Figure 1 shows that organizational context and group structure and processes interact to influence the effectiveness of work groups and are influenced, in turn by the groups' results through feedback. Obviously, factors within the organization itself - culture, task design/technology, mission clarity, autonomy, level and type of feedback mechanisms, reward and recognition systems, training and consultation, and physical environments - will have an influence on the effectiveness of work groups.
However, the factors that influence the effectiveness of work groups most directly are those found within the group or team itself: structure and process. Structural factors include team or group type, size, and composition of skills and abilities. Group processes include stages of development, norms, roles, cohesiveness, and interpersonal processes such as trust development, facilitation, influence, leadership, communications, and conflict resolution.
Effectiveness is demonstrated by performance and personal outcomes. Performance outcomes may be measured by products made, number of ideas generated, customers served, number of defects per thousand items produced, overtime hours, items sold, or customer satisfaction levels. Personal outcome measures include employee satisfaction, commitment, and willingness to stay on the team. Both are important for the long-term viability as well as the short-term success of a team.
1. Which of these statements expresses the main idea of the text?
a) Factors within the organization and factors within the group interact to influence the effectiveness of work groups.
b) The factors that influence the effectiveness of work groups most directly are those found within the group or team itself.
c) Group effectiveness is demonstrated by performance and personal outcomes.
d) Both performance and personal outcomes are important for the long-term viability as well as the short-term success of a team.
2. Find in the text English equivalents of these words and phrases.
3. Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones.
a) Groups' results can have an effect on factors within the group or team through feedback.
b) The effectiveness of work groups can be determined by such organizational factors as group type and group size.
c) Structural factors include team or group composition of skills and abilities.
d) Norms, roles, cohesiveness, and interpersonal processes are group processes.
e) Performance assessment may be based on the levels of employee satisfaction.
f) Employee enthusiasm and readiness to stay on the team may be viewed as measures of effectiveness.
4. Study figure 1, then answer the questions.
a) What factors does organizational context include?
b) What aspects does group structure consist of?
c) What interpersonal processes do group processes involve?
d) What events can illustrate group effectiveness?