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Dark Brotherhood Quests

Dark Brotherhood quests mostly involve dungeon crawling. There are no non-member quests.


Membership Quest: generating the invitation to join the DB works on a point system with points being awarded for the number of people you kill within a 24-hour period. 5 points are awarded for each "townie" (the people who wander around the towns) and 1 point is awarded for each town guard you kill. When you accumulate 15 points within 24 hours, the invitation will generate and you will receive it about 10 game days later.

The letter tells you to meet an NPC at an alchemist's shop in a town. When you show up and click on the contact, you will be given a vial of snake venom and instructions to put it in a decanter in a particular house. You must find the house and then find the wine decanter within the house. When you click on the decanter, it will be moved into your inventory and the poison will mix automatically. All you must do from there is "remove" it from your inventory and report to the designated contact in the proper town.

A couple of players have complained that they could not find the decanter, but I have never experienced this problem. Be sure that you do not let the time expire for this quest and that you are in the right house (some houses look like one house on the town map, but are actually two houses in the view window, and vice versa).

If you fail this quest, you get to fight an assassin or two when you report to your contact. If you succeed, you are admitted to the DB and get a gold piece for your troubles (the gold piece part doesn't work consistently).


Member Quests:


"There is a traitor in the Brotherhood..." or "From time to time, the Brotherhood is forced to do an accounting in our own books..." (any rep): you are looking for a Nightblade (watch out for spells once you are 4th or 5th level), but it's a standard dungeon crawl. No fee for this one.

"...there is no room for failure in the Dark Brotherhood..." or "...It is a solemn duty, and not an entirely disagreeable one, to account agents of the Brotherhood who have failed us..." (any rep): go talk to the snitch to get the location of your target. A standard dungeon crawl. No fee for this one.

"There is another assassination group budding in <province>..." or "The Dark Brotherhood has been the sole assassin's guild in Tamriel since the Second Era..." (any rep): you are after a freelance assassin, but the DB would like for you to get the boss, too. Once you kill the freelance, you should find a note on his body with the boss' location (another dungeon). Go there and take out the boss. Both are standard dungeon crawls, but keep an eye on the calendar. If you are pressed for time, the DB will settle for just the freelance. No fee for this one.

"The Mages Guild has come to us for a bit of messy business..." or "We have the Mages Guild for a client again..." (any rep): a standard dungeon crawl. The dialogue tells you that the target has magical stuff that you can keep, but this usually isn't the case. Be prepared for a spellcaster, but you'll get no fee.

"Here's a rather amusing accounting that may appeal to your morbid sense of humor..." (rep 10 or more): the target is a Bard with poor taste in song lyrics. A standard dungeon crawl.

"The Brotherhood prides itself on always knowing where each Brother is at all times..." or "As you know, no one ever leaves the Dark Brotherhood..." (rep 10 or more): go talk to the cousin. The cousin's clue should forewarn you that you're dealing with a vampire (if it doesn't, I'm telling you that you're dealing with a vampire). A standard dungeon crawl, otherwise.

"...a caddish knight has besmeared the honor of a fair damsel and refuses to fight any who would defend her..." (rep 20 or more): a standard dungeon crawl with a Knight as your target.

"...You are growing arrogant, egotistical, and vain. It's wonderful to see..." (rep 30 or more): you are to account a Mage (a Sorcerer, usually), but he's not in a dungeon. Instead he's at a Mages Guildhall in another town. Allegedly he has buddies, but all I've ever run into is the target. Of course, I've never taken this one while the Guildhall was actually open, so that may have something to do with it.

"We have an anonymous job for you..." (rep 30 or more): the target is in a town (usually in the Palace). Sometimes he has buddies. Success will usually boost your rep with the nobility in that province.

"This little excursion is not for just anyone..." (rep 40 or more): the target (a Knight) is in a Palace. Success will usually boost your rep with the nobility in that province.

"We have an interesting job available.... A high ranking member of the Thieves Guild..." (rep 50 or more): this one is a little difficult because the target moves around quite a bit. Utilize the Spymaster to get the skinny on where the target is and at what time. If you time it right, you can get the target without any buddies.

"This could be a tough one, even for you..." (rep 60 or more): your target is a warrior with a limp (actually a vampire). Can be a tough fight for low-level characters.

Temple Quests


Non-Member Quests:

"The best way to get in good with the temple is to heal someone..." or "...I might be able to speak favorably of you if you were to find a way to cure someone I know..." (any rep): you need to find a cure for a sick person. Ask around town and you'll be given the name of an alchemist. You will need 20 gold pieces to purchase the cure. Deliver it to the sick person, but don't "use" it.

