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Let peasants run their countries, just as the Protocols of Zion dictate

At that junction, the ZioNazi satanists, via their "2nd" or "shadow" government in Russia, have brought the "reformers movement" to the forefront and installed Gorbachev in power. But he was basically a peasant and had a peasant's mind. So, he was easily manipulatable via countless number of ways and means, and especially via ego of a peasant, trying to prove that he is not worse than a city dweller, and all his talks about the "economic reforms" were basically full of all sorts of "smart"-looking crap and naive delusions of all kinds, he could not even fully grasp himself.

Because he could not not even comprehend that he himself was nothing more but a puppet. He, having the simple mind of a peasant, really believed some of the wild bluff he was talking about to the simple people during his "street meetings with real people". He was basically a "moron" and can not quite grasp what was his role even to this day, as some of his appearances show, even though he did get some ideas by now.

But that is another story... Quite interesting indeed, especially in the light of the Illuminati appointing him as a "prime-minister of all religions" and even giving him a former military base at Presidio in San Francisco for his "world headquarters", which was nothing but an insult and ridicule of him, and he seems to have realized at least some of it by now, at least to some degree. "But it is too late, pal, the train has already left the station...".

Finally, in the 1990-1991 the store shelves were emptied completely, and in quite a literal sense, to the point that there was not enough left even for a cat to lick off. For example, even in the downtown Moscow, in one of the pretty big food stores all they had in one department is the champaign bottles, and across the hall, in a different department, they had a couple kilos of cheese in the display freezer. That was the only things available in the entire store! But you could not even buy the champaign without giving them an empty champaign bottle!!!

That was basically an utmost ZioNazi insult towards those "goyim". The ZioNazi were simply having a ball, laughing at the people starving.

Because the warehouses were run by the same ZioNazi representatives. They LOVE the warehouses, and the bosses of nearly every single one of them were who do you think? - Well, the "Jews", "naturally". Non that we are trying to say here that ALL the "jews" are "bad", even though it is not quite clear what the very term "jew" means since it appeared for the first time somewhere in the 18th century, just as described in the public appearances of Benjamin Freedman, a "jew".

Even their moshiach (false "messiah"), Lubavitcher Rebbe, rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, stated that what is known as "jews" are in fact Khazars, known by the researchers as turko-finn tribe, which is true to the extent of about 98%, with exception of some technical details that need further explanation. So, we'll skip all that here.

Benjamin H. Freedman's 1961 Willard Hotel speech

Seven U.S. Presidents, Jewish Pawns

So, what they did to push through the 3rd stage of the "2nd Russian Revolution" is the same exact thing they always do, be it the Russian Revolution of 1917, or the French or American "revolutions" for that matter.

They simply stopped delivering products, food and supplies to the retail outlets. Simple as that. Not that there was no products or food available, but they simply did not distribute it. Furthermore, they even went as far as to send huge amounts of food and all sorts of products and consumer goods to Africa, in a "friendly gesture of helping the poor people of Africa", while Russians began to literally starve.

And that was the last nail into the coffin of the USSR and the Soviet Union. Because at that point simple discontent had grown and developed into all sorts of wide movements and all the radio and TV stations were literally choking on all this puss, slipped to them by the ZioNazi "agenturs", as they are described in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

And then all sorts of "reformers" quickly filled the void and started shouting their heads off and foaming at their mouths telling everyone how "bad things are" and giving all sorts of wild promises, most of which they could not possibly fulfill. Because, first of all, even if they would manage to come to power, it would not be THEM, who had the REAL "power", but their ZioNazi puppeteers.

"And the rest is history", as far as the fall of the Soviet Union goes, and that is precisely why Berel Lazare of the "Chabad Mafia" had said:

"Russia knew many revolutions, but the most peaceful, quietest and most effective - is the revolution that was created by the Chabad emissaries" [destruction of the Soviet Union in the 1990's]

("The Hebrew word for" 46 (269) 2005 30 November - 6 December).

