6. a) Big city life is always exciting and people are usually very busy and have lots of things to do. Here is Suzy`s yesterday to-do-list. Look at the map and find the places where she could do these things.
8.00 breakfast with Jim
9.00 buy stamps
12.05 bus
13.30 meeting with Julie from KJA
15.00 lunch with parents
17.00 buy meds for granny
17.10 buy newspaper
19.00 call Jessica
19.30 cinema (Jim)
21.30 dinner
b) Now let`s describe her day trying to answer what she was doing at:
- at 7.30 (get ready);
- at 8.15 (have breakfast with Jim);
- at 12.00 (wait for a bus);
- at 13.45 (discuss the project);
- from 15.00 to 16.00 (have lunch);
- at 17.02 (wait in a queue);
- at 19.05 (talk to Jessica);
- from 19.30 to 20.00 (watch film);
- at 00.30 (sleep).
7. a)TS 8.3 Suzy moved to the city not long ago so she doesn`t know it very well. She had some problems when she was looking for the necessary places. Listen to her dialogues with passers-by and fill in the gaps.
1. A _________me! Is there a____________ near here?
B Yes. ________ ____ Church Street. Take the first _____ ____ ____ right. It`s _____ ____ the music shop.
A Thanks!
2. A Is there a post office near here?
B Go straight ahead, and it's____ ________ left, ______ ___ the pub.
A Thanks a lot.
3. A Excuse me! Is there a__________ near here?
B There's an Internet cafe in Park Lane ______ the bank and there's an Italian restaurant in Church Street next to the_________.
A Is that one_________?
B No, just two minutes, that`s all.
B) Look at the map and choose the place you are now. Show this place to your partner. Ask how to get to different places marked on the map. Take turns to ask and answer questions using the model.
Excuse me! Is there a (cinema) near here?
Excuse me! Where`s the (cinema) here?
Yes, there is.
It`s in (Church) streetopposite the (bank).
It`s next to the (café).
You`ll see it on the corner.
How can I get there?
Go straight aheadalong Main Lane.
Take the (second) street on the right (left).
Turn left (right).
Ok, thanks.
You`re welcome!
Lesson 3. Poetry in stone
Warm up
1. Discuss the following with your group mates:
a) When coming to a new city what do you pay attention the most – the people, the buildings/ architecture, the prices, etc.?
b) Does architecture create a certain image of the city? In what way?
c) What kind of architecture do you like more – old or modern? Why? Which one prevails in your hometown?
2. How much do you know about architecture? Do the quiz and use the Internet to check your ideas. Who is the best expert in your group?
1. How many spectators could Roman Coliseum hold?
a) about 20000
b) more than 50000
c) a little bit less than 100000
2. How many years did Antonio Gaudi need to finish hisSagradaFamilia Cathedral?
a) 25 years
b) 40 years
c) it isn`t finished yet
3. What is the purpose of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
a) a radio tower
b) a bell tower
c) an apartment building
4. What is the highest building in the world?
a) BurjKhalifa, UAE
b) One World Trade Centre, USA
c) Shanghai Tower, China
5. There is a skyscraper in the world which doesn`t have a single window. Where is it situated?
a) New York
b) Dubai
c) Moscow
6. Where can one find the Saint Basil's Cathedral?