Tourist Information documents - in print media advertising
The tourist advertising, is leading the primary role they have tourist information documents (leaflets, brochures, guides, catalogs) in terms of degree of use, usefulness and effectiveness, which are designed and distributed by agencies, units accommodation (individual or hotel chains), transport companies, resorts and tourist areas, tourism offices. This explains, moreover, why the printing and distribution costs of catalogs and brochures have, in general, the main share of the tourism marketing budget. They are a necessary expense, as the main sales tool for tour operators.
Brochuresare advertising materials of great value. They will present in detail various tourist destinations and tourists are consulted during preparation of detailed itineraries.
Brochure is a standard tool of communication in the course of interest, providing potential tourists not only an awareness of the existence of destination, but also information, knowledge and desire to purchase travel products. The main purpose is to "transform" a tourist in the tourist potential owner by the sale of travel services. The brochure is currently the most customary support in actions to promote tourism products through advertising and special qualities from an economic:
- easily accessible to potential clients in terms of content (can be printed in any language) and transmission (can be obtained from tourist information offices, agencies, etc.., or can be sent by post to address customer);
- convenient and can be examined by the customer together with family or friends, at home, where it has free time and is willing to do so);
- truthful and surprising, can present photos and descriptions of various places of interest, infrastructure, etc..);
- quite advantageous in terms of cost compared to other media propaganda, and can be multiplied in the country in bulk and then distributed in various parts of the world;
- can be used for advertising a product so specialized travel a narrow segment of the market and for the production of undifferentiated products of interest to very broad categories of visitors.
In designing a brochure, must take into account the following elements:
information provided in the content of advertising material must cover the location and access routes units of accommodation, how to contact their degree of comfort, service diversity, published tariffs, the natural characteristics, possible routes, sightseeing in the area;
it is usually the specific season pass prices to have a positive impact on visitors, it is recommended, however, presenting separately the products of interest rates, by inserting some leaflets which allow for changes according to season, the inflation rate, etc.;
writing in several languages, translation is better to be provided by specialists in that country, who knows
best interest of the tourist areas concerned;
illustration to highlight the architecture and the interior structures of delivery, recreational opportunities, attractions, and environmental elements;
a quality photo reproduced properly in terms of graphics, has a tenfold value to the best text possible, however he would excel in superlatives, the description of "corner of heaven" unprecedented in the world etc..;
the text should have an equal role to that of photography, so he is in the work of two people's art: the artist photographer and writer.
After reading the brochure, the reader should be able to provide three benefits will be if they consume the product, to describe the key features available to it and know the services offered, operating schedules and costs targets.
Tourism professionals have found that to be distributed in about 10 tourist brochures to sell a trip. The largest German and British tour operators considered that their objective is a sale for five, six booklets. On the other hand, are producers who are satisfied with results more than modest: a sales brochure.
Travel cataloghas each page designed by the same structure: a tourist destination, duration, period of operation, description of program and services of interest, one or two photos. The content of catalogs of interest consultation is recommended and tour operators’ web page for more information and reservations online, suggestions and questions can be sent to potential tourists via email.
The guidesare intended to present the sights of some routes, different holiday destinations including maps, illustrations and sketches of some routes. Examples of such guides, internationally recognized, we can mention: Les Guides Bleus, Les Guides Verts Michelin Guide du Routard, Rough Guide - including advice and feedback on the quality - price of tourism services provided by various structures.
Leaflet or flyerdesigned communication about an event, organizing a trip, opening a travel agency or tourist structures, may have the character of a publicity release, or occasional reminder.
Display advertisingis the oldest tourist promotion tool in the field and at the price of these aesthetic qualities. The giant forms (sometimes covering the walls of buildings with multiple floors), up to the minute (such as posters for display case), the poster includes typically a graphical representation showing, without attempting to prove, and requires seen, not read. The following characteristics:
→ may take the form of posters used in some agencies, tourism offices, reception structures, tourism fairs, exposure is also possible billboards or on vehicles;
→ are located in highly circulated places (airports, railway stations, subway stations, intersections, major shopping centers, stadiums);
→ show images containing information of interest exciting and short (e.g., address and phone company providing travel services).
Tourist maps are also efficient ways to use printed to advertise different destinations, products and services of interest. Major advantage of these tools is offered by their utility in guiding tourists - choosing a particular route of travel to certain places for accommodation and meals, some tourist attractions to be visited.
Most maps of interest are made as to provide all information about the types of terrain, routes and transport routes (road, rail, sea, air, etc.). Settlements in the administrative area, and their status and demographic existing borders, sightseeing present (archaeological sites, architectural secular and religious, cultural institutions), the existing tourism infrastructure (hotels and other accommodation facilities, restaurants and other catering facilities, premises and facilities for leisure, tourist information points), health units and various other public service units.
The disclosure (in particular those relating tourism) can be achieved in a technical manner, using symbols and notations established, or in an artistic manner using, if the objectives graphics, or images of their symbolic. Essential for successful use of maps is interest dissemination: normally, these maps are available and can be downloaded free by tourists at the border crossing checkpoints, in shops (especially in the souvenir) located in the area covered, tourist information points in the stands in railway stations, bus stations, airports and ports to exchange houses in different cultural and tourist attractions in the area covered, etc.. Also, maps can be distributed as promotional material by participating in various tourism agencies in tourism promotional events.
Publicity release estimates the advantage of the opportunities began to be receptive knowledge of circulation that means the audience is calling knowledge segments of the population whom it is addressed primarily.
Advertisements should be sent to potential consumers before the tourist season.
There is a specialized tourist Press, edited by tourism offices and other structures for professional travel agencies and other professionals who have a direct impact on customers (France - Le Repertoire des Voyages, L'Echo Touristique, Italy - Agenti di Viaggi, United Kingdom - Travel Trade Gazette and Travel News, the United States of America - Travel Agent in Romania - Holidays in Romania).
Signpostsfulfila major role for tour-operators and providers, provide direction as to drive potential customers and make it possible sale of holidays. Linked to these billboards have important: location, legibility, capacity and repeatability explanation provided logo.
In periods prior seasons of interest are organized travel grants, where providers and tour-operators present their offers of interest, to promote and marketing them.