Our master plan of international conquest through propaganda
(The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion)

The most effective is the revolution created by the Chabad emissaries
(The Invisible Khazaria: NWO - Strategies, Tools and Methods by Tatyana Gracheva )

Benya's myth about the "evil stalinist regime"

One other interesting bit of Benya's disinformation has to do with the "fall of the stalinist regimes in Easter Europe". Sounds impressive indeed, but only to all those, "who have no clue". Simply because the "Stalinist regime" was finished at least two generations before the destruction of Eastern Europe had begun. Not that many young, or even not so young people would even know or care, as to who was Stalin "in reality" or what is meant by "the Stalinist regime".

Interestingly enough, the top level Illuminati "agentur", Christian Rakovsky, in his interrogation during the Trotskyist trial, called Stalin "the Bonopartist", meaning that he was perceived by the Illuminati as a threat, just like Napoleon Bonapart. Because Stalin, just like Napoleon, stood for the STRONG STATE, and that was about the biggest "no-no" you can imagine, as far as the Illuminati agenda of taking over the world goes. Here's a transcript of that interrogation:

Red Symphony
(Revelations of Trotskyist Rakovsky [about the global conspiracy or the "Hidden Hand"])

Interestingly enough, during the "Stalinist regime" in the Soviet Union, the standard of living had increased by ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. Within a period of about 10 years he was able to rebuild the entire Russia after the WWII, to the level where people had enough food to eat and enough space to live in. He has build so much housing, and for FREE, that it can not be matched by anyone to this day.

The housing was raising up around the cities like mushrooms or a grass after the rain, all over the country. And it was all FREE. You did not have to borrow money from the "loan sharks" of the ZioNazi mafia to have a comfortable flat. Even to this day, some older people keep wandering "why they are not GIVING me a flat" when I have no place to live?

Even "after all these years" of "capitalism", having a chance to see what they have seen with all this "progress" and "western values", they still can not forget this idea of someone "GIVING" me something. Yes, the Russian people are as naive as it gets and as simple-hearted as one can imagine. But in that simpleness they have retained about the MAIN thing there is - their HEART.

And that is what is going to "save" them - Their HEART. There exists no bigger Heart on this planet than the Russian one. Period.

And that is precisely why the hardest "job" of freeing this planet from the evil can be done only by the Russians, going back to their indestructible genetic marker of haplogroup R1A1, the ONLY non-mutable haplogroup there is on this planet. It can not be destroyed and it can not even be mutated and, therefore, changed. It will remain just the same even if you intermix it with other nationalities and haplogroups.

Simple as that.

R1a1a conquers the world…in a few pulses?
(Gene Expression)

What Stalin did for Russia can only be matched by the post-war recovery of Germany. Except the recovery of Germany was stimulated by tremendous influx of funds. But Russia had to do it without a penny of external assistance, even though, true, there was some assistance in the industrial department with all the manufacturing plants and all sorts of other things, supplied, in part, by the USA. But that is another story altogether...

Interestingly enough, Stalin lives on in the people's hearts even to this day, at least among the simple, hard working people, as what he had done for them they can not possibly forget, and even to this day.

Yes, indeed, Stalin was not exactly an angel. But ask yourself a simple question: how do you recover from the world war effects and how do you run your country after it has been utterly destroyed and obliterated, just as it happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, and now Syria, Yemen and so on in recent times?

What do you do and how do you rebuild the country from utter destruction, especially knowing really well about the ZioNazi/Illuminati plans for Russia and the entire world, for that matter? By then, he already had the results of the Rakovsky interrogation and he also had the results of the medical research on degeneracy and a "power complex" of these evil satanists.

So, he knew, and knew it for fact, what kind of destiny is allocated to Russia in the "Plan", if he is not careful enough and does not "take care of them" in time. Stalin was a fox, and of the Eastern kind. He could "smell" trouble better than anyone you can imagine.

Well, ask Benya and see what he tells you. It'll probably blow you off your chair when you hear it.

So, this is the background of the fall and destruction of the USSR and the Eastern European Union. And what do we hear from the "prophet" Benya?

