Look up the semantically related words below and explain their difference.a) Appliance – device – gadget – instrument – machine – tool – utensil;
b) Female – feminine – feminist – womanly – womanish/ effeminate;
c) Male – manly – mannish – masculine;
d) To conceal – hide;
e) To model – design.
7. Choose the most suitable word to fill in the gaps.
a) female – feminine – feminist – womanly – womanish/ effeminate
1. She showed a ___ concern about their health.
2. The company employs 230 ___ workers.
3. Though not yet sixteen, the girl had a fine ___ figure.
4. Frank raised his hands and let out a piercing ___ cry.
5. The room was decorated in ___ pinks and pastels.
6. Dorian was very young and handsome in a slightly ___ way.
7. In the family she was notorious for being a revolutionary and a radical ___ who rejected the conventional ___ roles as wife and mother.
b) male – manly – masculine – mannish
1. It’s a magazine with a predominantly ___ readership.
2. He had a deep, rich voice, so ___ and reassuring.
3. I don’t like her straightforward ___ behaviour.
4. “Drake” is a ___ word for “duck”.
5. The boy walked with a confident ___ stride.
c) operating household appliances; things out of order
1. A food processor has become an indispensable ___ in the household.
a) device; b) machine; c) gadget
2. As a birthday present I gave him a clever little ___ for opening bottles (infml).
a) machine; b) gadget; ñ) appliance
3. I need some ___ like a screwdriver to fix the screws.
a) appliance; b) instrument; c) tool
4. We packed a few essential kitchen ___ such as a couple of pots, a knife and a tin opener for our camping trip.
a) appliances; b) utensils; c) tools
5. Plug the iron into that ___, will you?
a) wire; b) socket; c) switch
6. When you turn off the TV set, please pull out the ___, too.
a) plug; b) wire; c) switch
7. He wanted to fill the bath but couldn’t find the ___.
a) stopper; b) plug; c) cork
8. The radio wasn’t working because of the loose connection of the ___.
a) conductors; b) strings; c) wires
9. The bath water doesn’t run away properly; I think the ___ must be blocked.
a) hole; b) tube; c) pipe
10. The tap was ___ because it needed a new washer.
a) dripping; b) oozing; c) leaking
11. There is water on the floor; the washing machine must be ___.
a) dripping; c) leaking; d) oozing
12. I can smell gas – there must be a ___ somewhere.
a) break; b) drip; c) leak
13. When I turned on the switch, the lights ___ .
a) cracked; b) expired; c) fused
14. We shall have the deck-chairs repaired. The canvas has ___ .
a) burst; b) cracked; c) split
15. I’ll lend you my ___ to chop down the tree.
a) jack; b) saw; c) axe
16. The screw on the chair has worked loose, I need a ___ to fix it.
a) spanner; b) screwdriver; c) hammer
17. These bolts are too stiff to loosen by hand. Have you got a ___.
a) screwdriver; b) spanner; c) chisel
18. What’s the use of having a hammer if you have no ___ .
a) nails; b) screws; c) bolts
19. “___” can be defined as a tool handy for minor electrical jobs in the house.
a) hammer; b) nail; c) pliers
20. We normally open bottles with the help of ___ .
a) pliers; b) a chisel; c) a corkscrew
d) miscellaneous
1. The pilot studied his ____ anxiously.
a) devices; b) tools; c) instruments
2. Jake hated being ____ in the hands of some unscrupulous people.
a) a tool; b) a machine; c) an instrument
3. Celia bore him no grudge for she fully realized that he was a mere ___ of fate.
a) appliance; b) instrument; c) tool
4. He was a smart devil, especially clever at various ___ of evading law.
a) devices; b) tools; c) instruments
5. The cottage was ___ from view by a row of thick bushes.
a) hidden; b) concealed
6. Despite all his efforts Harris was unable to ___ his boredom from his hosts.
a) hide; b) conceal
7. Tom and Huck ___ in the attic and kept watching Injun Joe from there.
a) hid; b) concealed; c) hid themselves
8. His favourite pastime was ___ horses and other toys out of clay.
a) designing; b) modeling
9. Ann wants to be an actress, but now she is ___ – to keep the wolf from the door.
a) designing; b) modeling
10. Who ___ the Sydney Opera House?
a) designed; b) modeled
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1307