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Information warfare: paid disinformation agents

As you might know by now, we have a global information war raging on and all sorts of paid disinformation agents are working on the net in nearly any place of significance, and especially on all sorts of forums and discussions of the "hot" topics. There was a pretty revealing article, published by someone, who claims to have been one of them formerly, where he describes how this "system" works. He was finally disgusted with it, to the point where he decided to go "open air" about it.

The entire "system" is also described in a brochure, distributed hand-to-hand among the "god chosen" people in Russia and its original edition was printed back in 1949. It is basically a "simple man's version of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", except the validity of it is indisputable, unlike of the Protocols. It was also archived in the KGB archives. Pretty interesting and quite revealing document.

Catechism of the Jew in the USSR

Interestingly enough, if you read it, you will be able to see the same exact techniques and tricks of intimidation used to this day, and you might recall all sorts of "strange" or unpleasant situations in your own life, which left a bitter taste in your mouth, simply because you did not know how it "works" and did not understand what happened, as it might have blown your mind to pieces.

In the opinion of one prominent researcher:

I am yet to see a single Jew, who does not live by the principles of the Catechism.

Just in the New York subway alone, whenever you happen to bump into someone, it is nearly guaranteed that he is a Jew, who intentionally tries to run into you, just to create a conflict, so that he could justify to himself that everyone hates us, and, therefore, justify his own hate towards 'goyim'.

"Twist their brains, and work the goyim up into a nervous state"
(Catechism of the Jew in the USSR)

One of the main aspects of these "operations" is that these paid disinformation agents work in groups, like a pack of wolves, which we can also see on the Benya's site and his quite extensive "support group", singing praises to him every time he publishes anything, regardless of what it is and how true or even conceivable it is.

Now, what happens in your mind if you find something objectionable in the original writing, when you see quite a number of people singing praises to it in nearly every single post? Well, it is not surprising at all that you might begin to doubt even your own intelligence. Simply because it is overwhelming, like going against a flood.

When some "hot" or "dangerous" information appears, some of the first responses and comments you are likely to see are precisely from disinformation agents. This happens because in their "headquarters" they use the automated search software to do the searches on the "hot" or "dangerous" keywords or key phrases, nearly non-stop, and that is precisely why some of the first attacks on some "hot" issue you see literally within a few minutes, if not seconds from the original publication.Because these agents are immediately informed from their "headquarters" about the specific thread to attack, even if it is a totally new thread.

Just try to pay attention to the time stamps to see if it is something conceivable. Also look at that time density of opposing comments. That, by itself, might give you an idea on what or who are you likely to be dealing with.

Their "arguments" always look like something semi-"rational", "convincing" and even semi-"scientific", even though it is nothing more than profanities, which they won't be able to prove even if they go blue on their face. They rarely contain any substance or proof of anything. It all remains on the level of a fiction, myth or opinion.

They will invent all sorts of "facts" by taking some known information and turning it all upside down, which simply gets plenty of people baffled and they do not even know how to respond to something so obviously ridiculous, if not simply bizarre, and not supported by any kind of evidence.

The trick is a standard satanic technique of turning everything upside down and creating grand confusion. As long as there is no clarity, and especially if they manage to get you off balance and angry or defensive, they are pretty much guaranteed to "win" the case.

Another trick is a standard masonic argument, called "PROVE IT". Well, the thing is that with any REALLY "dangerous" information, the first thing that happens is destruction of evidence and witnesses. Even if you cite some book or some world famous author, they will still insist: PROVE IT!!! Quite often, they will simply call him "mad" or use their favorite - "antisemite" trick.

If all fails, blame it on this abracadabra called "antisemitism". Try to argue that one! You will hardly find a single person, who will not get offended or even angry, and will be able to see though this trick and not to loose his balance, but to stay on the subject and to continue grinding them, which is easier said than done and it requires a substantial amount of knowledge.

"Anti-Semitism does not signify opposition to Semitism. There is no such thing.

[and if there is no such a thing as "semitism", how could there be ANTI-"semitism"?]

It is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot, like you guys, anyone who brings criticism against Jews. We use it against hate-mongers."

