III. Write the dates from the box. 1. Columbus discovered North America in
2. The colonies approved the Declaration of Independence in
3. The Constitution became the law of the land in
4. The United States expanded to the Pacific Ocean by
5. President Lincoln freed the slaves in
6. The First World War ended in
7. The Great Depression began in
8. The United States entered the Second World War in
9. The Civil Rights Movement began in
10. The United States put the first men on the moon in
IV. Number the events in each group in time order 1-3.
1. The time of Reconstruction began.
Banks shut down, and many Americans were unemployed.
The colonies wanted to be free of British rule.
2. General Washington led the colonists in the Revolutionary War.
European workers came to America during the Industrial Revolution.
George Washington became the first President of the United States.
3. The northern states won the Civil War.
Americans fought in the Vietnam War.
Americans fought in the Korean War.
4. Americans began to fight against segregation.
President Roosevelt established the New Deal government.
The United States entered the First World War.
5. US and its Allies crush Iraq in operation "Desert Storm"
The Constitution of the US adopted
Start of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
V. Complete the sentence with the best answer (a, b, or c).
1.In the states of Europe there learned about the continent of America from
a) Amerigo Vesputchi; b) Christopher Columbus; c) Fernand Magellan.
2.The first English settlers traveled to North America with the ship "Mayflower" in
a) the 17th century; b) the 16th century; c) the 15th century.
3.The early settlers called their-new country
a) New Wales; b) New England; c) New Scotland.
4.Till the 16th century the American colonies were ruled by
a) Spain; b) England; c) France.
5.The war of Independence broke out in
a) 1776; b) 1739; c) 1812.
6.After the war of Independence had finished the leaders of the new state decided to establish
a) a parliamentary republic; b) a presidential republic; c) a socialist republic.
7.The name of the first President of the USA was
a) Abraham Lincoln; b) Thomas Jefferson; c) George Washington.
8.a) George Washington was killed by a killer.
b) George Washington perished during the war of Independence. c) George Washington lived to a great age.
9.New York subway was opened
a) in 1876; b) in 1904; c) 1920.
10.The Civil War of the Northern States against the slave-owning Southern States took place in
a) the second half of the 19th century; b) the second half of the 18th century; c) the first half of the 19th century.
11.The USA. joined the World War II
a) when Germany attacked the USSR; b) immediately after its beginning;
c) after Japan had attacked Pearl Harbour.
12.The day of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the USA is called
a) Memorial Day, May, 30; b) Independence Day, July, 4;
c) Thankgivings Day, the fourth Thursday in November.
13.Martin Luther King, civil rights leader, and senator Robert Kennedy were shot in
a) 1963; b) 1968; c) 1969.
14.The first president born after World War II was
a)Tony Blair; b) Bill Clinton; c) George Bush young
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1188