| Translate them into Ukrainian.
A Boats
| meaning
| example
| push the boat out
| spend a lot of money, usually because you are celebrating
| Bill was happy to push theboat out for his daughter's wedding.
| rock the boat
| do or say something that causes problems, usually when you try to change a situation that other people do not want to change
| Party members were told firmly not to rock the boat by publicly criticising the government just before the election.
| miss the boat
| be too late to get something you want
| Can I still get tickets for the concert or have I already missed the boat?
| burn one's boats/ bridges
| do something that makes it impossible for you to go back to the situation you were in before
| Don't sell your house to finance your business - that would be burning your boats.
| be in the same boat
| be in the same, usually difficult, situation
| It's a pity you can't use a dictionary in your exam, but at least everyone's in the sameboat.
B Sailing
| meaning
| example
| steer clear of
| avoid someone or something because it is dangerous for you
| I'd try to steer clear of Maggie if I were you - she's trouble!
| sail close to the wind
| take risks that could cause problems or danger (usually used in the continuous)
| You're sailing a bit close tothe wind by speaking to the boss like that!
| Be plain sailing
| be very easy
| I was a bit apprehensive about doing so much in just one day, but it was all plain sailing.
| be in the doldrums
(doldrums = area of sea with no wind)
| (of a business) be not very successful; (of a person) feel sad and without energy
| His business has been in thedoldrums for several years now.
| put/stick your oar in
(oar = long piece of wood used for rowing a boat)
| join a discussion when the other participants do not want you to (informal)
| I hope John has the sense not to stick his oar in at tomorrow's meeting.
| show someone the ropes
| show someone how to do a job or activity
| As it's your first day at work, Sue will show you the ropes.
| be a nervous wreck
(wreck = boat that's been destroyed,
e.g. by hitting rocks)
| be mentally and physically exhausted
| I'm a nervous wreck after a day with those terrible children.
| clear the decks (deck = flat open area on boat)
| get ready for action
| We'd better clear the decks before we paint the room.
| Be (all) at sea
| be confused
| I'm all at sea with this computer.
Answer these questions.
1. If you miss the boat, have you lost a means of transport or an opportunity?
2. If you say that a project was plain sailing, are you happy with how it went or not?
3. If you burn your boats, are you taking a risk or not?
4. If a friend is in the doldrums, would you try to calm them down or cheer them up?
5. Are you more likely to be a nervous wreck if you're bored or if you're overworked?
6. If you are all at sea in a new job, do you need someone to show you the ropes or to stick their oar in?
7. If you rock the boat, will people be pleased with you or annoyed with you?
8. If you show someone the ropes, are you helping them or threatening them?
Date: 2016-01-14; view: 1623