Preparatory Tests
Preparatory Test 1
1. Listen to the words and write them down in transcription. Lay stress-tone marks.
/i:t/ /°SIp/ /pli:z/
/°sIt/ /si:t/ /pIl/
/°peg/ /lIk/ /°bel/
/s{nwIdZ/ /°tSi:z/ /°m{n/
/°fIlm/ /ben/ /hIl/
/°Intr@stIN/ /°{ks/ /si:mz/
/°IndI@nz/ /s{d/ /°ten/
/mIsIz°smIT/ /pi:l/ /°p{n/
/p{sIndZ@/ /°tSIk/ /°bred/
2. Transcribe the following words. Lay stress-tone marks.
tongue larynx
alveolar ridge vocal cords
front vowel hard palate
back uvula
muscular rounded
3. Lay stress-tone marks, transcribe and give tonograms of the following:
Peter: Hello, Guy. How are you?
Mr. Hunt: I’m fine, thank you.
Peter: Very well, thank you. How are you, Sarah?
Mrs. Hunt: Fine, thank you.
4. Listen to the conversation, write the utterances down and lay stress-tone marks.
Tim: Last name?
Sheila: Morgan.
Tim: First name?
Sheila: Sheila.
Tim: Address?
Sheila: 34 Rue Temple, Geneva, Switzerland.
Preparatory test 2
1. Listen to the words and write them down in transcription. Lay stress-tone marks.
/°pIti/ /jVN/ /°pUt/
/°eni/ /pO:t/ /su:n/
/bi:n/ /°lUk/ /°g3:l/
/°bend/ /°su:n/ /°fO:k/
/°s{d/ /bVn/ /°wUm@n/
/°dVl/ /hVg/ /tu:/
/°kVntri/ /°kA:t/ /su:p/
/pA:m/ /°bA:n/ /°f3:/
/°dQg/ /°kO:t/ /°n3:s/
2. Transcribe the following words. Lay stress-tone marks.
phoneme pronounce
speech sound monophthong
articulation diphthong
muscular tension diphthongoid
pronunciation narrow variant
3. Lay stress-tone marks, transcribe and give tonograms of the following:
Peter: Are you Swiss?
Sheila: No, I’m English.
Peter: Here’s a taxi. Taxi!
Where are Simon and Jane?
Mrs. Hunt: Here they are.
Peter: Good. The Beardsley Hotel, please.
Taxi driver: Yes, Sir.
4. Listen to the conversation, write the utterances down and lay stress-tone marks.
Tim: Date of birth?
Sheila: The second of May, 1950.
Tim: Place of birth?
Sheila: Exeter, Davon.
Tim: Sex?
Sheila: Female.
Tim: Nationality?
Sheila: British.
Preparatory Test 3
1. Listen to the words and write them down in transcription. Lay stress-tone marks.
/D3:zdeI/ /°Vgli/ /°skO:/
/h3:t/ /°kVmp@ni/ /°fO:w@d/
/°tO:n/ /°tr{v@lIN/ /fUd/
/°pu:l/ /"{mst@%d{m/ /°bUk/
/°bu:t/ /%Vnd@"st{nd/ /°lQk/
/°bedrUm/ /grA:s/ /"A:ft@%nu:n/
/gUd/ /grA:nd/ /°lO:n/
/°spO:ts/ /°smA:t/ /°fUl/
/eni/ /sQri/ /°fUtbO:l/
2. Transcribe the following words. Lay stress-tone marks.
vowel lateral
consonant obstruction
classification nasal cavity
occlusive sonorant
constrictive reduction
3. Lay stress-tone marks, transcribe and give tonograms of the following:
I’m Carol Fenton.
I’m Mrs. Hunt’s sister.
This evening my sister’s family is coming to celebrate my nephew’s birthday.
I’ve planned a small party but Simon doesn’t know about it yet.
It’s a surprise.
4. Listen to the conversation, write the utterances down and lay stress-tone marks.
Mrs. Fenton: Hello, Sheila.
Sheila: How do you do, Mrs. Fenton.
Mrs. Fenton: Please, call me Carol.
Now sit down everyone.
I’ve made some tea.
It’s in the kitchen.
Can Jane help me?
Mrs. Hunt: Of course, she can.
Preparatory test 4
1. Listen to the words and write them down in transcription. Lay stress-tone marks.
/°kVp/ /OIl/ /°dZ3:n@lIst/
/kQt/ /°kOIn/ /°pIktS@/
/°hA:t/ /°haU/ /°kO:t/
/°fu:l/ /°wQt/ /naID@/
/h3:d/ /fI@/ /°heIt/
/°k{mr@/ /°tSe@/ /@°pOIntm@nt/
/°sVk/ /bA:k/ /v@Ukl/
/kO:d/ /hu:/ /°nI@rIst/
/haIt/ /w3:m/ /°kjU@/
2. Transcribe the following words. Lay stress-tone marks.
palatalisation spread
nucleus strong
falling weak
rising raise
pre-head element
3. Lay stress-tone marks, transcribe and give tonograms of the following:
My aunt and uncle are so kind. They remember my birthday every year. I’ve already received one present. Mum’s parents have sent me two pounds.
4. Listen to the conversation, write the utterances down and lay stress-tone marks.
Mrs. Hunt: Hello, Sheila.
Sheila: How are your sons?
Mrs. Fenton: Tim’s still living with us.
Mrs. Hunt: Has he finished university yet?
Mrs. Fenton: Yes, he has. He’s worked here in London for eighteen months.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1206