- Well, we hear the exactly the same lies and fabrication that the airways were full of, especially via VOA and the rest of them, "freedom and democracy fighters", who turn out to be exactly the same ZioNazi puppets, as all sorts of big mouths and "talking heads" the net is full of nowadays, and Benya is not the exception, by far...

So, basically, to present this kind of ugliest concoctions and disinformation in nothing less than his yearly report is symbolic in itself. Because, if we look at it with the magnifying glass then we will be able to see, as clearly, as it gets, who this Benya is and whose interests does he serve in reality.

Sure, he probably hopes that his western audience is too "clueless" to be able to actually SEE what's inside the poison box he hands them, misrepresenting it all as some kind of "breakthrough" "top level secret" information, running his mouth off about how "great" he is and how much does he know about the issues of geopolitics, especially when he throws around the terms like "Stalinist Easter Europe" and its "fall", which was a staged puppet theater performance and was instituted and directed not from within those Eastern European states, but by the same ZioNazi satanists Benya pretends to be fighting, tooth and nail.

To summarize it all, we can state with certainty that the fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with some internal discontent or the processes. But it has everything to do with EXTERNAL acts of war against those states, waged by the same ZioNazi satanists, and "Chabad mafia" in particular.

Benya's myth about "the fall of Eastern Union"

As far as the "fall of Eastern Europe" goes, those who know, know it really well that destruction had started with Poland by using the same exact kind of puppet as was used in case of Gorbachev. He was a simple man, an electrician working at the shipyard. He had not the slightest clue as to how to run the state and what it all means and what kind of real players stand behind the curtains in the puppet theater.

Basically, ALL he knew is some mythical "reforms" and the plans of those "reforms" and step-by-step instruction were quietly slipped to him, so he could at least have some idea of what was he shouting his head off about. So, he was instructed every single step of the way, and instructed by WHOM do you think? Because he was such a "moron" that he had a hard time pronouncing the sentences that were more than 3 words long. All he seemed to "know" is "revolution, reform and freedom" and things of that caliber.

Just ask yourselves a simple question: how could such a "moron" possibly know how to run the entire country with his 5 years worth off education, especially in the times of transition and change? What kind of things he could possibly comprehend if he could not spell the words longer than 5 letters?

All of a sudden, out of the blue, Polant had received $20 BILLION bux of "support from the free world". That money was used to purchase that puppet and that entire "opposition movement" of the shipyard and finance those "reforms", which was nothing but a myth. Because it was nothing more than a giant bribe and production costs money to stage that show as some kind of "success" of "western values".

The purpose of that entire campaign was to demonstrate to other Eastern European countries that such a thing is possible in principle, as they begin to see the incomes rising and the rest of that show in the grand puppet theater of Poland.

But when Russia was already destroyed and another puppet, Yeltsin, went to visit his "friend", Clinton, to ask for the stinky $3 billion bux, because by then Yeltsin had completely destroyed the economny of Russia and people really began to starve "full time", he needed at least some money "to save his own arse".

And so he went on a begging trip to his "friend" Clinton, which was even shown on TV. When he asked Clinton in public about "friendly assistance", Clinton smiled with his plastic smile, tapped him on his shoulder, like a read friend, and said:

"Russia is a strong state and it can manage to help itself even without our assistance"!

What a "friend"!

But what did they say to Poland before giving them 10 times as much money "with no strings attached"?

Well, again, the Poland was a stage in the puppet theater. The purpose of that exercise was to show to the whole word that the "reforms" REALLY "work", which would create the waves of discontent and a deep desire to switch to the "western model of peace and prosperity" and "western democratic values", designed by the same ZioNaxi puppet masters. Simple as that.

And then came yet another "freedom fighter", Ronald Reagan, with his slogan: "Bring down the wall, Mr. Gorbachev", talking about the wall between Eastern and Western Germany. That single "catch phrase" was enough to destroy the Eastern Germany, as it was played day and night on every single disinformation channel and a radio station of "the free world", ad nausea. Just as Adolph Hitler's favorite phrase says:

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 675

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