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That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, first of all, a sharp reduction in their numbers.

-- Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

ZioNazi quotes categorized: Chabad

It is worth looking at that entire page as it contains plenty more quotes by all sorts of "authorities".

Is it something even conceivable in light of these alleged "negotiations of surrender"? Have you ever heard of such a thing in the entire history of mankind? How can the party that has been defeated and that is why it is engaged in the surrender negotiations, still attack, and not to merely attack, but to even pump up the attacks even more? Then WHO is "surrendering" to whom here?

Yes, sure, if you ask Benya and his kind, they will immediately invent some "explanation", such as "well, they are simply trying to negotiate a better deal doing all this violence and raising the stakes", and that is precisely one of the reasons why it is merely foolish to even conceive of an idea of "negotiating" with a loosing party.

For example, what kind of negotiations where there with Germans after the WWI and WWII? Did "civilized" world even negotiate anything with Germans who were trapped into WWI and WWII by the same ZioNazis beyond the amounts and time scale they'd have to pay? And German people did pay such huge amounts and for generations that it is simply baffling to see them recover, and not merely recover, but even become one of the most powerful economies of the "free world". Interestingly enough, Adolph Hitler at the very end realized that he was merely trapped with Russia and he left a note describing it before he went to "better places".

And you can find some other similar "explanations" indeed. In that case, about ALL you have to do is to simply "take out" a few heads at the very top of the pyramid and see what happens. Most likely, they'll get more talkative in a hurry. Don't these "secret societies" have an army of assassins and Ninjas of all kinds? So, what is the problem here, really?

About the only ones that might be difficult to get are the Rothschilds and Kuhns and the "top level" of the pyramid of evil. Simply because they live in palaces and there are dozens of underground tunnels from their places to the outside world. So, try to "get" them. But there are ways to "take out" even those, just as history shows. Probably the easiest way to do it is to use their own servants and closest associates and even their own agents. Giving enough money, they will even sell their own mothers.

If you are aware of the Harvard Project, which had to do with exactly these issues of "taking out" and concurring the states via mechanisms of corruptions, it will be not that difficult to figure out the details of how to do such things. It isn't even as complicated as it might look initially and that is precisely why many "great" warriors and "rulers" of all kinds were killed, poisoned and you name it, throughout history. Very few of them survived and died of natural causes.

And you tell them this: every single day they postpone their final surrender, several of them will be exterminated, without any court proceedings, but by mere implication that they do indeed serve the biggest evil on this planet, beyond any doubt. After all, the USA stated numerous times that they will find and destroy any "terrorists" or "enemies of the state" anywhere in the world and any time they want. So... The precedent is undoubtedly there.

And you can also simply declare it as "extraordinary circumstances where 'democratic values' of 'civilized world' are endangered". Simple as that. The US performs the remote killings from the drones on nearly daily basis worldwide and then claim they have killed the "terrorists" or "terrorist suspects".

And we are dealing here not with mere terrorists, but with the worst criminals and mass murderers in the entire history. So, what is the problem here? Just ask Benya, he will give you the list of those, who can be executed without even winking an eye.

In days, you will have their signatures and they'll start singing like singing birds "negotiating out" their former cohorts, even though their signature means nothing, literally, at least if one knows their Kol Nidre prayer and realizes what it is to full extent.

So, who is lying and/or fabricating here and who is putting whom up, while rolling on the floor seeing all these lowest grade disinformation reports of pathetic level of authenticity and intellectual honesty?

Yes, Benya does publish a few things that can be confirmed to be valid and at times even insightful. But the thing is, nearly all of it is already known or understood by implication by those who studied the issues sufficiently. Most of it simply follows directly out of mechanisms and methods of enslavement of mankind. In fact, people might even wait for his reports hoping to learn what is really going on in the world. Simply because ALL the mass media is profoundly corrupt.

But what many people may not even pay attention to is that all the events pretty much inevitably follow if you know how the "system" works. Most of it is simply inevitable, regardless of who and what reports on it. The mechanisms of evil are the same, the goal of concurring the world is as ancient as the world itself. About the only way to know what is really happening in the world is to see the RESULTS and changes occurring, which will inevitably be reported even by the corrupt reporters and journalists once it becomes obvious.

So, just watch the events as they unfold and observe the tendencies. If you see your rights are taken away, one by one, what possible "progress" could be there regardless of what anyone reports on it? And if you see your rights and freedoms begin to return to you, then what other "evidence" do you need to see what is in fact going on?

All this commotion with Chinese Yuan and moving funds around the world and all these provocations and terrorist acts are nothing more than a part of the scheme. And if you expect that some evil "queen", all of a sudden, begins to support some "bright future of mankind" and humanist projects then there must be a purpose for it and that purpose has NOTHING to do with "saving the world", but to promote the same evil as before.

For example, at this particular junction there is massive operation going on according to ancient goal of ZioNazi satanists to wipe out the white race. This is done by all sorts of terrorist acts and all sorts of "ISIS" schemes in order to create the instability and chaos in the "3rd world", such as African continent.

As a result, we see MASSIVE migration of people to where? Well, to Europe and those places where white race resides. Where else? And it is done in order to dilute the genetic pool of white race via trick of mixing races and blood with dark colored races, which is simply inevitable when people intermingle.

And you don't have be a "genius" to see all that. Because the evidence of it is in nearly every single news report out there. Yes, they do not report the REAL issues, and instead propose all sorts of scheme to "contain the problem", which is impossible unless you remove the very underlying reason, which is terror throughout not only Africa, but in other regions as well. Because this is a worldwide campain now.

Did this great Benya mention it? Or are we imagining something here? Then what about this?

I speak OF THE DEATH OF THE WHITE RACE. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation [incest] and having a virtually zero birth rate.

We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction.

We can ruin THE ANCIENT PURE BLOODLINE OF AN ARYAN CHILD by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children.

We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country.

More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children.

We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races.

This will dissuade most of them. We will deal with the less cooperative goyim [non-jews] by tmurder and imprisonment.

Finally, we will SEE THE END OF THIS WHITE RACE. Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the "men" of this race grovel at our feet.

ADL President Abraham Foxman: speech about destruction of white race and ZioNazi world domination
ZioNazi Quotes categorized

Just ask yourself the simple question "but why do we see such a flood of migrants" all of a sudden? What's "the end goal" of it and what kind of miracle have caused it.

And that is how you will know what is REALLY happening in the world, even if there is no Benya of "god chosen kind" to tell it to you.

Don't you have your own intelligence to SEE what surrounds you? Or do you think you need some Benya "to lead you by your nose"? WHERE and HOW, if most of you are simply "asleep" and do not even bother to appeal to your own Intelligence and "more subtle levels" of it all? Who knows, may be some "answers" are long awaiting within your own Self just to be called upon.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 788

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Japan’s Abe may be arrested at Davos, Switzerland for role in Aum terrorist attacks | Note: At least at this junction, we decided not to publish Benya's reports as soon as they come out without strings attached. It will be published on Thursdays as he requested.
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