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| Putin: Eye of the TigerPutin's mom was a good Christian lady.
| Maria was totally devoted to her son Vladimir.
Obama's teen-mom was promiscuous and did soft porn.
*That's really her!
| Slutty Feminist Stanley Ann Dunham divorced twice and abandoned little Barry when he was 10.
Young Putin was serious.
Young Obama was a pot-smoking clown.
| A self described "lazy student", Obama has a passion for smoking marijuana. (later on used cocaine)
Putin rides horses.
Obama rides girlie bicycle with helmet.
| "Ring Ring. Safety First!"
Putin plays with loaded rifles.
| Obama ......... plastic squirt guns.
Putin power-swims in cold lakes.
| Flabby Obama wades in the Hawaii shallows.
Putin drinks his beer like a man.
Obama: pinky extended, eyes shut.
Putin: Formula I race cars.
Obama ..... well.
Putin: Navy speedboats
| Obama: Boogie boards
Putin is muscular.
| Obama is a skinny legged runt.
| The big ears are photo-shopped.
Putin fishes like a man.
| Obama .........well.
| "Weeeeee! Here fishy fishy!"
Putin on the hard ice.
| Obama acting goofy on the green.
Putincontrols hisdogwithout a leash.
| Look at his eyes. That dog KNOWS who is the master!
| Obama's dog walkshim!
| What a Pussy!
| .
| Psycho egomaniac Obama named his dog after his initials "Bo"!
Putin proudly singshis nation'santhem.
| Obama doesn't give a damn!
| Obongo hates America so much that he can't even bring himself to fake patriotism.
Putin sits like a man.
| Like a boss.
| Obama......
Putin: Eye of the Tiger
| Obama: Feminine look and that stupid, fake-ass plastic smile.
| Don't bend over near this dude!
Putin is a veteran who has total respect for his military men.
| Putin is a veteran.
| Girly Boy Obama won't even look his men in the eye.
| Total disrespect!
| Walks past the soldiers while talking on the phone.
| .
| "Yeah, yeah whatever."
Putin honors classical tenors Cabreras and Domingo.
| Putin is a man of culture. Greeting the great classical tenors, Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras
| Obama:Jay Z & Beyonce
| Acting the fool with his favorite no-talent degenerates, Jay-Z and Beyonce.
| .
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 889