A subjective evaluation of an employee’s personal characteristics such as attitude, motivation, co-operation, and dependability.
The reassignment of a current employee to another job at the same level as the original job.
[1] All the materials are based on austhentic texts from: Management: Comprehenshion, Analysis, and Aplication by Gatewood R.D., Taylor R.R., Ferrell O.C. (Austen Press, 1995).
[2] Tasks marked with letter “T” should be done using audio aids.
[3] round-robin - a competition in which each person or team plays against every other person or team.
[4] Summary is a short account of something that gives only the most important information and not all the details. A summary should generally be no more than one-fifth the length of the original. A summary of a report, speech, or academic paper is also called an abstract.
[5]An entry-level job is at the lowest level in a company or organization.
[6] unionized - unionized workers are members of trade unions.
[7] There are differences between British and American holiday:
In the UK, a holiday, often called your holidays, is a period of time during which you do not go to school or work, and usually you go to a place away from home to relax:
- Where are you going for your holiday?
American speakers call this period a vacation. In the UK, a vacationisa period of time when a university is closed (summer/Christmas/Easter vacation):
- I'm planning to visit my parents during the Christmas vacation.
In the US, holiday refers to a single day fixed by law when people do not have to go to school or work:
- I forgot that Monday's a holiday.
In the UK, this is usually called a bank holiday. Both American and English speakers also call this a public holiday.
When American speakers say the holidays or the holiday season, they are referring to the period of time that includes Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Year's Day:
- Have you got any special plans for the holidays?
[8] retirement plan (American) - a system by which you save money from your pay for your retirement.
[9] Medicare - a system in the US in which the government pays part of the cost of medical treatment for people who are over 65 years old.
[10] labor - the American spelling of labour.
[11] endeavor- the American spelling of endeavour(ñïðîáà, çóñèëëÿ).
[12] behavior - the American spelling of behaviour(ïîâåä³íêà).
[13] niche / ni:∫ / - a job or activity that you are good at and that is very suitable for you.
[14] to boil down to something - to be the main reason for something or the most basic part of something.
[15] dependent - the American spelling of dependant (óòðèìàíåöü)
[16] flexitime -a system in which workers choose the hours each day that they work, as long as the hours add up to the same fixed number of hours every week or month.
[17] brainstorming - a way of developing new ideas, through a discussion in which several people make lots of suggestions and the best ones are chosen.
[18] lead time - the time between planning something and starting to do it.
[19] Flowchart – a drawing that represents a complicated process by using a series of lines to show the different ways in which the process can happen and the different choices you can make.