"...A house over in <town> is being haunted by some sort of undead..." (any rep): it's usually a Wraith, but could be any minor undead critter (no vampires or liches).

"...A brazen thief stole a <item> from the temple..." (any rep): ask around town to find out where the thief is. Be careful of false location rumors.

"Blessings upon you, <PC>, even though you are a heathen and do not patronize our temple..." (any rep): deliver the religious item. You'll get a thug or two every once in a while on this one.


Member Quests:


"A house over in <town> is being haunted by some sort of undead..." (any rep): a minor undead. No biggie.

"...You may have heard of <prophet>..." or "It falls upon us to investigate the claims of <prophet>..." (any rep): a confusing quest, at best, with many possible outcomes. It also tends to hang up a lot on my system. Save the game after accepting the quest and follow the instructions that come up for you. Sometimes it involves dungeon crawling, sometimes not.

"Would you be willing to assist in an exorcism..." or "...a local knight, has entreated us to help his ward, who has been showing signs of daedric possession..." (any rep): talk to the guardian AND ward before getting the item. Sometimes it's a legitimate possession (a Daedroth, which means you need Mithril or better weapons); sometimes it's a scam to get the item from you. If it's a scam, you'll need to hunt down the guardian to get the item back.

"...one of our clerics...has disappeared while on an archeological dig..." or "...I fear that one of our noblest scholars...has disappeared..." (any rep): a standard dungeon crawl.

"...one of our priests has gone off his nut..." or "...Could be that he got into <temple> wine cellars again..." (any rep): standard dungeon crawl except that you'll need to bop the priest in order to retrieve him. Use a cheesy weapon or Hand-to-Hand to get him to stop attacking you.

"...I have a dangerous mission for you. I will tell you up front it involves slaying a rather powerful undead creature..." (any rep): it's usually a minor undead, but high-level characters should be prepared for high-level undead. You'll probably have to do this twice since the quest giver doesn't always tell you that you have to take the Holy Water to another priest to put the final blessing on it. A standard dungeon crawl, otherwise.

"...The temple has come into the possession of an evil, magical weapon long sought by the orcs..." (rep 10 or more): pretty much a standard dungeon crawl except there is a fairly severe penalty for not delivering the item within the prescribed time limits and having to fight Orcs along the way.

"They tell me that you are quite loyal to the temple. I need you to perform a vital task for us..." (rep 10 or more) and (rep 20 or more) identical quests: standard dungeon crawl -- retrieve the ingredient.

"...<temple> needs you to run an errand for us..." (rep 10 or more): deliver the religious item (same as the non-member quest, above).

"...<temple> needs you for a dangerous mission to retrieve one of the lost <items> of <god>..." (rep 10 or more): standard dungeon crawl, except you're going up against a lich (Mithril or better weapons to hit). You get a magic item as your reward.

"...<god> has prophesied a great evil growing in the heart of a nearby dungeon..." (rep between 30 and 39): standard dungeon crawl, but be prepared to fight a Daedra Seducer (Mithril weapons or better to hit).


Temple-Specific Member Quests:


Julianos: "We have but one rule at the School of Julianos -- knowledge is to be shared..." (any rep): standard dungeon crawl with a Nightblade as your target.

Akatosh: "If you are, by chance, looking for work, an easy <number> gold pieces..." (any rep): a standard dungeon crawl.

Arkay: "...There's a desecrated temple nearby called <dungeon>..." (any rep): your target is a werecritter. Standard dungeon crawl, otherwise.

Dibella: "One of the more important functions of the House of Dibella is the preservation of great works of art..." or "In over four thousand years of high civilization in Tamriel..." (any rep): retrieve an icon from the contact. Maybe you'll get a couple of bully boys, but usually not.

Kynareth: "Our order demands retribution on a former member..." or "The Goddess has spoken to us in our auguries..." (any rep): a standard dungeon crawl.

Mara: “...would you be prepared to destroy an unclean spirit that is haunting one of our sacred shrines?” (any rep): standard dungeon crawl. You're usually looking for a Ghost.

Stendarr: "Our healer needs some sort of a special plant..." (any rep): travel to the alchemist and pick up the ingredient. No gold for this one.

Zenithar: "...It's a messy little affair, involving punishing a thief..." (any rep): standard dungeon crawl.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 946

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