Match synonymic word combinations with those used by the authorunskilled factory workers, consumption , observer, to release, stability, university professor
advisor, intake, beholder, layman, to manifest, solidity,
6. Find sentences with verbs followed by -ing forms, infinitives and constructions. Translate them in a written form.
7. Think over the following questions:
What is the nature of uncertainty?
Are you ready to risk and to act against rules, if necessary?
Is it better to express rather than suppress your emotions?
What do you think – is there any dependency between uncertainty avoidance and gender, age, and occupation?
8. Develop psychographic profiles of people of strong and weak uncertainty avoidance. Find pictures or photos to illustrate various types of life style of people from different cultures ( lifestyle, diet, medical history, education, workplace). Describe their lifestyles with the help of new vocabulary.

9. Read the article and write a summary of it using active vocabulary from this part. !
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1124