| How Do We Learn English Everyone has problems using English language as effectively as it should be used.
Many, if not most, of our problems with English develop when we forget that there are two closely related but essentially different kinds of English – spoken English and written English. To use the language effectively, we have to be able to switch from one of its forms to the other with ease. If these two forms of English were identical, we could simply apply one set of rules to both, and many of our problems would disappear.
But, unfortunately, spoken English and written English is not the same thing. And you simply can’t ignore their differences. When we speak, we don’t have to worry about spelling, punctuation and capitalization, or neatness and legibility. But when we write, these things become very important. When we speak, we can correct ourselves immediately if our listener doesn’t understand, our words vanish in the air. But when we write, they remain for everyone to see.
To be successful in school and in the workaday world, we’ll have to demonstrate our mastery of the basic skills necessary for using English effectively. These essential skills include being able to write clear, complete, well-constructed sentences; being able to use the right word at the right time; being able to punctuate and capitalize correctly; being able to spell correctly; and being in command of a good-sized dictionary.
There are some useful advice for learning English: 1. Learn six new words every day. 2. Make up vocabulary charts and memorize them. 3. Try to become aware of the grammar system and learn the rules of it. 4. Listen to the radio and watch TV in the new language. 5. Ignore difficult words and try to get the general meaning of what you are reading. 6. Repeat sounds several times to get them right. 7. Try to think in language you are learning. 8. Get a pen pal to write to in the foreign language. 9. Find some sort of association for new words (visual, auditory). 10. Find the meaning of unknown words by breaking them to pieces (prefix, root and suffix). 11. Be critical about the way you use the language and correct yourself. 12. Compare your language (native language) with the new foreign language.
All of them are quite important and there is no use explaining the sense.
Music in England
Britain is more famous for pop music than it is for classical composers or jazz musicians. Names such asThe Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Elton John, George Michael and The Spice Girls are known world wide. In Britain, most youths listen to punk, garage, house, rock, pop and R&B (JLo, Xtina, Beyonce, Pink, Britney…).
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1324