Which is an Internet service provider: Centiplex Corporation or DigiTube?
Centiplex Corporation.
Did the State of Lydina make comprehensive reservations to Articles 18-20 of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights in their entirety or was the reservation limited to the scope of its exact wordings – “Proselytism and other acts that may lead to division between religions are not protected by the Covenant”?
Limited scope.
What was the source of getting scientific discoveries claimed by Deri Kutik?(Fact Dossier 9).
A reputable academic journal.
Paragraph 15 includes “The SMS Charter requires signatory countries to establish rules to promote Malani culture while also encouraging the use and development of modern technology”, is that a mandatory precondition for being a Member State of the Charter?
That statement explains the scope and purpose of the Charter.
Why do we stress the overwhelming majority in Lydina while arguing about the improper attack?
What speech in precise falls under my accusation of Applicants in the violation of Art.2(b) of the SMS Charter?
Para 15 Compromis: "the Charter requires signatory countries to establish rules" - Is the SMS Charter a legally binding document for signatory states upon ratification?
How would you respond to the fact that New Parduists support the Kutik’s interpretation Zofftor?
Aiming to prevent public disorder why haven’t we establish stricter punishment for the very acts of violence but had chosen to put the restrictions on the speech which could entail violence?
How the SMS Charter complies with the fact that ideas that offend, shock or disturb the State or any sector of the population should be tolerated?
Firstly, the Sunday Times case (in which that principle was expressed) could be distinguished from the present case by concerning expression of public interest and the print media.
Secondly, according to the Handyside judgment it means that every "restriction" or "penalty" imposed in this sphere must be proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued. In our case the proportionality is satisfied since 1) the restriction relates only to the social media as the most powerful tool to encourage the religious violence; 2) the civil penalty imposed is of the less restrictive measure to be taken.
Moreover, there is no uniform conception of the protection of rights of others in relation to attacks on their religious convictions (Murphy v Ireland, Wingrove v UK, I. A. v Turkey).
Why do we state that Digi-Tube is social media?
Is it possible to compare the influence of the radio from Murhy/video from Wingrove with the social media means impact in our case?
It is the video record that may be compared and in our case its harmful effect as much higher considering the placement of the video on the Internet.
How would I respond to the Applicants claim of the public value/concern this speech invokes? Do we state that the scientific discoveries on which the A-s relied are provocative? Why so?
No. We do not name that scientific discoveries as provocative. Their aim is to seek the historical truth which is the integral part of FoE, while in accordance with para.9 of the Case Problem Kutik used that discoveries for proclamation Zofftor as false, deny one of the Parduistic main tenet and, thus, supporting his expression that Parduist is blind belief.
Kutik says relies only on its scripture and stresses “blind belief” in everything stated in the scripture. He also holds that “all Parduists are inferior and should be converted—by any means—to believe in Saduja.”Parduism holds as one of its main tenets that believers have deep faith in the divine origins of the Zofftor.