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What factors influence the production of goods and services.

The earth is natural resources necessary for the existence of human society and used in the household.


Work — appropriate, conscious human activity aimed at meeting the needs of the individual and society. In this activity provides people with the aid of the instruments of labour develops, modifies, and adapts to their targets, the objects of nature, uses the mechanical, physical and chemical properties of objects and phenomena of nature and makes them mutually influence each other to achieve pre-planned goals. In the process of purposeful employment of the person (subject labor) with the help of his tools transforms the object of labour in the product. The product of labor is caused by specificity of a subject (material) level of development tools, the purpose and the method of its implementation.


Capital (lat. capitalis — main, predominant, principal) — the set of property used for profit. The direction of assets in the sphere of production or provision of services for profit is also called investments. Independent term capital in modern accounting is not used, but there is a range of indicators of financial analysis. For example, equity is the difference between the value of the company's assets and the amount of its liabilities. Usually this value is to be derived from authorized capital (contribution owners of the company), additional paid-in capital (revaluation of property and equity income), retained earnings and reserves (emerging from the profits).


Entrepreneurial ability is a factor, linking together other resources of production, economic resource, which should include entrepreneurs, business infrastructure and business ethics and culture. In turn, entrepreneurs are primarily property owners, managers, non-owners, as well as the organizers of the business, combining in one person the owners and managers. Also used the term "entrepreneurial potential". Overall entrepreneurial potential can be described as the potential for realization of entrepreneurial abilities of people. The uniqueness values of entrepreneurship is that thanks to him, come into interaction other economic resources — labor, capital, land, knowledge. Initiative and the ability of entrepreneurs, multiplied by the market mechanism, which enables maximum efficiency use of all other economic resources, to stimulate economic growth.


Information (from lat. information — explanation, description) resource used in economic processes. Information, Aventuras in all components of the system of productive forces of society, playing an integral element of all aspects of the process of labour and object of labour and means of labour, and an integral part of living labor. The versatility of information and its rapid transformation from some moments of the labour process in others provide this productive powers one of the leading roles in the development of the productive forces of modern society. Throughout human history people in the process of transformation of the surrounding world and transform embodied in it. Changing the course of rivers, the person converts their physical-geographical parameters. Erecting houses, it modifies the information contained in the landform. Bringing new varieties of plants and breeds of animals, man transforms contained genotype information. The possession of reliable information is a prerequisite for addressing economic unit problem. However, full information is not a guarantee of success. The ability to use that information for making the best under the circumstances, the decision characterizes a resource such as knowledge. Carriers of this resource are qualified personnel in management, sales and customer service, maintenance of the goods. This resource gives the highest returns in the business.

Money. Banks

Money is a specific product of the maximum liquidity, which is the universal equivalent of the cost of other goods or services.

Bank— financial-credit institution,[1]producing a variety of transactions with money and securities and providing financial services to the government, legal entities and individuals. The Bank is a commercial[2]a legal entity that:

• created for the purpose of profit,

• has the right to conduct banking operations

• has the exclusive right to attract monetary funds of legal and physical persons with a view to their subsequent placement in its own name; and for opening and maintaining Bank legal entities and individuals,

• acts on the basis of special permission (license) authorized state bodies (in Russia — Bank of Russia),

• not allowed to carry out manufacturing, trading, insurance activities.

What is money?

Modern society is inconceivable without money. Money is a subject of scientific discussions, dreams, family, headache businessman, guiding star mafia. Money divide society into rich and poor, bring happiness and sorrow, brings power and cast into hell. At the time, Bernard Shaw said: "the Root of all evil is lack of money." So why are so worried economists frown upon people when the country is "too much" money?

What is money? What is their role in society? Can I use money to influence the economic development of the country? These and similar questions of intense controversy in the scientific world. But, to answer them, you need to determine: what money is.

The definition of money No. 1. Money is anything that people believe in money.


With all the unpretentiousness of this wording, it is succinct and comprehensive. People, regardless of nationality, level of education and other differences recognized as money certain in these conditions and in this country the thing and use it in the process of sale and purchase of goods and services, the payment of debts. This definition implies that an important property of money as a universal recognition. Kind of thing only then is the money, if it is recognized by the whole society. But with all the versatility and indisputability of this definition remains unclear: why money is money?

The definition of money No. 2. Money is anything that performs monetary functions.


Under the function of modern science understands the relationship of two (or more) objects in which the change in one affects change in the other (the rest) . This interpretation function (actively used mathematics, Economics and other fields of knowledge) brought to the science genius of Leibnitz. However, in the study of the nature of money under the function is taken to mean something else, namely, that, in essence, implies is a Latin word. The function of money is the work they do.

Date: 2016-01-05; view: 1038

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