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About degeneracy, "power complex" and megalomania

The other pretty ugly part of his threats and all the negative energy projected by the "bleeding hearts" and other members of his "elite club" of "the chosen few", who have the financial and technical abilities to pay for his reports, is that he begins to dictate some "rules" to nothing less than Creativity and Truth, and that is not such a good idea, and it has some consequences, some of which Benya can not even begin to comprehend it seems.

At the roots of it lay a pretty ordinary megalomania and narcissism. Usually, it is tightly coupled with what is known as degeneracy in medical terms. Degeneracy, is tightly coupled with psychiatric disorders, when one somehow "looses it" and begins to confuse the real and unreal and takes purely imagined and at times quite "twisted" or "stretched" and distorted versions as something ultimately real.

Degeneracy, in turn, begins with sexual perversions, which Gregory Klimov calls "the first bell of nature", just as Benya himself had reported having the "unusual sex" with one lady. The roots of sexual perversions lay in dullness and denial, thus, insatiable desire for more and more sex. Eventually, it becomes dull and one no longer experiences the orgasmic culmination during the plain ordinary intercourse.

So, "naturally", they begin to stretch the limits of what is sex. Thus, sex becomes perverted. Initially, it could be the same sex partners, and then, as it "grows", it becomes sadism and eventually sadomasochism, and masochism is the worst and most vicious form of sadism.

If one does not pay attention to this sickness, then "the second bell of nature" comes in form of mental diseases, and if one keeps denying this sickness and keeps pushing it further, then "the third and final bell of nature" comes in form of birth defects. Birth defects mean that the Nature simply terminates this particular branch on the tree and this bloodline. From then on, this branch simply withers away and can no longer produce any fruits. Very few degenerates on the third level have either desire or are capable of producing the offspring.

This is how Gregory Klimov, one of the world's foremost experts on degeneracy and Higher Sociology, presents the entire process and the roots of it. But this has to be studied and the results will be simply shocking to most.

You can review an interview with Gregory Klimov that outlines the most essential things as far as degeneracy and "the power complex" go. It is not an exhaustive coverage of all the issues involved, but, nevertheless, it might shock your minds if you even begin to comprehend the significance of it and the impact they have on everyone on this planet.

Three stages of degeneracy
Degenerates Rule The World!
(Interview with Gregory Klimov about "the power complex" and stages, symptoms and expressions of degeneracy)

Unfortunately, Gregory Klimov is one of the most taboo authors you can find. Out of his 7 books only one has been translated into English. See:

THE TERROR MACHINE by Gregory Klimov

The utterly secret field of Higher Sociology discloses the very roots and mechanisms of that which Benya attempts to deal with. In particular, the concept of "the power complex" or insatiable desire to "rule" others and impose ones own will upon them is covered in the most profound detail. So, all these "demons" Benya is trying to "fight", at least as he presents it, and their very motivations can be understood only if you are aware of the deepermost details and the very core of their twisted belief system.

Benya, with all due respect for his work, and some of it is quite insightful, does not seem to have the real grasp on the underlying issues, nor he has those necessary keys that "open the doors" to this most profound riddle in the entire history of this planet. Yes, he does know some things and has some intuitive grasp of it, and probably more than many others, but still he looks like one of those "blind ones", groping in the darkness of evil without having the sufficiently solid base to stand upon, and it's been said: the house, built on a rock will stand, but the house built on sand will collapse as soon as rains and winds come in. And, to our opinion, Benya's "house" is precisely built on sand. Simple as that.

Yes, he waves his hands a lot and shouts all sorts of slogans and makes all sorts of proclamations and even "prophecies" of sorts. But most of it is nothing more than "a tale, told by an idiot, full of fury, signifying nothing".

In order to "fight the evil" you need to SEE it, to SEE its very roots and foundation, to see and understand its "operating principles" and the entire system of belief, and, probably most importantly, to see that hand, which rules it all in this grand puppet theater. To SEE, and not to THINK that you see. That is the difference between the "heaven" and the "hell". Else, one is simply doomed in face of the most powerful forces in the entire history of mankind.

Yes, one can see some puppets indeed. But unless one can see the puppet master and understand his very roots and underlying ideology and its "goals", one has virtually no chance to "win" this battle. Simple as that.