Anti-Semitism is an expression we Jews use effectively as a smear word used to brand as a bigot
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)

They often try to get the writer or his supporters off to a completely different track and convert the issues into something else, or make their own arguments look like something that simply "makes sense" to a "normal" human, and only someone "insane" could even argue it.

When you talk about one thing, and they start accusing you of something totally "off the wall", what are you to do? The minds of many people simply get "short circuited" and the fuses blow. This is one of their favorite tricks to get you angry, upset and loose your balance, and if you get caught into their trap, they immediately start the orgy of the ugliest insults and ridicule.

There are usually several of them working on the "hot" or "dangerous" threads and they usually attack their victims by the whole pack, so it does not look like just a personal opinion of just a single person. The idea is to overwhelm you with something "so obvious" to anyone with "sane mind". This trick is called "because EVERYONE says so". That is all they need as an "argument".

But very few people would even dare to ask: but even if everyone says so, does it mean it is true? Just recall how many times in your life you have heard this very "argument". You'd be surprised how popular it is.

One other trick they usually use is to overwhelm the thread by insulting the writers in the ugliest ways, calling them names, accusing them of being "insane" and agreeing with each other, licking each other's rear.

You can see this on nearly every thread with "dangerous" information out there, and the "signature" is pretty much the same in all cases. The idea is to fill the thread with garbage, and so, when new readers come in, they quickly loose any interest in it since about all they see is garbage, idiocy and insults of all kinds. And that is PRECISELY the idea behind suppressing the most important information.

You might recall plenty of articles you have read, which originally looked like something noteworthy. But when you started reading the comments, it made you loose any interest in it in a hurry, simply seeing it all as a hopeless case. Many people do not realize that this, by itself, is something suspicious. Because in precisely these cases it may turn out that the original information was indeed something deserving to be looked at.

Just look at the comments on the Benya's reports site. It is probably more "sane" even in a madhouse. And look at how much licking you can find there. It gets to the point that anyone "in his clear mind" would simply get disgusted after reading just a few of those, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of them on each of his reports...

They are usually fly-by-night operations out of some unoccupied buildings in some filthy parts of the cities and change their location every couple of months. They never have any signs in front of the building or anything that might identify them and their location. They are paid quite well, more than they could expect to earn elsewhere.

We will do our best to expose all the lies, fabrications, distortions, myths and all other forms of disinformation, simply because, in our opinion, about the most critical thing right now is for the people to know the Truth of how it IS in reality and to clearly SEE and understand all the tools, mechanisms and methods of the ongoing world takeover by the ZioNazi satanists and the "dark side", parasiting on this planet.

Otherwise, how do you solve the problems and improve things if you do not even know what are the real issues and what kind of progress did we make in this fight for this planet? Information is the key.

Because the summary moment has arrived, and the time has come to draw "the bottom line", and to see clearly what are we dealing with in reality, and not in all sorts of myths and tales, fed to all in a massive flood of lies and fabrications. Otherwise, how are we going to identify the REAL problems of this planet at this junction?

Their time is up, which is evidenced by the information explosion all over the net and they can "succeed" with their plans ONLY when people are blind and do not even know what is going on behind their backs. Because about the only thing they are afraid of is for people, at large, to begin to see what and how it is in reality, just as stated by Harold Wallace Rosenthal.

Our greatest fear is that this falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it (It is one thing to put a man in possession of the truth, to get him to understand it is another, and to get him to act upon it is another still. Truth by itself has no value unless used or applied in some way.)

It is becoming apparent that an awakening is occurring even here in America.

We had hoped that through our devastation of Christian Germany that any subject dealing with us would be a fearful taboo.

However, there seems to be a resurgence here in the one nation that we so strongly control. We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it. All efforts on our part will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it.

We fear that light is coming forth in movements across this land, especially yours. It has amazed us how you have been successful in reaching the people after we closed every door of communication.

We will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)

Well, what can we say but to notice that Rosenthal talks like an "apostle" of Lucifer himself. The amount of insight and depth of his information and understanding is something you will hardly find amongst "mere mortals". He certainly deserves a "thank you" for revealing it all, and it is not surprising that he was killed within a year of this interview. Because he was a living witness. But it looks like he did this interview playing a role of the "Lucifer ruling family" "channeler". And he says:

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer - so I wasn't lying - and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive."

Our god is Lucifer
(The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview)

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1054

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