Javascript is so flexible that we are able to attach and detach properties and methods even after the object creation. This makes the language extremely powerful as it offers us a possibility of modifying the behaviour of an object at runtime.Lets consider the following example:
<script type="text/javascript">
//--creation of the basic object
var person = {name: "John",surname: "Doe",};
//--attaching a new property
person.age = 32;
//--attaching a new method.
person.SaySomething = function() { console.write("Hello");};
as you have seen, adding the age property is as simple as declaring person.age and assigning a value. The same happens with the method declaration person.SaySomething that now points to the anonymous function that in our case simply prints “Hello” in the console.
Deleting a property from an object.Javascript offers another very interesting operation which is the possibility of deleting/detaching a property or a method from an already defined object. We can do this by using the delete keyword as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
var person = {: "John",surname: "Doe",};
//--attaching a new method.
person.SaySomething = function() {
delete person.surname;
delete person.SaySomething;
Determine Whether an Object Has a Property.Another very handy operation that Javascript offers is the possibility of querying an already defined object whether it contains a property or a method. This could be considered some sort of Javascript “reflection” mechanism, as we know it in C#. In order to determine if an object has a property or a method the in operation has to be used. Obviously we may use this feature to check if the property has been defined before attaching it to the object.
<script type="text/javascript">
var person = {name: "John",surname: "Doe",};
var hasName = "name" in person;
var hasSurname = "surname" in person;
console.log("Has name: " + hasName);
console.log("Has surname: " + hasSurname);
Read/Write properties.Every time we declare a property, the javascript runtime automatically creates a getter and a setter, which means that we may read and/or assign values. There are mainly two ways of achieving this. By using the “standard” notation or the litteral notation as shown in the example below:
<script type="text/javascript">
var person = {name: "John", surname: "Doe",}; = "Andrew";
person["surname"] = "Wooley"
The String(or a line) object is used to manipulate a stored piece of text.String objects are created with new String().
Syntax: var txt = new String("string");
or more simply: var txt = "string";
The Numberobject is an object wrapper for primitive numeric values.Number objects are created with new Number().
Syntax: var num = new Number(value);
If the value parameter cannot be converted into a number, it returns NaN (Not-a-Number