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The Moon is a Death Star

“I don’t know if there are men on the moon, but if there are they must be using the earth as their lunatic asylum” ― George Bernard Shaw

For the month of October I will be posting mainly paranormal posts. Take everything you read with a grain of salt because new information about our reality is being discovered every day.

Is the Moon Fake? Is it really like the Death Star in the popular Science Fiction movie – Star Wars?

The following post is from David Icke’s latest book: Human Race Get off Your Knees – The Lion Sleeps no More which I highly recommend you read if you want to delve deeper into the reality of the World you live in.

The Moon is a Death Star Theory

The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be, and much lighter in mass than it should be.

It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties and none of them could be considered remotely watertight.

The Russian Professor of biochemistry Isaac Asimov said that the Moon, which has no atmosphere and no magnetic field, is basically a freak of nature in that Earth is the only planet in the solar system orbited by a satellite so enormous in relation to the world it circles.

It is bigger than the planet Pluto.

Some scientists have even called it a twin-planet system, rather than a planet and a satellite.

Asimov said that by all cosmic laws, the Moon should not be orbiting the earth. He came to the conclusion that the Moon by rights ought not to be there.

The fact that it is there is one of those strokes of luck almost too good to accept. Small planets such as Earth, with weak gravitational fields, might well lack satellites.

In General then, when a planet does have satellites, those satellites are much smaller than the planet itself.

Therefore, even if the Earth has a satellite, there would be every reason to suspect that at best it would be a tiny world, perhaps 30 miles in diameter.

But this is not the case with the Moon. It is huge. Have you ever seen how monstrous it can appear in the sky at times?

The Moon is a giant satellite, 2160 miles in diameter.

How is it then that the tiny Earth has one?

Check out these Moon anomalies:


  • The Moon does not have a magnetic field yet the Moon’s rocks are magnetized.


  • The oldest rocks collected from the Moon are far older than any collected on Earth.


  • Science has no idea where the Moon came from and how it was formed.


  • Earth has tons of iron and the Moon has none. They (Earth & Moon) are alleged to have been created at the same time.


  • We never get to see the dark side of the Moon from Earth.


  • The Moon is so perfectly positioned that at a solar eclipse it looks, from Earth, the same size as the Sun.


  • For you math nerds. If you divide the circumference of the Sun by that of the Moon and multiply by 100 you get the circumference of the Earth. Divide the size of the Sun by the size of the Earth and multiply by 100 and you get the size of the Moon.


  • The Moon, Earth and the Sun are encoded with the unit of measurement known as the ‘ megalithic yard ‘. Discovered by Professor Alexander Thom when he made a detailed study of stone circles such as Stonehenge. The standard measurement is equal to 0.829 meters or 2.72 feet.


  • Moon rocks have been found to contain processed metals, including brass and mica, and the elements uranium 236 and neptunium 237 that have never been found to occur naturally. Uranium 236 is a long-lived radioactive nuclear waste and is found in spent nuclear fuel and reprocessed uranium. Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of plutonium. How the hell did this stuff get on the Moon?


  • Surface lunar rocks contain titanium, chromium, and circonium, which are all metals with refractory, mechanically-strong and anti-corrosive properties. Refractory metals are resistant to heat and to wear and could stand up to means of aggression.


  • The placement of the Moon dictates the speed of the Earth’s rotation and the angle at which it rotates – 22.5 degrees from vertical. The angle creates the four seasons because of the way that the planet faces the Sun during its annual orbit.


  • The Moon has a major influence on the tides – far more than the Sun. We all should know this by now. And with the Human body consisting of 70% water it definitely has an influence on us. Maybe that explains werewolves and an increase in emergency room visits during the full Moon.


  • The Moon dictates so much of our relationship with time, and the term “month” is really Moonth, a period based on the cycles of the Moon.


  • There are many legends around the world that describe the moon as a “chariot” of gods and goddesses.

The Hollow Moon Theory

The Apollo 12 mission to the Moon in November 1969 set up seismometers and then intentionally crashed the Lunar Module causing an impact equivalent to one ton of TNT.

The shock waves built up for eight minutes, and NASA scientists said the Moon “rang like a bell”.

The Apollo 13 mission to the moon in 1970 and the Saturn V launch vehicle, weighing 15 tons, was crashed into the moon about 100 miles from where the previous mission had left the seismometer.

When the launch vehicle made impact with the equivalent of eleven tons of TNT, NASA scientists said the Moon “reacted like a gong” and continued to vibrate for three hours and twenty minutes to a depth of up to 25 miles.

The Moon is a Spacecraft

In 1970 two members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences wrote an article for Sputnik magazine called “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?”

The suggestion was that the Moon was a planetoid that had been hollowed out using machines by unknown beings with advanced technology.

If the technology was nuclear in nature it would explain why uranium 236 and neptunium 237 were found on the Moon’s surface.

They went on to say that if you go on to launch an artificial sputnik, then it is advisable to make it hollow.

It would be naïve to imagine that anyone capable of such a tremendous space project would be satisfied simply with some kind of giant empty trunk hurled into near-Earth trajectory.

It’s more likely that what we have here is a very ancient spaceship, the interior of which was filled with fuel for the engines, materials and appliances for repair work, navigation instruments, observation equipment and all manner of machinery.

