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If you've never colored your hair before or your last coloring

was more than 3 months ago, use this easy application method.

§ Before you start, remove gloves from this sheet and put them on.

§ Protect yourself with a towel or plastic cape.

§ Snip off tip of the Cream Color Developer applicator as shown, then remove applicator cap from bottle.


§ Pour all of the Permanent Haircolor into the Developer bottle.

§ Replace applicator cap securely. Place finger over open tip, pointing away from your face. Shake thoroughly for at least 10 seconds or until mixture is totally blended.

§ Use immediately and do not save any unused mixture.



§ Squeeze directly onto dry hair and thoroughly saturate it, using all of the mixture.

§ Gently work into hair to ensure even distribution, and loosely pile hair on top of head.

§ Blot excess mixture that may run from hairline onto face or neck.





§ NOTE: Color of mixture during application and

development is not the final color result.

Rely on Color Preview Test for color accuracy.

§ In case of accidental contact with eyes, ears

or face, flush thoroughly with cool water.



§ Wait 25 minutes for color to develop.

§ For Ultra Blonde shades UN Ultra Light Natural Blonde and

11 G Ultra Light Sun Blonde, leave on for 45 minutes.

§ Next, add a little warm water and gently massage color mixture

through hair

§ Rinse hair thoroughly until water runs clear.

Note: Coloring action automatically stops after each waiting period.




§ Apply all of the After Color Conditioner.

§ Spread evenly through hair without diluting. Leave on for 2 minutes.

§ Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

§ Style as usual.

§ Colorsilk's exclusive patented conditioner works inside and out to make sure your just-colored hair is healthier, vibrant, more resilient.

Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1600

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