards" in the REAL "game".

The Pentagon and the US military industrial complex are pushing for a meritocratic world government of the sort seen in Star Trek. The Gnostic Illuminati also support this.

Well, it turns out that the Pentagon, whose square and sole purpose is destruction and mass murder, is nowadays in the position to decide such things as to what kind of nothing less than "world government" is desirable or not? Is this a joke of some kind?

The Chinese also believe in meritocracy but with one important difference, they want to make sure any meritocratic world government doesn’t end up being controlled by Westerners.

Well, "naturally so". Who would want to see the world controlled by other nations, nationalities or cultures? If you ask some people around "who would you want to control the world", what do you expect as an answer, but "by us, of course!". In this respect, "naturally", the Chinese would like to see the world controlled by the Chinese, and Germans - by Germans, and we are not even talking about the religious and all sorts of other fanatical believers, blind as it gets.

So, there seems to be a conflict from the outset. How do you resolve this conflict? What do you do? - IMPOSE this mythical notion of "meritocracy" with sword and fire upon all people of the planet? But what is "meritocracy" and how do you define it?

Well, is it the time to bow down before Benya since he "knows" what anyone "believes", and even the Chinese? Except that there are all sorts of Chinese with their own interests and their own views and understanding, just like with any other nation. So, WHICH Chinese "believe" in "meritocracy", or this or that?

If we talk about the politicians it is hard to conceive that they would believe in such a thing, simply because that would mean the end of most of them as far as their parasiting and feeding on the results of labor of all others.

The same thing is with all sorts of "religious" parasites, and if you look around at other professions or convictions then you may find that most of them would loose as a result of this "meritocracy" thing and not gain something. Yes, there must be some people who do believe in "meritocracy", but even there, if you ask them "but what is meritocracy and how do you see it working", again, there might be some pretty wild, if not bizarre things you may hear as a reply.

The more you talk about some "meritocracy", the more it becomes just like any religion, based on blind beliefs of all kinds.

Secondly, to understand the mind and cultural traditions of Chinese is something well beyond the abilities of a typical "western mind". In fact, all we have seen so far, as to the Chinese, is the most outward APPEARANCES. The world is yet to see their REAL "face", if there is any coherence among their beliefs, and that could be a "surprise, surprise".

For example, if you meet a Chinese at the intersection while driving your car or while walking, then it is nearly inevitable that they will NEVER let you through and give you a way. They are somehow compelled to run though you like you do not exist, and, interestingly enough, they seem to be totally unaware of doing it. It often seems like they are not even aware that they exist as human beings, like they are in some strange kind of deep state of hypnosis. Whether it is some "cultural tradition" or a result of upbringing is another matter.

Secondly, China is to become the world power number one, at least outside of the "ancient European ruling bloodlines", as, for example, was outlined by Svali in several of her interviews, and even the Lucifer "ruling family" representative did not discredit what she had said, even though he knew about her story, and, moreover, he does admit that she in fact was a member of the regional caliber of the Illuminati "families".

The Americans are reacting by offering countries around China “protection” against the Chinese...

Yes, bow down before the prophet Benya, who knows everything about everything and about everyone on the face of this planet!

At the end of the day the Chinese and the US/Western military industrial faction are likely to find some sort of compromise involving greater non-Western control of world institutions. The reason is because the alternative, World War 3 and the destruction of 90% of the planet, is unthinkable. In other words, given a choice between win-win and lose-lose, it’s easy to guess who win-wins.

Well, if the "military industrial faction" is the one to decide the fate of this planet, then one thing is pretty much certain: we are all doomed. Simple as that.

The losers in all this will be the Khazarian mafia who are being forced to give up their dream of enslaving humanity into their 1000 year reich. Illuminati sources say they expect another Khazarian incident on or around thanksgiving (November 26th).

Yea, yea, yea. Tell me about it, Benya. As far as "Khazarian mafia" and those who stand behind them and those who "control" whom, yes, we are likely to see some real surprises and of such a magnitude that it will "blow you from the chair". One of major surprises it the stand-off between the "Khazarian mafia" and the "Illuminati".

Interestingly enough, according to the former regional head of the Illuminati brain programming "department", Svali, the Illuminati hate "Jews" and it is in their plan to destroy Israel during the "end game".

The same thing was said by one of the highest authorities of the Illuminati, Albert Pike, as to three world wars, two of which had happened exactly as he described. And the third one is mutual destruction of Israel and the Arabs. You can find these exact quotes in the ZioNazi categorized quote collection on the antimatrix.org site, if you are interested in it.

ADL President Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination
ZioNazi Quotes categorized, or here:

See Albert Pike completes his military blueprint for three world wars

Albert Pike completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world
ZioNazi Quotes categorized: NWO

[*] Actual Russian sources, by the way, put “Putin” in quotation marks because they say he is actually a representative of their collective decision making and not an individual exercising actual leadership.

Well, but there is more evidence that Putin is more a "representative of ... collective decision making" of ZioNazi satanists, or, more precisely, the "Chabad mafia" than of his own people. But, yes, indeed, Putin is another "wild card" out there.

It was alleged by the former MI-6 agent that Putin was at one time a member of the masonic fraction of "Royal Arch", and, it is easier to enter into some masonic lodge than to exit it, unless it is done with your feet first, when you are carried in your private coffin.

But, at the same time, Putin is quite a fox. Just look how the entire world sings praises to him non-stop and he is getting all sorts of utmost recognition in all sorts of "polls" or "authoritative" "man of the year" recognitions of all kinds.

So, it is not entirely inconceivable, that Putin may turn his back against the very ZioNazi satanists and "Chabad mafia" that played him like a puppet and brought him to "power".

Because the question arises: why does he need to be some puppet "prime minister", at best, in the "global empire" when he ALREADY rules about the biggest and richest empire on the face of this planet, at least from the standpoint of its territory size and its vast amounts of natural resources, not even mentioning the creative potential of Russian people? Why is that precisely the Russian programmers are considered to be some of the very best and in highest demand on the west?

Putin, (just cross you fingers) may as well tell them all: Well, SCREW YOU ALL, bastards. I ALRDEADY have an empire of my own and we are as strong as most of you combined, at least in terms of military might and advancements. And if you top it up with the Russian Soul and Heart, then one has to be a complete idiot to trade Russia for some stinky "prime minister" seat, even in the so-called "world government", and even that is not quite certain.

Because those satanists will sell their own mother, given enough "money" or gold, and they will lie their shark teeth off and dishonor any and all "contracts" they have signed or will sign, according to the Kol Nidre "prayer" of theirs. And if anyone, Putin knows all this really well. Whatever they have promised him of will promise him in the future is worth nothing and he knows it like his own five fingers.

End of story.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 703

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