Payment can be made in cash at registration on 06-07.12.2014, 8.30-9.45 or by transfer to:FUDZI SPORTA KLUBS 40008073430
Jur.address: Salnas iela 20-19, Riga, LV-1021
Bank: A/S SEB Banka
IBAN: LV27UNLA0050003849907
When transferring fee please state: ”Latvia Open OR Fudzi tournament” and name of the team.
Entry fee by bank transfer must be paid by Wednesday November 25 2015 at latest.
Attention! Additional fee 5 EUR is charged for EACH change in pre-registration form after November 25 !!!
All competitors must be registered online using online system of electronic pre-registration at web-site till 25.11.2015.
You can obtain the password for registration:
§ e-mail:, Boris Krasnov cell phone no: +371 29621418
All qualified Judges and Referees are welcome. Please provide names in advance. Deadline for referee registration is Wednesday, November 25 2015 at latest.
The fee we will pay you for your services at our tournament is:
WKF and EKF 100 eur per day plus hotel;
National Referees - 50 eur per day. A dinner for Referees will be hosted.
November 28 – cadets, juniors, seniors and veterans