Types of Pre-Heads
A low pre-head consists of unstressed syllables pronounced at a low pitch, or gradually ascending in pitch towards the head or the nucleus:
e.g. But you’ll be "home in "time for ¤dinner?||
A high pre-head consists of unstressed syllables pronounced on a high pitch. A high pre-head gives to the utterance an extremely emotional character and may be regarded as a feature of emphatic speech.
e. g. çHow °can you be so %obstinate?||
The System of Scales
The Scale is a phonetic unit that begins with the head group and extends to the terminal tone.
Scales can be classified as follows:
1) According to the arrangement of unstressed syllables within stress-tone groups can be:
• Stepping
e.g. Our"classes be"gin at "three o’°clock.||
• Sliding
e.g. Our Ìclasses beÌgin at Ìthree o’°clock.||
• Scandent
e.g. Our Ëclasses beËgin at Ëthree o’°clock.||
2) According to the direction of the pitch movement the scales can be classified as:
• The Descending Scale (Stepping, Sliding, Scandent)
e.g. He"promised to "be in°time.||
HeÌpromised toÌbe in°time.||
HeÍpromised to Íbe in°time.||
•The Ascending Scale (Stepping, Sliding, Scandent)
e.g. He%promised to %be in°time.||
HeÌpromised toÌbe in°time.||
HeÍpromised to Íbe in°time.||
• The Level Scale (Low, Mid, High)
e.g. He%promised to %come in°time.||
He%promised to"come in °time.||
He"promised to"come in°time.||
3) According to the regularity of their pitch movements scales can be:
• Regular
• Broken
e.g. He"promised to"come in ↑half an °hour.||
HeÌpromised toÌcome in ↑half an °hour.||
The function of the scale lies in the fact that it helps to convey different emotions. We can call this function attitudinal.
Scales in Detail
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 2688