Questions for review
1. “Happiness at work” index: what is it?
2. Why is recruiting good people a difficult task?
3. Why do many companies use special testing systems for their candidates?
4. What is job description? Job specification?
5. What categories do HR managers consider in job specifications?
6. Speak about man profile. What items or points does it include?
7. What are the ways to reward employees?
8. What theories of organizing people do you know?
9. According to what theories are people within an organization grouped?
10. What are the functions of an HR manager?
11. What are the principal activities of such departments?
12. What other fields of management are the results of the activity of HR departments connected with?
13. What is the importance of HR department?
14. How many ways of finding a job can you think of? Which one is the most reliable?
15. Have you ever worked or done a holiday job? Share your experience.
16. What is motivation? What is a motive?
17. What factors do concepts of ability and motivation imply? Why are these factors so important?
18. Why is alignment with organizational goals considered a critical factor?
19. What motivating theories can you name? Explain each. Which one would you follow, as a manager?
20. How would you rank the motivating and hygiene factors of Herzberg’s theory for yourself?
21. What things did you like most about the best job you ever had? Does your answer conform to any of the motivation theories?
22. What motivates employees better: incentive schemes or cash rewards? Why?
23. Which material/non-material benefits would you provide your employees with, as a manager?
24. What is a reward? In what do extrinsic and intrinsic rewards differ? Do they have anything in common?
25. Is the average employee motivated by extrinsic or intrinsic rewards? Why?
26. What is, from your point of you, the general relation between age and job satisfaction?
27. What is the most motivation-oriented phase of life? Discuss why.
28. What factors motivate you more in your studies? Rank them in order of importance.
Key terms
Employee employer executive applicant man profile
Remuneration theory X theory Y incentive schemes
Employee motivation motivation theory hierarchy of needs
1. retention 35. aptitude
2. vacancy 36. aspiration
3. expansion 37. to fire
4. replacement 38. to hire
5. to coerce 39. poorly-chosen
6. inherently 40. ill-chosen
7. payroll 41. well-chosen
8. indisputable 42. to redeploy
9. assumptions 43. application
10. innate
11. downsizing
12. rightsizing
13. manpower
14. unskilled
15. motive
16. incentive
17. ability
18. training
19. peers
20. self-actualizing
21. self-esteem
22. self-prospect
23. recognition
24. achievement
25. advancement
26. promotion
27. fulfillment
28. tenure
29. redundancy
Protection from
Freedom from
32. shelter from
33. payoff
34. the red tape
Word combinations
1. HR department
2. staff turnover
3. key vacancy
4. build up goodwill for a company
5. rooted in experience
6. to place a lot of confidence in smb
7. theory holds
8. average person
9. poorly-selected labor force
10. man profile
11. white/blue-collar jobs
12. to submit to smth
13. win a top job
14. job description
15. job specification
16. to correlate with smth
17. job mobility
18. to put through an interview
19. a scope of smth
20. a guide to smth
21. mechanical/motor skills
22. to make difference to smth
23. to gain recognition
24. career accomplishment
25. to shift to smth
26. to make demand on smth
27. pragmatic assumption
28. manual dexterity
29. personality traits
30. live by creeds and values
31. deeply embedded
32. to be indifferent to smth
33. payroll records
34. external control
35. to work under pressure
36. to avoid responsibility
37. to seak security
38. willingness to assume responsibility
39. to be enthusiastic about
40. alignment with organizational goals
41. to walk over smb
42. to be in sync with
43. social/psychological needs
44. motivating
45. hygiene factors
46. to maximize performance on the job
47. working conditions
48. fear ofdeprivation
49. growth needs
50. a sense ofaccomplishment
51. to work at a challenging job
52. fringe benefits
53. non-cash/cash rewards
54. to reap material benefits
55. status symbols
56. flexible hours
57. flexitime
58. to commute long distances
59. to be on track
60. to trigger feelings
61. to realize one’s potential
62. to feel valued
63. to feel short-changed
64. to be consistent with smth
65. to be reluctant to do smth
66. to be confident of smth
67. to be secondary tosmth
68. profit-sharing scheme
69. positive feedback
70. personal development
71. job performance
Employee Motivation
1) Introduction
2) Recruiting
3) Job specification. Man profile
4) Theory X. Theory Y.
5) Concepts of ability and motivation
6) Employee motivation theories
7) Incentive schemes vs cash rewards
8) Conclusion
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1353