A Noah’s Ark of intelligence, perhaps even as the home of a whole civilization envisaging a prolonged existence and long wanderings through space.

Naturally the hull of such a spaceship must be super-tough in order to stand up to the blows of meteorites and sharp fluctuations between extreme heat and extreme cold.

The shell is probably double layered – the basis a dark armoring of about 20 miles in thickness, and outside is some kind of more loosely packed covering (a thinner layer-averaging about three miles).

Basically the Moon is made inside out and the inner and outer components should be the other way around.

The material from inside of the Moon was somehow brought to the surface to make a protective outer shell.

The thinner outer layer averaging about 2 and a half miles would explain why Moon craters are not as deep as they should be given the width of the impact. They are uniformly shallow.

Zulu Lore About the Moon’s Origins

Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa said that Zulu lore about the Moon which has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years describes it like this:

They believed the Moon to be hollow and the home of the Python or “Chitauri” or as David Icke calls them the “Reptilians”, a race of intelligent extraterrestrials.

From what I gather the Reptilians are a creation from the “gods” of the bible.

The gods were/ are humanoid like us yet far more advanced intellectually and they spliced their own DNA with that of Dinosaurs to create the Reptilians/ Reptoids species.

The legend goes that the Moon was brought here hundreds of generations ago by two brothers, Wowane and Mpanku, who were the leaders of these Reptilian extraterrestrials.

They were known as the water brothers and had scaly skin like a fish.

This story is similar to the Mesopotamia and Sumerian accounts about the two leader brothers Enlil and Enki (Lord of the Earth).

Credo said the Zulu legends tell of how Wowane and Mpanku stole the Moon in the form of an egg from the “Great Fire Dragon” and emptied out the yolk until it was hollow.

They then “rolled” the Moon across the sky to the Earth and caused cataclysmic events on this planet (the end of the “Golden Age”).

Credo said that the Earth was very different before the Moon arrived.

There were no seasons and the planet was permanently surrounded by a canopy of water vapor.

People did not feel the fierce glare of the Sun that we do now and they could only view it through a watery mist.

The Earth was a beautiful place, a gentle place, lush and green with a gentle drizzle and mist, and the Sun’s fury was not there.

The water canopy fell to the Earth as a deluge of rain when the Moon was put into place in the Earth’s orbit.

This is symbolized in the Bible when it rains for 40 days and 40 nights.

Zulu legend says that these reptilian beings manipulate the Earth from the Moon.

That they basically use the Earth to parasite off and not just physical things like gold and water, but lower vibrational emotional energy.


Especially emotional energy like fear, worry and stress.

Have you ever wondered why artificial conditions occur on Earth such as recessions?

Your negative emotional reactions are a source of sustenance for these beings. They need it to live.

Zulus and other native African accounts say the Moon was built far, far away to control people and as a vehicle to travel the Universe.

Credo says that the Reptilians “giant mothership” is the Moon and that’s where they went during the cataclysms of the “Great Flood” which they had caused by manipulating the Moon and instigating other cosmic events.

This is where the “Noah” figure was taken, with others who were chosen to survive and replenish a new genetically modified species after the Earth began to recover.

The “Ark” was not a boat; it was a flying craft that took people and other Earth creatures to the Moon to sit out the catastrophe.

Zulu legend says that the Reptilians were created by the Sun to cause havoc for creation. The reptiles were given the authority to really mess things up in the Universe.

The arrival of the Moon and the Reptilians transformed everything on Earth.

It changed the Earth’s rotation and angle – the earth turned over on its axis as the legend says and brought more powerful tidal systems that had once been much gentler.

Women did not menstruate before the Moon arrived.

Credo said that the Moon stops the Earth from getting too fertile and that the Moon and Earth are involved in a silent war.

Legend says that the Reptilians threatened to take away the Moon if humans didn’t do what they were told. This would wreak major havoc on Earth if they did decide to “take away the Moon”.

Moon Base

The Disclosure Project is an organization headed by Dr. Steven Greer, that campaigns for governments to reveal what they know about extraterrestrial activity.

In 2001 Greer arranged for presentations at the National Press Club in Washington DC by more than 20 witnesses from the military, intelligence, government, industry and science who told their experiences.

Among them was Sergeant Karl Wolf who told the press club how he saw photographs of an Alien Base on the “dark side” of the Moon.

He was asked to go to a facility at Langley Air Force base where the NSA was collating the information from the Lunar Orbiter photographing the Moon.

When he arrived, two officers took him into a laboratory and this is what he said:

He was showing me how all this worked and we walked over to one side of the lab and he said: “By the way, we’ve discovered a base on the back side of the Moon.”

And at that point I became frightened and a little terrified, thinking to myself if anybody walks in the room now I know we are in jeopardy because he shouldn’t be giving me this information.

He then began to show me pictures of this base which had geometric shapes that were towers. They were spherical buildings; they were very tall towers and things that looked somewhat like radar dishes, but they were large structures.

Some of the structures where a half a mile in size, some of the buildings seemed to have very reflective surfaces on them.

I worked there for three more days and I remember going home and naively thinking I can’t wait to hear about this on the evening news and here it is more than 30 years later.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1180

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