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Question 19:The most commonly used method of secondary recovery is: A - Fire flooding B - Steam flooding C - Miscible flooding D - Water flooding




Question 1:
A current to pneumatic (I/P) transducer is used when:
A - Signals must be applied to computer control
B - A variable resistor changes the output current
C - Signals must be transmitted over very short distances
D - Signal transmissions are affected by extremely low temperatures

Question 2:
Live zero is:
A - The maximum output for a transmitter
B - The maximum input for a transmitter
C - The minimum output for a transmitter
D - The minimum input for a transmitter

Question 3:
Although there are many designs of pneumatic transmitters that may vary in detail, the basic element used is the:
A - Pneumatic relay
B - Flapper-nozzle mechanism with an air-amplifying device
C - Bellows
D - Bourdon tube

Question 4:
A relay is a pneumatic amplifier. The function of the relay is to convert:
A - A small change in input signal to a large change in the output signal
B - Any change in input signal to negative feedback
C - An increase in feedback pressure to differential pressure
D - Negative feedback to the input or process variable

Question 5:
The major component of a basic electronic transmitter that consists of a variable resistor, capacitor, or an inductance coil that changes in proportion to the mechanical input is called:
A - Pneumatic relay
B - A mechanical sensing device
C - An amplifier with feedback
D - An electrical transducer

Question 6:
In a capacitance type differential pressure detector containing two capacitor plates, the position of the sensing diaphragm is detected by the capacitor plates on:
A - Top of the sensing diaphragm
B - The pressure element between the sensing diaphragm and capacitor plates
C - Both sides of the sensing diaphragm
D - One side of the sensing diaphragm

Question 7:
A proportional relationship between the input and output valves of a transmitter is known as:
A - Positive feedback
B - On - off
C - Feedforward
D - Negative feedback

Question 8:
In an electronic balancing system, the detector is a differential transformer whose primary windings are:
A - Amplified by the feedback motor
B - Excited by the dc amplifier
C - Excited by an oscillator
D - Compressed by the force bar

Question 9:
If you were asked to recommend the type of transmitter best suited for a system where the electronic input signal had to be transmitted over a long distance to a computer to a non-pneumatic controller, what type of transmitter would you recommend?
A - Pneumatic to current
B - gas-sensitive mechanical
C - Dual diaphragm electronic
D - Current to pneumatic

Question 10:
Capacitance is:

A - Directly proportional to the spacing between the plates of the capacitor
B - Inversely proportional to the area of the plates of the capacitor
C - Inversely proportional to the dielectric between plates of the capacitor
D - None of the above

Question 11:
Pneumatic to current transducers are used when:

A - Signals must be transmitted over very short distances
B - An electric input signal is transmitted to a computer or data logger
C - Air is available at a controller or receiver
D - None of the above

Question 12:
The internal resistance set up in a material when an external load is applied is referred to as:

A - Strain
B - Load
C - Deformation
D - Stress

Question 13:
The factors that influence the value of capacitance can be expressed as the mathematical equation C = . In this equation, "s" equals:

A - capacitance
B - area of the plates (m2)
C - dielectric constant, no units
D - distance between the plates (m)

Question 14:
A basic electronic transmitter consists of three components: mechanical sensing device, transducer and amplifier. Output from the amplifier section of the transmitter is:
A - fed back to the mechanical sensing device to create a complimentary force to the input
B - fed back to the transducer to create a complimentary force to the input
C - fed back to the transducer to create an opposing force to the input
D - fed back to the mechanical sensing device to create an opposing force to the input
Question 15:
A pneumatic steam pressure transmitter is calibrated for a range of 0 to 2000 kPa. If the input is 1500 kPa, the output of the transmitter is: (Output span equals 80 kPa and live zero equals 20 kPa).

A - 800 kPa
B - 680 kPa
C - 68 kPa
D - 80 kPa

Question 16:
In a case where the current output from an electronic controller must be adapted so it can operate a control valve with a pneumatic actuator, a pneumatic to current transducer would be used.

A - True
B - False

Question 17:
Strain gages work on the principle of:

A - A change in capacitance results from the movement of an elastic deformation element
B - A change in resistance when a conductor is lengthened and reduced in cross sectional area
C - Having a wire vibrating at its resonant frequency which converts a variable pressure into a change of the resonant frequency
D - None of the above

Question 18:
The nozzle of a pneumatic transmitter receives an air supply pressure of:
A - 140 kPa
B - 140 psi
C - 40 psi
D - 20 kPa

Question 19:
As a pneumatic amplifier, the function of a relay is to:
A - convert a small change in input signal to a large change in the output signal
B - convert a small change in output signal to a large change in the input signal
C - prevent a small change in input signal, negating a large change in the output signal
D - prevent a small change in output signal, negating a large change in the input signal

Question 20:

An electric pressure transmitter is calibrated for a range of 0 to 2000 kPa. If the input is 1300 kPa, the output of the transmitter is: (output span equals 16 mA and live zero equals 4 mA) Use the formula:

A - 98.4 mA

B - 41.6 mA

C - 14.4 mA

D - 14.4 A


Question 21:

A device that receives an input in one physical quantity and modifies or changes the signal into another form is called a:

A - Detector

B - Transmitter

C - Oscillator

D - Transducer


Date: 2016-01-05; view: 861

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