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IV.Use the words from Task IIIin the text The Bank of England

II.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs from Task I

1.At the beginning of every meeting, we ____ the agenda, and then we appoint someone to______ the minutes so we have a record of what happened.

2. That was the first time I’ve had to _______ a meeting, and I found controlling everybody rather difficult.

3.It’s better to _____ the agenda a couple of days before a meeting, so that people can prepare themselves.

4. It’s very easy to _____ an objective; it’s more difficult to _____ it.

5. We _____ a regular meeting every Monday morning where we try to ______ any problems that have come up.

6. I was very disappointed because the Board totally ____ my plan.

7. They argued for an hour, until someone ______ a new suggestion.


III.Match the following words with their definitions :

1.policy a. a level or situation which you intend to achieve
2.threats b. a general, continuous increase in prices
3.oversight c. an agreed plan of what to do
4. target d. basic and most important
5. core (adjective) e. in good condition
6. sound (adjective) f. paid
7.sterling g. potential sources of danger
8. inflation h. supervision
9.renumerated i. the name of the British currency


IV.Use the words from Task IIIin the text The Bank of England

The Bank of England has two 1) _____ purposes. One is ensuring monetary stability, i.e. having stable prices- low 2) ______ - and consequently confidence in the currency.

The government sets an inflation 3)______ , and the Bank’s Monetary Policy Committee tries to meet it by raising or lowering the official interest rate when necessary.

US banks and building societies have to hold reserves at the Bank. These are 4)________ at the Bank’s official interest rate. If British banks need to borrow short-term funds they do this in the5)______ money markets.

The Bank can influence the amount of money and the interest rates in these markets –this is how it implements its monetary 6) _____ .

The Bank also deals in the foreign exchange market. It can use the UK’s foreign currency and gold reserves to try to influence the exchange rate if needed.

The Bank’s other key purpose is to maintain the stability of the financial system. The Bank has to detect and reduce any 7)_____ to financial stability, and make sure to overall system is safe and secure. It monitors and analyses the behaviour of the major participants in the financial system and the wider financial and economic environment, and tries to identify potential risks.A 8) ____ and stable financial system is important, and is also necessary for carrying out monetary policy efficiently.

The Bank’s role also includes 9)_____ of payment systems for transactions between individuals, businesses and financial institutions.

The Bank sometimes acts as “ lender of last resort” to financial institutions in difficulty, to prevent panic or a loss of confidence spreading through the whole financial system.

V.According to the text, are the statements true or false. Correct the false statements:

1.The Bank of England wants to prevent prices rising.

2.The government sets a figure for what it thinks should be the maximum inflation rate.

3.The government makes decisions about interest rates.

4. Commercial banks have to keep some of their funds at the Bank of England.

5. The Bank does not pay interest on commercial banks’ deposits.

6. The Bank can try to change the sterling exchange rate.

7. The Bank has to eliminate threats to financial stability.

8. The Bank supervises the clearing system: the settlement of claims between banks.

9. The Bank always lends money to financial institutions in danger of going bankrupt.


Read the text and match the titles 1-5 to the paragraphs a-e .

Example : 1. a ; 2. b, ....

1. Disadvantages of takeovers

2. Raiders and asset –stripping

3. Raids and bids

4. The “make-or-buy” decision

5. The role of banks

VII.Find words and phrases in the text that mean the following:

1. Adding new and different products or services

2. A company’s sales expressed as a percentage of the total sales in a market

3. Reductions in costs resulting from increased production

4. Money paid for investment banks for work done

5. All the individuals or organizations that regularly or occasionally purchase goods or services from a company

6. Best, perfect or ideal (adjective)

7. Combined production or productivity that is greater than the sum of the separate parts.

8. People or companies that try to buy and sell other companies to make a profit

9. Large corporations or groups of companies offering a number of different products or services

10. Buying a company in order to sell its most valuable assets at a profit.

VIII.Translate the text.

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