Now, these are the very roots of what is known as evil. Eventually, these people get so confused that they begin to imagine that they can set some "rules" to anything they want. Because, deep inside, they are the followers of what is known as "negative approach to development of Intelligence". The essence of the "negative approach" is self-serving and totally ignoring the needs and interests of others.

And that is precisely why one "looses it" in the most profound terms and even begins to set some "rules" to anything he pleases, not even realizing that some things are simply beyond his control, regardless of what he thinks or does.

And the indication of the fact that they did indeed "loose it" is the fact that they begin to set some rules even to some of the highest principles of the Infinite Multidimensional Intelligence, such as Creativity, going to the point of delusion where they even begin to set some "rules" to nothing else that Truth and place some conditions on it. At that point, it becomes basically "a mental department level", meaning they have lost the most fundamental guideposts on their way.

One needs to open up a bit and realize ones own relative significance "in the scheme of things", and that is development of Intelligence, and place oneself into a proper perspective, simply by realizing that one is NOT "the greatest thing or entity ever known to mankind". In could be just the other way around in at least some aspects.

And that is precisely why it was said: All that you think is great treasures you have in your hands, that you have managed to grab, is dust and nothing but the dust.

Now, back to original subject...

First of all, we have no interest in being the only ones that make his reports available to the whole world without any artificial delays or strings attached, even though we disagree, and for fundamental reasons, with the idea of not providing the information openly and unconditionally. We are not quite interested to play the role of Jesus Christ in the game of "saving the world". That is not the role we chose to play.

It is our opinion that Humanity can not be "saved" by some "noble knights on the white horse". Humanity needs "saving" itself, or, more precisely, to drastically increase the degree of awareness of every individual, and that happens purely on individual level, upon ones own individual initiative, desire and interest to do so.

It can not be imposed from the outside, even though plenty of assistance is available upon "calling", which is already happening as we speak. It won't work, it never worked and it can not possibly work. Because if one refuses to SEE, just as been said in the New Testament, for example, then he will remain blind and will not learn anything he is not interested in learning. Learning and "SEEING" is a result of internal desire to do so in order to progress or refine the level of ones own consciousness and come to the point where one can "SEE", at least the most essential things. Simple as that.

Secondly, in all the years we have been operating our sites, not a single author had ever placed ANY conditions regarding his work, as to how and why and in which form we chose to publish it. We publish things in a particular visual format to facilitate the clarity and simplicity of perception and to allow one to process and digest massive amounts of information. No fancy pictures, no bells and whistles, to make sure there are no hindrances and distractions of any kind.

And, nevertheless, if anything, we have seen quite some compliments by some of the REAL researchers and of the world caliber that indicate to us that they do find this work of value, to the point that some of them even begin to promote it, and not necessarily for the purposeful promotion.

Thirdly, fortunately or unfortunately, there is quite a few pretty subtle and yet far reaching things said in his reports and for the purposes yet to be determined, that might have a pretty significant impact in terms of distortions of all kinds. Now, there are many people who still did not study these subjects of evil to the extent that is necessary for them to SEE the whole picture. And, knowingly or unknowingly, whatever Benya says may have quite some consequences as far as their understanding, distortions of all kinds, and further probable actions go.

So, if there is ANY chance that we might help to unscramble, comprehend or even understand some of those quite subtle things, that might not be noticed by those, who did not do enough study of it, then that is what we will try to do. Whether we are "right" or "wrong" or our interpretations are "correct", let the people decide for themselves. But at least they have a chance to look at it all from a different perspective, and we do not usually comment on those things, where we do not have a sufficient or necessary competence or a certain degree of seeing the essence of it.

And, from our own view, we have seen PLENTY of information in his reports that is essentially DIS-information, at least for all those, who did sufficient amount of studying, not that we are trying to accuse him here in CONSCIOUSLY propagating the lies and fabrications. At least some of it, and quite conceivably, might be done without him even being aware of it and the consequences that it might have.

We chose not to comment previously on all those questionable things that we found in his reports, some of which could be considered the deliberate perversions, at least if done with "bad intent". Whether it is so, "time will tell", and it will, definitely so.

But, in light of this all, we started considering our options as to how to handle Benya's reports and his demands, and there are few of those options available indeed. And the "problem" we have is that these reports need to be addressed simply because he has too wide of a following and too much of an impact, at least on the minds of not very competent people, who did not study the issues deep enough to even begin to comprehend what we are dealing with here.

