Make presentation of ten key words from the fable on the flash cards: rope, bring, wagon, carry, heavy, run away, village, tie, hunter, gnaw and Past form of regular and irregular verbs via actions, pictures and gestures.
Practice activities
(15 min)
1. Give each student one card with 5 words from the list of words: Rope, gnaw, bring, wagon, carry, heavy, run away, village, tie and hunter.
Ask the students turn by turn to call one word after another. The students who have the word cover it with the coin.
When a student has covered all five words he/she shouts “Bingo!”
2. Spread the cards out, faced down.
In groups, the students take it in turns to try to remember what cards are and which two
go together.
A student points to the back of two cards saying, “I will take two words gnaw and gnawed ”
Then she/he says, ‘Let me turn over the cards’. The class cries out “ Surely”
If there are words gnaw and gnawed on the cards the student picks them up and
keeps saying ‘ I ‘m lucky’
If the words are different the student should turn upside down both cards again. Say
students not to change the position of the cards.
The winner is the student with most pairs of cards.
3. Tell the students to look through regular and irregular verbs in the fable.
Have two students in opposite the classroom
The students should throw the ball and name the forms of the verbs.
Explain that while A is throwing a ball to B he/she should name the first form of the verb. B catches the ball, names the second form of the verb and throws the ball back to A. B names
the first form of another verb while throwing the ball back to A. A catches the ball and names the second form of the verb and etc.
· The student who can not answer drops out. In this case students from the class replace the losers.
Ask the students in groups to invent their own short fable thinking of what might happen to Tiger and Mouse in the fable..
Tell them that the key words from the game Bingo, and the verbs from the game Find the pairs will help them.
Follow up
Assign the students to draw pictures related the fable they have invented in groups
Lesson 3. The Tiger and the Mouse.
(45 min)
Skills to be emphasized
Listening, reading, speaking
Target structure
Very much/ a bit/ not much/ not at all
Tell me, please
Past Indefinite
Target vocabulary
Rope, gnaw, bring, wagon, carry, heavy, run away, village, tie and hunter
By the end of the lesson students should be able to:
· Demonstrate the knowledge of vocabulary
· Distinguish regular and irregular verbs in the fable
· Predict the content of the fable
· Compare their friend’s character with the characters of Tiger and Mouse
· Express their opinion about the fable
Set of pictures
Strips with sentences from the fable related the set of pictures.
Poster with words for people’s character
Students’ drawings
Warm up.
(10 min)
T: Children, today we have a guest from America. (A college student plays the role of American girl).
College student: My name is Helen. I am from America. I have a friend. Her name is Ann. She is clever, kind and helpful. Tell me, please, about your friend.
Students tell about their friends turn by turn.
(5 min)
Students make presentation of their prediction of what might happen to Tiger and Mouse in the fable via demonstration of their drawings.
Pre-listening activity
Give the students the set of pictures to put in order before telling the fable. The students put the pictures in the sequence they think the story will be.
Listening activities
(10 min)
1. The students listen to your telling the story a first time. Stop, whenever it seems appropriate and ask what the students think of is going to happen next. They can reply in L1