Unfortunately, most of the options we have involve some additional work on our part and treatment of his information differently from how we treat and handle all other information on our sites, and that might cost something not only to us, but to him as well.

So, the fist option we have, is to say: OK, dear Benya, we will honor your quite unusual request to delay the publication of information. Yes, we do not like the very idea of a "special treatment" to any information or authors on our sites. Our hands are full as is. We do not need any additional load and extra work to be done just because of some Benya with questionable reputation and all sorts of unverifiable information he constantly publishes.

This implies that instead of publishing his reports as soon as we have a chance to see them, we will honor his request and, instead of publishing his reports in full, which, among other things, is necessary for historical reference purposes, we might instead publish the digests of his reports and delay the publication of full versions for three days as he requested.

And we warn Benya that this is probably the worst thing he could even imagine for himself. Simply because we may attempt to expose "the real meaning" and some of those nasty hidden aspects, as we perceive it, of what he says and let everyone have a look at even those things that we have chosen not to comment on previously for various reasons. Yes, "expose the real meaning" does not mean some "revelations" of absolute and undeniable essence of it, but simply means in OUR opinion. We make no big claims as to the guarantees of validity of what and how we see things. To different people, the "real meaning" might be quite different, but that is "the nature of things".

Fundamentally, the "hidden meaning" is available only on the highest levels of Intelligence, even though some things are available to anyone upon sincere asking and honest intent, or what is known as "calling". In our understanding, the sincere "calling" may be answered by the higher levels, but only if it does not interfere with the individual's own free will and free choice. Simply telling you some "answer", without your own sincere investigation and desire to know, is not likely to change the degree of your awareness, knowing or, rather, SEEING.

Yes, it is quite a bit of additional work that we might have to do with this approach, and this is not exactly the kind of work we would otherwise chose to do, being as busy as we are with what we already have on our hands. But what to do, especially in the situation where you might be left as one of the very few in the entire world who has guts to publish his reports as soon as they come out and facing the consequences of "explaining yourself"?

One more aspect of Benya's reports is the fact that they might be of interest to some REAL information warfare fighters, or "the messengers of Truth" as they are known to some. Now, one of the principles of the information warfare, especially when you fight no one less but evil all-pervading, is that you can not dictate ANYTHING to those, who have chosen to fight. They are not bound to honor ANY requests of ANY kind and they submit to no one.

Because they are fighting, or, more precisely, STAND for, nothing less than Truth and they are responsible to only the highest levels of Intelligence and Life force as such. And, at least some of them, fully realize that they stake nothing less than their own Lives in this standoff with the evil most profound. So, there is no one in this world who can dictate anything to them. They are willing to pay whatever price there is, even if they make some "mistakes" that are inevitable in pretty much anything anyone does or thinks.

And their fight is not meant to cause some chaos and violence of all kinds. Just the other way around, it is to try all they can to bring as many people "to their senses" and WAKE UP finally. This is a battle for CONSCIOUSNESS and AWARENESS for a single purpose: to provide ALL the people ALL the information available or conceivable, so that their EYES would have at least a chance to open. Yes, no one can force SEEING on anyone else, and even if they try to, it will most likely be violence against the will of those, who are "blind" at the moment. Because the real reasons they are "blind" is because they are not READY to see anything beyond what they already know, or, more precisely, programmed with.

U.G. Krishnamurti during one of his interviews has told a reporter asking him all sorts of utterly meaningless and even foolish things:

"When you are asking something, you are NOT asking because you WANT to know something new. You asking for that, which can support that, which you ALREADY know".

And that is quite an insight. Just observe yourselves and see the REAL reasons for you to ask something of someone. Are you asking because you are really interested to know something that is different from what you already know? Or just to support that, which you already know? Because knowledge of something genuinely new for you is that, which endangers your "same old, same old". In new, you have no guarantee that your "same old" will remain safe and your ego and "self-image" are not challenged.

So, this war is not a war of violence and destruction or some grandiose images of ego gratification.

One thing we know with certainty is that PLENTY of people would prefer to get Benya's reports "as soon as they come out of the oven", without any strings attached and without being identified. So, why is he trying to twist their arms and submit to his "rules"? What "rules"? Is he some kind of a king or emperor to create ANY kind of "rules" to nothing less than Truth itself?

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 887

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